2023-2024 Tennessee

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I also wanted to ask, after interviewing, how long has it taken to get decisions? Is there a huge range, or is it typically within a week or two?
I had my interview on a Wednesday and got the A call the following Monday. They say two weeks but I think a lot of people hear back within a week.

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anyone had/having trouble logging into their uthsc email and/or net id?
I also wanted to ask, after interviewing, how long has it taken to get decisions? Is there a huge range, or is it typically within a week or two?

in the interview they told us 2-3 weeks but i heard back 6 days later! definitely think it’s more around 1 week, usually hearing back sometime in the week after your interview seems like
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Recieved an ii today. Do you think they are mostly interviewing for waitlist at this point?
for everyone who was accepted/plans to attend - is there anything we have to do to secure our spot besides complete the checklist?
for everyone who was accepted/plans to attend - is there anything we have to do to secure our spot besides complete the checklist?
I don't believe so -- I know we don't have to pay a deposit (aside from the 75$ application fee) but not aware of any process to officially accept a spot aside from the AMCAS tool in April.
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Has anyone paid the $75 application fee or gotten the scholarship application to work?
Do you guys know if you are going to work with students at Baptist University College of Osteopathic Medicine while in medical school?
Has anyone paid the $75 application fee or gotten the scholarship application to work?
I poked admissions about this last week and they said information about the scholarship application will be sent out towards the end of February -- they didn't give a specific date but I would assume at some point in the next ~week or so we will hear more there
I poked admissions about this last week and they said information about the scholarship application will be sent out towards the end of February -- they didn't give a specific date but I would assume at some point in the next ~week or so we will hear more there
awesome, thank you!
For people who have gotten decisions, when do they typically send out emails? In the morning or later towards the afternoon? I’ve been checking my email like crazy and want to figure out when I should stop checking for the day or what time to expect any word if it’s the day.
For people who have gotten decisions, when do they typically send out emails? In the morning or later towards the afternoon? I’ve been checking my email like crazy and want to figure out when I should stop checking for the day or what time to expect any word if it’s the day.
They called me two days before I got any email
Made a group me for accepted students since doesn't seem like there is one yet! Please let me know if I'm wrong.
Made a group me for accepted students since doesn't seem like there is one yet! Please let me know if I'm wrong.
There is one in the facebook. You just have to click "all comments" in the first post you see in the facebook. Idk why facebook is hiding the link.
If there are any current students on here willing to answer questions thatd be awesome- (or if anyone has any opinions)
-I did no research in undergrad but want to do research in med school to be competitive for residency. Is it difficult to get involved in research at UT for someone with no research experience? Like are spots limited/competitive?
-Do you feel a large class size is a hindrance or an asset?
Does anyone know if more II are going to be sent out? Or should I just assume a soft R at this point since I haven’t heard anything?
Does anyone know if more II are going to be sent out? Or should I just assume a soft R at this point since I haven’t heard anything?
Think they said they are gonna interview through March? So maybe some time left.
OOS interview last week & placed on alternate list today. I wonder if we were interviewing for WL spots.
If there are any current students on here willing to answer questions thatd be awesome- (or if anyone has any opinions)
-I did no research in undergrad but want to do research in med school to be competitive for residency. Is it difficult to get involved in research at UT for someone with no research experience? Like are spots limited/competitive?
-Do you feel a large class size is a hindrance or an asset?
Current student here. Research is fairly easy to come by here, even with no research experience. Several of my friends who did no undergrad research had no trouble finding a research mentor to work with. I personally like the large class size because you get to meet so many different kinds of people. Definitely dependent on who's in your class, but UT has a pretty great community, and mostly everyone is very friendly. I never feel alone or isolated.
Does anyone know if UTHSC accepts letters of intent or interest post-interview? I know they didn't want any update letter prior to the interview, so just trying to feel things out now 😓
Does anyone know if UTHSC accepts letters of intent or interest post-interview? I know they didn't want any update letter prior to the interview, so just trying to feel things out now 😓
I sent an update letter and 6 hours later got my acceptance call 😂. I doubt the letter changed anything in that short of a time, but they did accept it. I just emailed it to the admissions office in PDF format
Scholarship application is out
Have you been able to complete the "Medicine Scholarship Application" yet? I went to the link that was sent in the email and I can only seem to fill out the general application. Do I have to go somewhere else for the medicine application?
Have you been able to complete the "Medicine Scholarship Application" yet? I went to the link that was sent in the email and I can only seem to fill out the general application. Do I have to go somewhere else for the medicine application?
yea, once you click on a specific scholarship, it says "You will be automatically considered based on your completed General Application"
yea, once you click on a specific scholarship, it says "You will be automatically considered based on your completed General Application"
Eh.. so, it’s simply the general application and nothing else, right?
Eh.. so, it’s simply the general application and nothing else, right?
That's how it seems to me, but the email clearly states that you fill out the medicine application after the general one, but I can't find the medicine application anywhere
Has anyone heard or received any notification about scholarships (need-based or merit)?