2022-2023 East Tennessee (Quillen)

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Just got a post-secondary R. That one stings a bit. I'm a good writer so I don't feel like it was my secondaries... oh well what can you do I suppose?
II yesterday!!!!!! (10/3) Low stats with strong post-bacc and EC’s. OOS. Secondary complete 8/30.
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Did anyone receive an open house invite “as a competitive applicant” but no secondary yet?
Received open house invite and interviewed 9/15 (also if you haven’t received the open house invite do not become worried, people seem to be getting these
in no certain order or batch)
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How many people who got put on active hold pre-October 15th got in last year? I am hoping against hope it means they just call me with an A, but I have fears that will not be the case. Really down in the dumps today with getting that email
How many people who got put on active hold pre-October 15th got in last year? I am hoping against hope it means they just call me with an A, but I have fears that will not be the case. Really down in the dumps today with getting that email

From my knowledge, active hold (pre-oct. 17th) doesn’t give you a certain date. It just means that your application has been reviewed and is ready for a decision (aka on oct. 17th you can be accepted, waitlisted, or rejected) so don’t think that getting the active hold means your waitlisted! Nothing is certain yet!

edit: again this this my understanding of the meaning, I do not know for certain this is just from asking people and reading from the past threads.
From my knowledge, active hold (pre-oct. 17th) doesn’t give you a certain date. It just means that your application has been reviewed and is ready for a decision (aka on oct. 17th you can be accepted, waitlisted, or rejected) so don’t think that getting the active hold means your waitlisted! Nothing is certain yet!

edit: again this this my understanding of the meaning, I do not know for certain this is just from asking people and reading from the past threads.
Hoping you are correct, and that we have A's coming our way. Good luck to all! Thank you for all the research that you have done.
How many people who got put on active hold pre-October 15th got in last year? I am hoping against hope it means they just call me with an A, but I have fears that will not be the case. Really down in the dumps today with getting that email
Current M1. Last year I got put on active hold pre-Oct. 15th, then got the acceptance call on the 15th. My impression was that this was the process for nearly everyone who got an A on the 15th last year.
Current M1. Last year I got put on active hold pre-Oct. 15th, then got the acceptance call on the 15th. My impression was that this was the process for nearly everyone who got an A on the 15th last year.
Is the school as amazing as I think it is? Also, I do not know if I am trying to read to much into tea leaves but I didn't get put on hold until very recently and I interviewed with them a while ago.
Is the school as amazing as I think it is? Also, I do not know if I am trying to read to much into tea leaves but I didn't get put on hold until very recently and I interviewed with them a while ago.
I love it here. Confirmation bias makes it easy to say this, but I can't imagine fitting in quite this well anywhere else.

That said, everything comes down to perspective. Some of the faculty leave a bit to be desired when they teach, but that's true at every school. There are some speed bumps with the new curriculum this year, but that's happened at every school that's ever revised its curriculum. There are times when the material feels completely overwhelming, but every medical student in America feels the same way!

As a non-traditional student who took lots of college classes (I submitted 7 transcripts to AMCAS) and has worked in lots of different jobs, I can confidently say that Quillen is in the top 10% of schools/workplaces where I've spent my time. I feel like the faculty and admin truly care about my success and my well-being, even if I don't always agree with all of their choices or methods.
Anyone still waiting on a call or do y’all think that’s it for acceptances today?
Does anyone know if that means we are just going to stay on hold or if there may be calls later this week?
Have any more calls gone out yet today? I’m so tired of being anxious all the time I wish they would update my status and tell me if I’m still on hold
Have any more calls gone out yet today? I’m so tired of being anxious all the time I wish they would update my status and tell me if I’m still on hold
same. looking at last year's thread, seems committee meets every other Thursday and more are admitted. Waiting game now.
Can any students here speak on how frequent exams are? I know some schools are weekly or biweekly, is that the case here?
Can any students here speak on how frequent exams are? I know some schools are weekly or biweekly, is that the case here?
Under the new curriculum, we have frequent low-stakes assessments and relatively infrequent high-stakes assessments. Low-stakes assessments include a quiz at the beginning of each lecture (~1–3 per day) and a "checkpoint" quiz every Friday/Saturday.

Most of the first semester is a single, basic sciences course called Foundations. In Foundations, all of the daily assessments combined (about 80 total, of which the lowest ~10 are dropped) are worth 20% of your grade. All of the checkpoints combined (10 after dropping 1 lowest) account for 35% of the final grade.

The remaining ~50% of the grade comes from high-stakes assessments (two anatomy lab practicals, a midterm, and a final).

This process is repeated for each systems-based block, but obviously, the number of assessments is proportional to the duration of the block.

Edit: clarified the difference between low- and high-stakes assessments.
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Are we expecting them to do A’s and R’s tomorrow or do they just meet and then wait until Friday or Monday?