2022-2023 Rochester

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can only hope they're doing a slow roll out of manual emails with their system being down potentially? next level copium..
God I hope that's the case... I need that copium rn

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II just now! Complete 8/6, LM 76.
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II 30 min ago! WARS 92, LM 81, OOS, ORM, right handed, Deadlift only 260 lbs!! Complete 7/26
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Any August interviewees waiting for a decision? Mentally preparing for WL or R now...
Any August interviewees waiting for a decision? Mentally preparing for WL or R now...
for my sanity, I think that with only 1 A (MD im assuming) and 1 A MD PHD via phonecall, they did a test roll out.... maybe..
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Have those with II been regular decision or is it just ED applicants who were interviewed in august?
Fingers crossed some decisions tomorrow!
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Hey sorry if this has been addressed but, what's the timeframe on decisions? I'm hearing like 4-8 weeks? Is that the consensus? I interviewed 10/13.
Got the A around 3:00!!! So excited!
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yooo im so happy
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Got the A! Interviewed Sep 21 :)
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Accepted!!! got the email ~10 minutes ago, interviewed 9/27
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anyone with a recent ii can tell us what the earliest interview dates are pls?
For the supplemental application after receiving the II, would research count as a significant non-academic experience?
For the supplemental application after receiving the II, would research count as a significant non-academic experience?
Do you feel that this research was significant to your individual or professional development?

Also I think it could work, but for my "non-academic" experience I did my current job... I guess research could fit in either category depending on how you spin it
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II this morning! (first one for me :giggle:) Complete 8/10, earliest available date was one in Dec and next earliest in Jan
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WL just now. Complete 8/14.

non-trad, ORM, OOS, LM74.

Little sad. Thought my interviews both went great. Good luck everyone!
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Does anyone have info on WL acceptance rate? Everything I'm finding is either outdated or conflicts with other info.

I'm sure it varies from year to year, but wondering if anyone has a ballpark estimate.
For the reapplicant question, is it recommended to answer even if you didn't apply to Rochester before? Like do they know in other ways that I've applied to schools via AMCAS before?
I'm a URSMD alum who applied twice before getting in (three times if you include having applied to their Rochester Early Medical Scholars program in high school). U of R is one of those schools that wants to make sure you're a good "fit" for the school and would be happy there. New York City this is not. It's usually a rude awakening (sometimes pleasant!) to those not from the Northeast who've never seen, shoveled, or driven through snow.

Be honest. Admissions likely wants to know how you overcame adversity and substantially strengthened your application. It doesn't matter whether or not you applied to Rochester the 1st time around. All that matters is that you're applying to Rochester THIS time around. Don't overthink the question prompts!

[To put things into perspective: I interviewed at Vanderbilt the 1st time around and was waitlisted. The second time around, after jacking up my MCAT from 90th to 99th %ile and doing two (2) years' lab research with several peer-reviewed publications, I was flat-out rejected. I literally emailed the Dean of Admissions and got a hand-wringing type response. You're being compared to the CURRENT applicant pool, NOT last year's...]

At the end of the day, applying and getting into allopathic (MD-conferring) med schools in the United States is harder than getting into an Ivy League college (I'm an alum of one and routinely tell this to my premed kids). It's a crapshoot. I'd apply broadly, including ALL in-state institutions and ALL out-of-state institutions that are friendly to out-of-staters (check the stats on AAMC and elsewhere).

DM me if you have specific questions about my alma mater.
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II this morning! So exciting, secondary submitted 9/22! ORM, OOS, reapplicant. Earliest interviews offered are in Jan!
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II this morning as well, submitted mid August. Super pumped for this one :)
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Pre-II R, went to high school in NY and now OOS. LM 78 wth man
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