2022-2023 Indiana

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Plain-spoken Texan
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Jan 21, 2016
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Indiana does not employ a secondary essay phase in their application process.
Apparently they will send you an email that your AMCAS application has been received, then
at the time when they choose whom to interview, will send selected students a link to fill out some additional non-essay information.
They do ask for the CASPer test

Good luck to everyone applying!

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Has anyone been sent the "primary app received" email? It was emailed around today last year, so I just wanted to see if anyone had received it yet.
Has anyone been sent the "primary app received" email? It was emailed around today last year, so I just wanted to see if anyone had received it yet.
I also heard that IU downloads them based on priority when looking at GPA and MCAT so if you receive confirmation later you may not be in their top applicant pool... I heard this through the grape vine though and am not sure if its 100% accurate
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I also heard that IU downloads them based on priority when looking at GPA and MCAT so if you receive confirmation later you may not be in their top applicant pool... I heard this through the grape vine though and am not sure if its 100% accurate
Yeah I believe that's true (see last year's thread), but I wouldn't worry about it right now. Since no one has commented on this thread saying that they received that email yet, they're probably just a little behind compared to last year.
I applied ED so I am in state & meet the criteria:
GPA above 3.8
MCAT above 510
I was also verified on June 1st so I think that helped!
Gotcha. Looks like they're sending them out to ED applicants today. Based on the 2018-19 SDN thread, regular decision emails will be sent in the next day or so.
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I'm OoS but have ties to the state (and to IU), would it make sense to send a letter of interest to the admissions office detailing these connections and my interest in the school? Normally I'd do this in the secondary application but obviously that might only be an option if I get an interview. Maybe someone with an II would be able to let me know if there is a section in the portal to disclose any ties.
can anyone confirm that IU only sends you a sec if they would like to interview you?
can anyone confirm that IU only sends you a sec if they would like to interview you?
I was invited to interview at IU two years ago, and they sent me an initial confirmation that my application had been received, and then a few months later I got an invitation to interview. After you are invited to interview, you have to set up an application to answer basic questions and pay a fee, but they do not ask you to write any essays. So unless IU decides to switch it up this year, then yes, you get a secondary if you are invited to interview.
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Has anyone heard if IU is requiring Snapshot or Duet this cycle? I know they didn’t last year, but am curious about this year.
Has anyone heard if IU is requiring Snapshot or Duet this cycle? I know they didn’t last year, but am curious about this year.

From last year's SDN thread:
I wound up emailing admissions about this because I just took CASPer and wanted a definite answer. They are not requiring snapshot or duet for this cycle, but they did not rule out looking at it if we completed it for a different school.

They only list CASPer as a requirement on their website. If you want a specific answer for Snapshot and Duet, you'll probably have to email the adcom.

I went ahead and took Snapshot and Duet. They're pretty easy, and they give you a chance to practice interview-like questions. Plus, if you have some good responses, they could further strengthen your app.
Primary app received notification 7/12, IS regular decision, LM 75. I did not receive a link to the portal though, has anyone who applied RD been able to access the IU portal?
Primary app received notification 7/12, IS regular decision, LM 75. I did not receive a link to the portal though, has anyone who applied RD been able to access the IU portal?
To access the portal, you just use your AAMC ID as the username and click reset password. It will send link to reset to the email on your application. If you search IUSM portal in google it should come up.
Any regular decision OOS people heard anything?

See this post from last year's thread. IU has a way of prioritizing applicants based on certain stats- not sure how they do it, but maybe this will be helpful:

Some interesting information in last year's thread... It seems like IU has some way of prioritizing applicants. You get the confirmation once they actually download your app, but I think they can see IS/OOS and MCAT score prior to downloading the app. So they download "higher priority" (maybe based on IS status, EDP, and stats?) applications first.

There were some people in the thread last year who waited months to even get a confirmation that IU downloaded their primary. For example, heres a few people who didn't get confirmations unitil after the first wave of IIs in August (scroll down to Aug 5). I wouldn't worry about it yet, but I'd say if you don't get the confirmation sometime in the next week or so, that may be an indication you've missed the first wave, or that something was incomplete in your application.
For the MSTP secondary- is anyone having trouble fitting their entire response in the provided boxes? When they download the PDF will they be able to see my entire response through scrolling? I'm very confused
For the MSTP secondary- is anyone having trouble fitting their entire response in the provided boxes? When they download the PDF will they be able to see my entire response through scrolling? I'm very confused
+1 I attached a Word document with my complete answers and they confirmed that they received it but didn't mention anything about this problem
7/13 9 am notification of receiving my primary app
7/13 11:30 am email recognizing my app as a potential applicant for Urban Medicine program (UMP) on Gary campus.

It is indeed my program of interest, so I confirmed it by email right away (sent a short essay via email explaining why I'm interested)

7/14, today, received an email that my app had been approved. Received an email invite to fill out a portal, and they will schedule an interview once i'm done. So basically an II!

IS, LM 69.5
7/13 9 am notification of receiving my primary app
7/13 11:30 am email recognizing my app as a potential applicant for Urban Medicine program (UMP) on Gary campus.

It is indeed my program of interest, so I confirmed it by email right away (sent a short essay via email explaining why I'm interested)

7/14, today, received an email that my app had been approved. Received an email invite to fill out a portal, and they will schedule an interview once i'm done. So basically an II!

IS, LM 69.5
I’ve heard great things about the Gary campus- congrats!
7/13 9 am notification of receiving my primary app
7/13 11:30 am email recognizing my app as a potential applicant for Urban Medicine program (UMP) on Gary campus.

It is indeed my program of interest, so I confirmed it by email right away (sent a short essay via email explaining why I'm interested)

7/14, today, received an email that my app had been approved. Received an email invite to fill out a portal, and they will schedule an interview once i'm done. So basically an II!

IS, LM 69.5
Congrats!!! Did you apply ED or Regular Decision?
7/13 9 am notification of receiving my primary app
7/13 11:30 am email recognizing my app as a potential applicant for Urban Medicine program (UMP) on Gary campus.

It is indeed my program of interest, so I confirmed it by email right away (sent a short essay via email explaining why I'm interested)

7/14, today, received an email that my app had been approved. Received an email invite to fill out a portal, and they will schedule an interview once i'm done. So basically an II!

IS, LM 69.5
When it is your program of interest and explained why you are interested, how'd you convey yourself in this type of email?
When it is your program of interest and explained why you are interested, how'd you convey yourself in this type of email?
In that initial email they actually were rather specific what my response should look like - "email back with a brief statement outlining program interests and urban activities/experiences". So brief is the key here haha. You'll get an opportunity to go into more details in the program-specific essays later.