2020-2021 Rowan (Cooper)

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Does anyone know if Cooper accepts letters of intent post-interview?

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Congratulations on your acceptance.

Question: Have you received your financial aid from the school or do you know when it will be sent? Thx
I'm OOS, didn't even do FAFSA yet. Still hoping to get into an IS school tbh.
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What are the odds of people on non-priority WL making it off? Any ideas if that's happened historically? Priority WL probably have nothing to worry about, everyone on that probably makes it off
Just got the waitlist email. 10:36am EST. Disappointed because it’s my first choice, but still holding on to hope! Probably no waitlist movement until at least May 1, right?

Edit: From past years' SDN pages, seems like the first date waitlisted people heard back was April 30.
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Just got the waitlist email. 10:36am EST. Disappointed because it’s my first choice, but still holding on to hope! Probably no waitlist movement until at least May 1, right?
Yup same here - waitlist, and first choice lol. But yea I think early May is when they said it starts to move. Does Cooper do high-priority WL and regular tho? Or is it just one?
Sorry if this is a dumb question but where can accepted students pay the $100 deposit?
Does anyone know how many people they place on priority waitlist vs. regular waitlist?
Any tips for the interview? I have one tomorrow!
Any tips for the interview? I have one tomorrow!
It's very relaxed, 2 interviewers, one knows your app the other is blind. It was very casual, just know your app and prepare for the standard questions like why Cooper/Camden, why medicine, etc. It helps to keep in mind the school is very mission-based.
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Sorry if this is a dumb question but where can accepted students pay the $100 deposit?
Was confused too dw 🙂 On your interview portal, there's a tab about your Banner ID. Click "get banner ID" or whatever, and then a tab to pay will be added to your portal. It may take a few days.
Was confused too dw 🙂 On your interview portal, there's a tab about your Banner ID. Click "get banner ID" or whatever, and then a tab to pay will be added to your portal. It may take a few days.
Ah thank you so much that makes sense!
Hi. I am an IS applicant and have received interviews from schools like NJMS, RWJMS, and Hackensack Meridian but heard nothing from Cooper since submitting my secondary in July. I have submitted other update emails since but still no response. Is this the case for anyone else as well?
Hi. I am an IS applicant and have received interviews from schools like NJMS, RWJMS, and Hackensack Meridian but heard nothing from Cooper since submitting my secondary in July. I have submitted other update emails since but still no response. Is this the case for anyone else as well?
Hey! Just a heads up - their last interview was 3/12 🙁
When was that? I find it really weird that they haven't emailed back the rest of the applicants that the cycle is closed then if that's the case.
I interviewed 3/12, but someone else reported receiving an email saying the cycle was closed earlier on in the thread.
+1. Kind of crazy how these schools had pretty much zero regard for delays due to covid that people faced this past cycle.
+1 Just received cycle closed email. after not hearing anything for months it was really upsetting but what else can we do. good luck to everyone else on the WL!!!
Cooper's median acceptance stats (both GPA and MCAT) increased on the updated MSAR
Looking for advice. Should I stay on the waitlist here or just commit to enroll at Drexel where I was already accepted?
I don't know how many people get off the regular WL but from my year (class of 2024) and the year before me (class of 2023), I know that they took everyone off the priority WL and moved into the regular WL. One of my classmates was accepted off the regular WL in July 2020 (one month before classes started). They were IS.
Is cooper following the April 30 commit to enroll date? I know other schools have a different one , but I can’t seem to find cooper
If anyone needs a place to look at for moving in, I have a suggestion! Message me b/c I want that sweet move-in money lmao. And I've lived there, my whole time here, included utilities, great place. Probably will even stay as resident