2021-2022 Rowan (Cooper)

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Can anyone else who has interviewed please provide more insight into what it was like? Especially balancing talking to two interviewers at once. Was it mostly traditional interview type questions? Conversational/informal or more structured?

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Got in earlier today. IS, LM 73, strong ties. Best of luck to everyone, and know that my friend with similar stats got in off the waitlist in May a few years ago so don't give up.
Yeah I was waitlisted in early March and got off the waitlist in early May! WL isn't a death sentence at this school by any means.
For those accepted, can you post when you were complete and when you got the II? Is it a soft R if you were complete around early/mid August and haven't received an II?
For those accepted, can you post when you were complete and when you got the II? Is it a soft R if you were complete around early/mid August and haven't received an II?
no way is it a soft R! There are so many applications to get through and it's SO early in the cycle right now! Keep your head up king/queen ! <3
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For the offer response, is "I accept the offer to Cooper Medical School of Rowan University" the committing to enroll thing? Apologies if a silly question, obviously early to commit to a school, so I just want to make sure I don't do the wrong thing here
For the offer response, is "I accept the offer to Cooper Medical School of Rowan University" the committing to enroll thing? Apologies if a silly question, obviously early to commit to a school, so I just want to make sure I don't do the wrong thing here
Also wondering this because they recommend that we pay the deposit but I can’t seem to find where we do that. Maybe the option only appears after you “accept?” I just don’t want to accidentally commit to a school this early.
For the offer response, is "I accept the offer to Cooper Medical School of Rowan University" the committing to enroll thing? Apologies if a silly question, obviously early to commit to a school, so I just want to make sure I don't do the wrong thing here
It's just to hold the spot. I know the language is confusing but once you click accept and click the banner ID button you'll be taken to the deposit page.
does anyone know if there is a priority waitlist and regular this year? or just regular waitlist
Does this school send rejections, or is silence considered rejection? Applied to this school back in July but haven’t heard anything yet
Does this school send rejections, or is silence considered rejection? Applied to this school back in July but haven’t heard anything yet
????? Their deadline to complete an application is 12/15, so you have to assume that silence before that date is nothing more than silence. Even if they have already looked at you and put you aside, they can always come back to you at any time and give you an II.

TBH, silence, everywhere, is NOT a rejection until such time as they stop issuing IIs. This can vary from sometime in December through sometime in March or April, depending on the school. Until then, as nerve wracking as it is, there really is nothing to do except wait and maybe send updates, if they are receptive. Cooper does NOT want updates unless you are placed on the WL post-II.
waitlisted OOS interviewed 10/22

They say the interviews are conversational but mine wasn't at all kinda seemed like an interrogation with my interviewers just firing question after question. Seems like a strict 30-minute interview too. Pretty rushed. Good luck all
Does this school silent reject?
Exactly what do you mean by that? To me, that means they never reject you, and you are just supposed to take the hint when classes begin and you still haven't heard. I don't think that's what you're talking about, however.

The simple answer is that the really good schools don't leave you hanging, and let you know as soon as they have made a decision, even if it's 5 minutes after your file is complete. Those schools are far and few between. Many, if not most, schools hold off on sending out Rs until they are done sending out IIs, or even until after they are done sending out As, which isn't until at least May or June for most schools. This really isn't a silent R any more than a school that doesn't do rolling admissions has silent As, or silent WLs. If they communicate it eventually, it isn't silent, even if they don't communicate it as soon as a decision is made.

If you haven't heard from a school, it either means: (i) you haven't been reviewed yet; (ii) have been rejected but not yet told; or (iii) have been put on hold to possibly be looked at again after they have gone through the entire pool once. If Rs have gone out and you haven't received one, you're either in bucket (ii) or (iii). If no Rs have gone out yet, you can be in any bucket.

Bottom line -- silent Rs are rare, and don't happen until the end of the cycle. Regular Rs happen throughout, and, of course, have already happened at every school by now, even though most schools have not communicated them yet. There honestly is no way to know in the beginning of November unless you have been told, so there is nothing to be gained by worrying about it. Just try to hang in and be patient. Other than the rare superstars, the rest of us are all in the same boat.
Exactly what do you mean by that? To me, that means they never reject you, and you are just supposed to take the hint when classes begin and you still haven't heard. I don't think that's what you're talking about, however.

