2021-2022 Rowan (Cooper)

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Plain-spoken Texan
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Jan 21, 2016
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

Members don't see this ad.
OOS (but grew up in NJ) secondary received today, was verified day 1.
Members don't see this ad :)
Just received secondary, IS.

Here are the questions: (slightly diff from last year)

Please write a personal mission statement for yourself as a student at CMSRU. How will CMSRU help you fulfill your mission? (1500 characters)

Please describe your anticipated educational, employment, volunteer or other activities between completing your AMCAS application and matriculating to medical school. (1500 char)

Describe a challenging situation you faced and what you did to address it. (1500 char)

Please reflect on your experience during the Covid-19 Pandemic. (1500 char)
For the COVID-19 question, do you think they want us to talk about how it affected our app or just how our view of medicine changed?
Just received secondary, IS.

Here are the questions: (slightly diff from last year)

Please write a personal mission statement for yourself as a student at CMSRU. How will CMSRU help you fulfill your mission? (1500 characters)

Please describe your anticipated educational, employment, volunteer or other activities between completing your AMCAS application and matriculating to medical school. (1500 char)

Describe a challenging situation you faced and what you did to address it. (1500 char)

Please reflect on your experience during the Covid-19 Pandemic. (1500 char)
Does a "personal mission statement" use a different format or language than your typical "why us" essay?
I asked them and they said they screened secondaries
Members don't see this ad :)
I am pretty sure we were screened out
I emailed them and they basically said they screen holistically for secondary and if we haven't gotten one, we will get a decision (most likely an R) in the spring.
Hi all!! Looking for an opinion -- I applied to Rowan DO this cycle (secondary submitted), not realizing that they had both an MD and a DO program. Do you think it'll be a bad look to apply for both? I'm OOS, but in the area, and a good stats/mission fit for the MD school based on MSAR data.
Hi all!! Looking for an opinion -- I applied to Rowan DO this cycle (secondary submitted), not realizing that they had both an MD and a DO program. Do you think it'll be a bad look to apply for both? I'm OOS, but in the area, and a good stats/mission fit for the MD school based on MSAR data.
I'm wondering too!!
I'm wondering too!!
so I applied to MD, but haven't gotten a secondary and they screen not based on academics but holistically. not sure what the process is, but unless you are from the area, I wouldn't apply. I didn't know this before so I applied, and never got the secondary
so I applied to MD, but haven't gotten a secondary and they screen not based on academics but holistically. not sure what the process is, but unless you are from the area, I wouldn't apply. I didn't know this before so I applied, and never got the secondary
I am OOS and I got a secondary for both the MD and DO schools, just n = 1.
Hi all!! Looking for an opinion -- I applied to Rowan DO this cycle (secondary submitted), not realizing that they had both an MD and a DO program. Do you think it'll be a bad look to apply for both? I'm OOS, but in the area, and a good stats/mission fit for the MD school based on MSAR data.
I don't think it'll look bad, I think you should go for it. I believe I fit the mission and I got the secondary OOS.
Hi all!! Looking for an opinion -- I applied to Rowan DO this cycle (secondary submitted), not realizing that they had both an MD and a DO program. Do you think it'll be a bad look to apply for both? I'm OOS, but in the area, and a good stats/mission fit for the MD school based on MSAR data.
Totally separate schools, so it won't look like anything!! Go for it!! 🙂
gt the secondary from both schools, also out of state. if you fit the mission of the MD apply! if ya want the DO school, apply as well!
so I applied to MD, but haven't gotten a secondary and they screen not based on academics but holistically. not sure what the process is, but unless you are from the area, I wouldn't apply. I didn't know this before so I applied, and never got the secondary
I’m a Cooper M1 from out of state! There are plenty of out of state people. If you fit the mission, definitely apply!
I’m a Cooper M1 from out of state! There are plenty of out of state people. If you fit the mission, definitely apply!
I applied, but haven't gotten a secondary from them yet... so I'm assuming its an R.
I applied, but haven't gotten a secondary from them yet... so I'm assuming its an R.
I think they may screen for service, but I’m not sure if this is true or what bar they set. Tough to say 🙁 All of this is such a crapshoot! But honestly it’s still so early in the cycle… I didn’t get any interviews until early January. So don’t count yourself out!
I applied, but haven't gotten a secondary from them yet... so I'm assuming its an R.

I think they may screen for service, but I’m not sure if this is true or what bar they set. Tough to say 🙁 All of this is such a crapshoot! But honestly it’s still so early in the cycle… I didn’t get any interviews until early January. So don’t count yourself out!

