2022-2023 Illinois

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Does anyone know if there's an accepted students group somewhere?

(3/3 Interview, 3/16 Acceptance)
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... so I got a silent R😂, I wish schools sent Rs so we are updated!
I am in the same boat, still did not receive anything from them 🙁

It really sucks and I hate this process but stay hopeful though! I still do not have any acceptance this cycle (pending interview), but I know that one day it will come at the right time if I keep persisting. Best of luck to you!
I am a reapplicant who interviewed 3/8 and got DD on 3/20. I applied to UIC during the 2020-2021 cycle and I got my pre-II R on 3/8/2021. They must be behind on sending those for some weird reason.
... so I got a silent R😂, I wish schools sent Rs so we are updated!
It was my assumption that all schools send some rejection, it's just a matter of when. Some of them don't do it until the start of classes of the next batch I hear.
Also for people looking for info or asking questions that have already been answered previously, sometimes in great depth, the search function does allow you to search specific threads. Typing in something like "II" or "interview" into the search bar and clicking "this thread" could save people some time, avoid redundant posts, and probably give people more info than an answer from a single user.
Is anyone going to the “second look” zoom thing? If so, does anyone know what the dress code is? Idk how casual or formal it is, or if I need to clear my studio apartment from others for it and such
got my campus placement! interviewed 2/14, campus placement is chicago, campus placement ranked was 1) chicago 2) peoria 3) rockford !
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Does anyone know if there are other dates for the second look? In April, for instance? The one this Friday may be difficult for me to fully attend.
should the letter of intent be addressed to the associate dean of admissions Dr. Thompson?
also looking for an accepted students chat if there is one. The discord link did not work for me either. Thanks!
For current students, are the required in person classes usually in the afternoons? And how many times a week are we in person approximately?
For current students, are the required in person classes usually in the afternoons? And how many times a week are we in person approximately?
Depends on the week. Core case and TBL are typically mornings, HIS, HCS, PHA, anatomy lab, and DoCS are typically afternoons. You can take a look at the Chicago M1 schedule HERE. Other campuses vary due to smaller classes making DoCS and anatomy lab operate differently and they do not have any PHAs (physician house advising). Courses marked with an M are mandatory, otherwise, they are optional. Everything is recorded except PHA. Some mandatory courses are online, most are in person.
Depends on the week. Core case and TBL are typically mornings, HIS, HCS, PHA, anatomy lab, and DoCS are typically afternoons. You can take a look at the Chicago M1 schedule HERE. Other campuses vary due to smaller classes making DoCS and anatomy lab operate differently and they do not have any PHAs (physician house advising). Courses marked with an M are mandatory, otherwise, they are optional. Everything is recorded except PHA. Some mandatory courses are online, most are in person.

This is pretty accurate for Rockford as well. Our PHA-equivalent stuff probably happens during synthesis weeks.

Last week we had one mandatory session on Friday morning, this week we have mandatories on M, Tu, W afternoon and one on Friday morning. It varies a little week to week, though the normal for us is classes Mon-Wed with the occasional DoCS/HCS/HIS sprinkled in, and Core Cases/TBLs on Thursday and Friday
wow! must b nice, do u think we have a chance in april?
ik i was kind of shook. Good for them tho I guess. and I (personally) have started to prep for a reapp incase since I am WLed at other schools. I guess we can only wait and hope that the grossly high tuition pushes OOS folks to give up their spot if they have other As. I am cautiously optimistic but also planning for plan B in case.
Is any current students willing to PM me? I have some questions about UIC Chicago campus.