The simple answer is that the really good schools don't leave you hanging, and let you know as soon as they have made a decision, even if it's 5 minutes after your file is complete. Those schools are far and few between. Many, if not most, schools hold off on sending out Rs until they are done sending out IIs, or even until after they are done sending out As, which isn't until at least May or June for most schools. This really isn't a silent R any more than a school that doesn't do rolling admissions has silent As, or silent WLs. If they communicate it eventually, it isn't silent, even if they don't communicate it as soon as a decision is made.

If you haven't heard from a school, it either means: (i) you haven't been reviewed yet; (ii) have been rejected but not yet told; or (iii) have been put on hold to possibly be looked at again after they have gone through the entire pool once. If Rs have gone out and you haven't received one, you're either in bucket (ii) or (iii). If no Rs have gone out yet, you can be in any bucket.

Bottom line -- silent Rs are rare, and don't happen until the end of the cycle. Regular Rs happen throughout, and, of course, have already happened at every school by now, even though most schools have not communicated them yet. There honestly is no way to know in the beginning of November unless you have been told, so there is nothing to be gained by worrying about it. Just try to hang in and be patient. Other than the rare superstars, the rest of us are all in the same boat.
Only Meharry does Ghost Silent Rejections.
II just now. Complete in mid September
I believe so. If not, then I just wasted my afternoon today
Is there a high priority waitlist, or is it just one big waitlist? My email just says "At this time, based on the decision of the Admissions Committee, you have been placed on our Waitlist for acceptance"
According to my interviewer, there is a high priority waitlist and the email will say if you’re on the high priority vs the regular waitlist.
Wow, great to hear that they are still extending interviews per what I see on this forum. When does their committee usually meets to make decisions? Also wondering, people that have received interview invitations that will be held post Thanksgiving, what are the chances for acceptance? Cooper class size is small, is it for the waitlist mostly? Nerve racking process
Haha, why would they send interview invites post-Thanksgiving, if there weren't seats available for acceptance? The admissions committee communicated to me there will be seats available/saved until March.
Haha, why would they send interview invites post-Thanksgiving, if there weren't seats available for acceptance? The admissions committee communicated to me there will be seats available/saved until
Haha, why would they send interview invites post-Thanksgiving, if there weren't seats available for acceptance? The admissions committee communicated to me there will be seats available/saved until March.
Good to hear and very hopeful. Of course I understand, was only debating in my mind considering the small class size. Taking a deep breath in and out. Keeping fingers crossed for everyone waiting ❤️
Waitlisted today but hopeful! Can anyone confirm whether there is a high priority waitlist and if you’d be informed if you were on it?
So I guess people complete around July or August who haven't heard back are screwed, huh? Either that or they're interviewing higher stat pool applicants first and then they'll move down the rungs once all the applications are in.
So I guess people complete around July or August who haven't heard back are screwed, huh? Either that or they're interviewing higher stat pool applicants first and then they'll move down the rungs once all the applications are in.
Not necessarily.

Every school has its own way of stratifying applicants. Yes, higher stat people tend to receive a higher review priority, but not always, and not at every school.

No one is screwed, no matter when they were complete, until the school stops sending out IIs. That's going to begin to happen at some schools in the next few weeks, and then continue to roll out to all schools through the winter and into the early spring. In the beginning of December, though, very few, if any, schools are done sending out IIs.

Cooper is clearly not yet done, but the fact that they are now scheduling IIs into February indicates they are probably getting close. Good luck!
Not necessarily.

Every school has its own way of stratifying applicants. Yes, higher stat people tend to receive a higher review priority, but not always, and not at every school.

No one is screwed, no matter when they were complete, until the school stops sending out IIs. That's going to begin to happen at some schools in the next few weeks, and then continue to roll out to all schools through the winter and into the early spring. In the beginning of December, though, very few, if any, schools are done sending out IIs.

Cooper is clearly not yet done, but the fact that they are now scheduling IIs into February indicates they are probably getting close. Good luck!
Do you know when historically Cooper was completely done sending II’s?
Do you know when historically Cooper was completely done sending II’s?
Most schools don't publish this information, so we have to rely on what has been reported in the past in places like SDN. Last year, people reported receiving an e-mail on February 10th telling them that Cooper is done with interviews.

When you think about it, it makes sense that they would wait until they are totally done interviewing, since people could still receive IIs many weeks after the school plans to be done sending them out, if people cancel at the last minute. It happens, even now with virtual interviewing. Especially with schools that are not T20.