I added them last week after posting and haven't received one either -- not sure what they're screening for 🙁 I have thousands of hours each in clinical volunteering, research, and non-clinical volunteering, so if it's service then the bar is very, very high (I did know they were service-oriented so that's why I thought I'd be a good mission fit).
I added them last week after posting and haven't received one either -- not sure what they're screening for 🙁 I have thousands of hours each in clinical volunteering, research, and non-clinical volunteering, so if it's service then the bar is very, very high (I did know they were service-oriented so that's why I thought I'd be a good mission fit).
If I recall correctly, there were some people last cycle who received secondaries a while after submitting primaries. I also know some emailed the adcom and they forwarded a secondary.
If I recall correctly, there were some people last cycle who received secondaries a while after submitting primaries. I also know some emailed the adcom and they forwarded a secondary.

See, I'm torn between premed neuroticism of "all secondaries have to be in by labor day or else they're late and you don't stand a chance" (particularly as a non-trad, I feel like I need to give myself the best shot possible), and giving schools a chance to actually review for the screen.
See, I'm torn between premed neuroticism of "all secondaries have to be in by labor day or else they're late and you don't stand a chance" (particularly as a non-trad, I feel like I need to give myself the best shot possible), and giving schools a chance to actually review for the screen.
My advice is to not worry about things beyond your control. If for whatever reason they screen you out, you just saved some money and it wasn't happening anyway. If they are delayed in getting the secondary to you, and they are interested in you, they are not going to hold not being complete by the arbitrary SDN deadline against you.

The "best shot possible" would have been to have transmitted the primary to them on 6/25, but that is entirely unnecessary, for everyone. You're fine. Give it some time.

We are at the peak of the cycle now, and you just submitted your primary last week. Look at it like this -- you waited two months to submit your primary, and now you're anxious because they didn't turn their screen around in a week. Does that seem reasonable to you?
My advice is to not worry about things beyond your control. If for whatever reason they screen you out, you just saved some money and it wasn't happening anyway. If they are delayed in getting the secondary to you, and they are interested in you, they are not going to hold not being complete by the arbitrary SDN deadline against you.

The "best shot possible" would have been to have transmitted the primary to them on 6/25, but that is entirely unnecessary, for everyone. You're fine. Give it some time.

We are at the peak of the cycle now, and you just submitted your primary last week. Look at it like this -- you waited two months to submit your primary, and now you're anxious because they didn't turn their screen around in a week. Does that seem reasonable to you?

Lots of assumptions made here, but I'll bite anyways -- I'm not going to call or contact the admissions office, because I agree with you. What will be, will be.

It is relatively early in the admissions cycle still. If I receive a secondary, I'll likely submit it. If I receive a secondary in say.. October, I may be less inclined 🙂
Lots of assumptions made here, but I'll bite anyways -- I'm not going to call or contact the admissions office, because I agree with you. What will be, will be.

It is relatively early in the admissions cycle still. If I receive a secondary, I'll likely submit it. If I receive a secondary in say.. October, I may be less inclined 🙂
I'd go a step further. Most schools don't do secondary screens at all. For whatever reason, they do. Just let them do their thing.

Even if it's October (it won't be! 🙂), if they send it to you after a screen, it's by definition not too late to return it. If you are interested in the school, don't spite yourself on account of generalized SDN wisdom and automatically think it is too late. It won't be, not in your case, at this school.
Lots of assumptions made here, but I'll bite anyways -- I'm not going to call or contact the admissions office, because I agree with you. What will be, will be.

It is relatively early in the admissions cycle still. If I receive a secondary, I'll likely submit it. If I receive a secondary in say.. October, I may be less inclined 🙂
I'd go a step further. Most schools don't do secondary screens at all. For whatever reason, they do. Just let them do their thing.

Even if it's October (it won't be! 🙂), if they send it to you after a screen, it's by definition not too late to return it. If you are interested in the school, don't spite yourself on account of generalized SDN wisdom and automatically think it is too late. It won't be, not in your case, at this school.
For what it’s worth, I added this school in October and ended up getting in. So I agree that it’s not too late if they send you a secondary after a screen.
Has anyone applied to their MD/PhD program? I'm a bit lost on their PhD application process. Not sure I should be waiting for a med school interview first, and then going through the trouble of the PhD app cycle?
To those who have interviewed already, did they tell you ahead of time who you are interviewing with?
How was your interview experience with Cooper? This is my first interview, and I'm pretty nervous...
I thought it was pretty low-key! I had two interviewers at once - one blind (had not seen my file) and one not blind (knew my file). Just make sure you remember that the blind person doesn't know anything about you when you're explaining your story, so remember to be clear. It's an important skill to be able to sell yourself! It's normal to be nervous, but you'll be fine - remember these interviewers are just normal people 🙂