2023-2024 East Tennessee (Quillen)

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Interviewed early Dec, Lizzy M of 66.1 (507 MCAT & 3.7 GPA w/ 3.5 sGPA), R received yesterday. Really really sucks because ETSU was my #1 choice and I sent a LOI a week before but good luck to everyone else <3
Anyone know how long it takes to hear back after active hold???
It's their version of a wait-list. Could be next week, could be next month, etc. No one can predict how long it'll be. More movement will happen on the list towards the end of the cycle when people commit to other medical schools
It's their version of a wait-list. Could be next week, could be next month, etc. No one can predict how long it'll be. More movement will happen on the list towards the end of the cycle when people commit to other medical schools
Alright thanks
No one knows for sure, but I don't see why they wouldn't. They would be meeting today
I guess the consideration is that they pushed back the January meeting to Feb 1, so I wonder if they pushed their whole schedule back to the first thursday of each month. No clue though.
I guess the consideration is that they pushed back the January meeting to Feb 1, so I wonder if they pushed their whole schedule back to the first thursday of each month. No clue though.
Sound logic. Was told on recent interview that their next meeting was Feb 29th.
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Any tips for interview/ how it is structured? I have mine coming up and really hoping for an A
Any tips for interview/ how it is structured? I have mine coming up and really hoping for an A
Two interviews with a different adcom member each time. They'll let you know who they are about a day before. First interview is really quick, 15 minutes long and they ask set questions to each student. Make sure you practice the length of your answers since this interview is so short -- you don't want to babble on and not have time for them to ask all their questions.

Second interview is up to the interviewer how it goes. Mine, and pretty much all of the reports from students I've seen have said that the second interview was very conversational. Make sure to have questions to ask the second interviewer. The second interview lasts 30 minutes.
I have a question about curriculum/lifestyle at Quillen if there are any current students in this thread (or anyone with an opinion). Do you think the flipped classroom/mandatory classes would take too much of your time and allow less room for extracurriculars/leadership/research?
I have a question about curriculum/lifestyle at Quillen if there are any current students in this thread (or anyone with an opinion). Do you think the flipped classroom/mandatory classes would take too much of your time and allow less room for extracurriculars/leadership/research?
Disclaimer: I am not a student here.

From what I've read/been told, the nature of their attendance policy does, in fact, eat into the time you might use for community service/ volunteering opportunities. Some people like the attendance policy as it keeps you semi-accountable and others see it as a burden. I think the collaborative approach ETSU takes to teaching/learning medicine is overall beneficial, but may come at a cost for those that are more introverted, want to prioritize learning material in their pajamas or volunteer at times that overlap with class.

I'm not super sure how easy it is to come by research opportunities outside of ETSU's summer programs, so can't speak to whether class time cuts into securing these opportunities, but it seems the current policy would affect one's ability to maintain them (you can't be two places at once). Medical school is a busy time, and opportunities to contribute in any of these areas will exist in some capacity on weekends (presumably when you won't be in a classroom) and is worth considering.
I have a question about curriculum/lifestyle at Quillen if there are any current students in this thread (or anyone with an opinion). Do you think the flipped classroom/mandatory classes would take too much of your time and allow less room for extracurriculars/leadership/research?
If you look at the class schedule you can see that there is plenty of "self directed study time" that you could use for whatever is is you're interested in pursuing outside of the classroom.
Holding status received about an hour ago (RIP lol). Interviewed early March.
RIP to those like me who were put on hold. Looks like the cycle ends here for us based on that email we just got lol.
RIP to those like me who were put on hold. Looks like the cycle ends here for us based on that email we just got lol.
What'd it say? From my understanding until April 30th, most schools won't see much wait-list movement.
It said they're currently over-accepted and that they can't predict if they'll even have any more seats open up.