2021-2022 Nova Southeastern

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Any movement today?

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Just got an email saying that they are going over the WL and they asked if I'm still interested in being on the WL. Did anyone else get this?
Just got an email saying that they are going over the WL and they asked if I'm still interested in being on the WL. Did anyone else get this?
Yes but I received a call from the office. She told me that they will try to make decisions by the end of the week.
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Imagine getting accepted and never knowing because it was in your junk mail 💀
I will say I literally also almost didn't see my acceptance because it went to junk so DEFINITELY check your junk mail or check CYMS!
Does anyone know if NSU uses real cadavers or not? I think I heard that their DO program doesn't but I haven't really seen anything about MD students. I'm assuming they also do not use cadavers but wanted to see if someone actually knows the answer.
When is orientation, first day of class, and white coat? Haven’t received the email with all the info yet!

Also I’m still waiting to be let in the social gc’s. Anyone who got recently accepted want to room together or need a roommate? PM me 🙂
When is orientation, first day of class, and white coat? Haven’t received the email with all the info yet!

Also I’m still waiting to be let in the social gc’s. Anyone who got recently accepted want to room together or need a roommate? PM me 🙂
Orientation is the first two weeks, it’s a block called professional immersion. The first mandatory event is our meet and greet on July 24. White coat is tentatively scheduled for Aug 27.
This means Admissions office is in chaos. Jamie is gone and it is a mess
I never heard from NSU one way or another, didn’t even get a secondary and I just got a secondary. I assume this is an error (nbd I’m already committed to another school).
Today, June 24th, 2022, an email with the subject "NSU College of Allopathic Medicine, Secondary Application" was sent from us. This email was sent in error due to your participation in the 2021-2022 application cycle and should be disregarded.
If you are a participant in 2022-2023 application cycle, a new email will be sent.

We apologize for inconvenience.
Secondary application support team. "
Does anyone have any news? Is the class full? Any more acceptances to be had?

For those of you just recently accepted…my heartfelt congratulations!! You survived the application process and came out the other side successful 🙂
Does anyone have any news? Is the class full? Any more acceptances to be had?

For those of you just recently accepted…my heartfelt congratulations!! You survived the application process and came out the other side successful 🙂

Not sure, I haven’t heard!
Unless someone drops out between now and the start of class in two weeks, the class is full
Has anybody on the waitlist received a rejection from Nova? If the class is full, why haven’t they sent out rejections?