2022-2023 East Tennessee (Quillen)

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Is anyone else on the hold list getting anxious as the PTE deadline approaches? I'm nervous that PTE at another school will affect our chances even if Quillen is our top choice. I'm inclined to think that a school will want to accept applicants without other acceptances due to the higher likelihood of them choosing to go there. Hopefully that isn't the case but it's a thought.

Oh, I don't know. I think the door might swing both ways on this point. Perhaps,Quillen may want to lock someone down who is in demand. ( For me, preference for no acceptances and waitlist only candidates at the AAMC might be good since I fir that profile).. Having said all of that and from my research, reading here, and communicating with Quillen and above all else, Quillen seems to be very, very, very interested in the right fit for Quillen's culture and mission. I'd reckon that "fit" is the driver of its selections above all else. Does Quillen believe that the candidate will thrive in and bring value to the culture and otherwise further the mission. If so, that would seem to me to be what will be dispositive. Then again, I might be completely off base. :)

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Oh, I don't know. I think the door might swing both ways on this point. Perhaps,Quillen may want to lock someone down who is in demand. ( For me, preference for no acceptances and waitlist only candidates at the AAMC might be good since I fir that profile).. Having said all of that and from my research, reading here, and communicating with Quillen and above all else, Quillen seems to be very, very, very interested in the right fit for Quillen's culture and mission. I'd reckon that "fit" is the driver of its selections above all else. Does Quillen believe that the candidate will thrive in and bring value to the culture and otherwise further the mission. If so, that would seem to me to be what will be dispositive. Then again, I might be completely off base. :)
yeah, I agree in that from what I know about Quillen, they won’t likely factor that into their decision! But also, if both candidates are on the active hold list which would mean they both fit in with Quillen’s mission and community, then that might be something they consider when offering an acceptance (amongst others I’m sure such as interview, stats, etc).
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Just withdrew my A this afternoon. Wishing everyone the best of luck!
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I JUST GOT THE CALL HOLY CRAP:bigtears: interviewed mid September!
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Here is hoping that Quillen calls tomorrow with good news for us. I am manifesting and praying as hard as I can.:)
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Here is hoping that Quillen calls tomorrow with good news for us. I am manifesting and praying as hard as I can.:)
Agreed! I wish they would update the admissions tracker to give a better indication of where we all stand, but hopefully everyone receives good news soon!
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It’s a Thursday, the date that ETSU seems to call us with good news! Here’s manifesting, hoping, praying and all of it that we get that call today! Hold tight brothers and sisters!
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I JUST GOT THE CALL!!!!! I'm so excited :love::love: I'm OOS and interviewed in Feb.
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Here is hoping that some good news is coming our way from Quillen. Keeping positive and eyes always forward to becoming physicians!.
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Has anyone heard anything from ETSU? Have not seen any emails or the like for a while. Still maintaining hope and optimism and hope all here are as well.
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Well, the update e-mail to those of us who wait came out and think it was a mixed bag were I to be honest. First time, ETSU has said (to paraphrase) be prepared not to attend, but it did suggest that there would be some movement it thought. So …… we can choose optimism and hope that whatever movement there is goes to those of us on this forum actively or passively. Sending out my best vibes and prayers to my brother and sister and otherwise future physician family. Strength.
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Hey, if anyone wants to look, the tracker has been updated today on the ETSU website. It appears the class may be full at this point, but it is difficult to say.
Today is their CTE deadline so the last bit of movement will likely happen this week
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