Hi Everyone,
I have a question for those who might be 3rd time applicants or possibly 2nd-time applicants. I applied last year as an IS applicant fairly late. I submitted my secondary on Sep 1st, was verified within days, and received an interview invite 2 weeks later (was surprised with how late I applied). I was waitlisted last year in the 60's and thus I am applying again.
This year I am now applying as OS (but with very heavy ties and Oregon Heritage), I submitted June first with my primary and turned my secondary in within 5 days of receiving it. I have improved my application considerably with multiple publications, shadowing, volunteering etc., but have still not received an II.
I see now that people both OS and IS with lower stats and who were verified later than me are getting II's and it's worrying me. It's confusing that they were so eager and responsive to my (late) application last year, but this year they are not despite my significant improvements and early application.
For those who are 2nd or 3rd-time applicants, have you experienced this same thing? OHSU claims to be friendly to reapps, but do you think it's possible they flagged me as a reapplicant and are giving priority to first-time apps? Or now that I no longer have IS status, is it possible I am at a slight disadvantage regardless of my improvements? They consider Oregon Heritage as "mission", but does anyone know if they hold all mission-based groups on equal ground?
I know this question is aimed at reapps but thanks in advance for your take/insight