2022-2023 East Tennessee (Quillen)

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I'm am very interested in knowing this
Based on past years, it appears that they send out decisions every other Thursday. Pretty sure that tomorrow will be an "every other" Thursday, so fingers crossed for some good news!

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I interviewed on 10/17 and I am pretty sure one of the admissions members mentioned a adcom decisions meeting happening right at the start of November, suggesting that we may hear something in a week, i.e. Thursday November 3rd
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I interviewed on 10/17 and I am pretty sure one of the admissions members mentioned a adcom decisions meeting happening right at the start of November, suggesting that we may here something in a week, i.e. Thursday November 3rd

My counting must have been off then haha. Thank you!
II for mid January! was complete 8/12
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Anyone else interviewing tomorrow and not have that zoom link/info email we were supposed to get "this morning"? I know they said to email/call the morning of if we still don't have it but I'm getting nervous
When I interviewed they never sent it to me. I just emailed them and they got back super quick.
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They just made a Facebook page for accepted applicants! Also got the email about the open house itinerary this morning
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I'm interviewing in early January, anyone has any tips or insights on the interview that they want to share?
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How long after the interview do people usually hear back? I interviewed mid October and was just curious
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Good luck to everyone expecting to hear something tomorrow! I can already feel my anxiety rising haha
Good luck to everyone expecting to hear something tomorrow! I can already feel my anxiety rising haha

Wishing everyone the best of luck. Can’t wait to get to meet some more new classmates!! :)
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Got an II for February this morning. Completed 10/6/22.
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II this morning for February as well! Complete 9/23!
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Just got placed on active hold this morning after interviewing 10/17. Anyone know what the turnover rate from the waitlist is like?
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Got the call at 12:45 today. First acceptance and beyond excited
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Just got placed on active hold this morning after interviewing 10/17. Anyone know what the turnover rate from the waitlist is like?
I’d also like to know about how many people are accepted after being put on active hold. I interviewed in September but I’ve been on active hold since like the first week of October.
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I'm interviewing in early January, anyone has any tips or insights on the interview that they want to share?
Seriously be yourself and authentic, its the most laid back interview I've ever encountered. When you find out your interviewer have some questions for them that can pertain to the school, area, or just the interviewer. Know what you could provide for the school and why you want to go here (cannot stress enough).
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I personally did not have a laid back interview. My interviewer was very obviously trying to throw me off and test me under pressure. I was literally asked a series of 5 random biochem/physio factoid questions following a random hypothetical question. I was asked about other schools I applied to, if this was my first interview or not, if it was my favorite interview... it was extremely unnerving and stressful. Not conversational at ALL. That being said this school is in my top 2 so... I hope I did well... even though I had a very negative experience.
They just posted the admissions profile up until 11/10. Only 39 people have been accepted so far.
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They just posted the admissions profile up until 11/10. Only 39 people have been accepted so far.
I'm gonna throw up.

Last year the accepted/interviewed was 45%. So far this year it's 30%. Are they just pickier at first? Or does that just show a lot of people get pulled from the WL?
I'm gonna throw up.

Last year the accepted/interviewed was 45%. So far this year it's 30%. Are they just pickier at first? Or does that just show a lot of people get pulled from the WL?
Both these statements are probably true but who knows.
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A little late to SDN but I got a II for early January last month, any tips?
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anyone going to the open house next weekend? what should we wear??
What's the difference between acceptance offered to acceptance received? Are those people who have committed their choice?
anyone going to the open house next weekend? what should we wear??
I could not find any information out about this online. Is it invite only? I have an II and would like to tour since I won't be able to in a virtual interview.
What's the difference between acceptance offered to acceptance received? Are those people who have committed their choice?
As of right now it means nothing because you cannot fully commit yet in the CYMS tool. That value will not hold much merit until nearer to April i think
I could not find any information out about this online. Is it invite only? I have an II and would like to tour since I won't be able to in a virtual interview.
I got an invitation after my interview! Not sure if they will be doing another one but I would imagine they will at least have other opportunities to tour
I got an invitation after my interview! Not sure if they will be doing another one but I would imagine they will at least have other opportunities to tour
They said they’re doing another one in the Spring
Got put on active hold. :( I don't really understand what this means... It's not even being waitlisted right? It's like worse than waitlisted but better than rejected? UGH.
Got put on active hold. :( I don't really understand what this means... It's not even being waitlisted right? It's like worse than waitlisted but better than rejected? UGH.
Active hold is just their version of being waitlisted
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Got put on active hold. :( I don't really understand what this means... It's not even being waitlisted right? It's like worse than waitlisted but better than rejected? UGH.
I was put on active hold before being accepted :)
Still on active hold after interviewing 9/14. I want to go to the open house on Saturday, but I don't know if it'll just make me sad lol
I feel like it would potentially help your app to go to show you really care