2022-2023 Stanford

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Thank you to @themagictaco for sharing this year's questions!

2022-2023 Stanford Secondary Essay Prompts:

What do you see as the most likely practice scenario for your future medical career?
Choose the single answer that best describes your career goals and clinical practice setting:
-Academic Medicine (Clinical)
-Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist)
-Non-Academic Clinical Practice
-Health Policy
-Health Administration
-Primary Care
-Public Health/Community Health
-Global Health
Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path? (1,000 characters)

How will you take advantage of the Stanford Medicine Discovery Curriculum and scholarly concentration requirement to achieve your personal career goals? (1,000 characters)

Describe in a short paragraph your educational and family background.
(E.g., I grew up in New York City, as the 3rd child of a supermarket cashier and a high school principal. I attended Mann High School where my major interests were boxing and drama.) (600 characters)

The Committee on Admissions regards the diversity (broadly defined) of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of the school. You are strongly encouraged to share unique attributes of your personal identity, and/ or personally important or challenging factors in your background. Such discussions may include the quality of your early education, gender identity, sexual orientation, any physical challenges, or any other life or work experiences. (2,000 characters)

5. Please describe how you have uniquely contributed to a community with which you identify. (1,000 characters)

Please describe an experience/ situation when you advocated for someone else. (1,000 characters)

(OPTIONAL) Please describe any lessons, hardships, challenges or opportunities that resulted from the global COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, describe how these insights have informed your motivations and preparation for medical school in areas of academics, research, employment, volunteer service and/or clinical experiences. (1,000 characters)

(OPTIONAL) Please include anything else that will help us understand better how you may uniquely contribute to Stanford Medicine?
(1,000 characters)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:
Stanford University School of Medicine Interview Feedback

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What do you see as the most likely practice scenario for your future medical career?
Choose the single answer that best describes your career goals and clinical practice setting:

Academic Medicine (Clinical)

Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist)

Non-Academic Clinical Practice

Health Policy

Health Administration

Primary Care

Public Health/Community Health

Global Health

Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path?

Please limit your answer to 1,000 characters including spaces.


How will you take advantage of the Stanford Medicine Discovery Curriculum and scholarly concentration requirement to achieve your personal career goals?

Please limit your answer to 1,000 characters including spaces.


Describe in a short paragraph your educational and family background.

E.g., I grew up in New York City, as the 3rd child of a supermarket cashier and a high school principal. I attended Mann High School where my major interests were boxing and drama.

Please limit your answer to 600 characters including spaces.


The Committee on Admissions regards the diversity (broadly defined) of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of the school. You are strongly encouraged to share unique attributes of your personal identity, and/ or personally important or challenging factors in your background. Such discussions may include the quality of your early education, gender identity, sexual orientation, any physical challenges, or any other life or work experiences.

Please limit your answer to 2,000 characters including spaces.

Please describe how you have uniquely contributed to a community with which you identify.

Please limit your answer to 1,000 characters including spaces.


Please describe an experience/ situation when you advocated for someone else.

Please limit your answer to 1,000 characters including spaces.


Please describe any lessons, hardships, challenges or opportunities that resulted from the global COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, describe how these insights have informed your motivations and preparation for medical school in areas of academics, research, employment, volunteer service and/or clinical experiences. (OPTIONAL)

Please limit your answer to 1,000 characters including spaces.


Please include anything else that will help us understand better how you may uniquely contribute to Stanford Medicine? (OPTIONAL)

Please limit your answer to 1,000 characters including spaces.
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Hey everyone! I know this has been discussed quite a bit in previous threads, but what is the difference between academic medicine (clinical vs physician-scientist)? I feel like the two are fluid. Ideally, I envision myself at a teaching hospital and collaborating on healthcare projects/research. Currently, I don't see myself running a full-blown lab, but am open to that possibility because, who knows who we become in the future, right?

EDIT: I think I just answered my own question, but I guess I'll leave this up for others in the same boat! Gluck! :)
Anyone else not get the secondary yet? I thought they sent em out to everyone? My stats are high enough not to get screened out.
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Hey everyone! I know this has been discussed quite a bit in previous threads, but what is the difference between academic medicine (clinical vs physician-scientist)? I feel like the two are fluid. Ideally, I envision myself at a teaching hospital and collaborating on healthcare projects/research. Currently, I don't see myself running a full-blown lab, but am open to that possibility because, who knows who we become in the future, right?

EDIT: I think I just answered my own question, but I guess I'll leave this up for others in the same boat! Gluck! :)
Clinical= clinical professor, P-S= be a PI.
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Anyone else not get the secondary yet? I thought they sent em out to everyone? My stats are high enough not to get screened out.
I still haven’t received a secondary despite being verified by June 24th…I wonder why we aren’t getting secondaries while some people are
IS, secondary received 7/6. Submitted 6/6 and processed 7/5.
For this question:

"Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path?"

I chose Academic Medicine (Clinical). I'm having a hard time understanding what is being asked here. I can talk about my skill in teaching / research / clinical care as well as my academically-minded attitudes, but what is the "knowledge" piece? Are they asking about an area of medicine where I have developed some knowledge already?

For the optional essay, what are yall writing about? I truly feel like I touched on everything and past here it will be repetitive. But then I assume you probably do not want to just leave it.
do any of y'all have publications in press? it doesn't let me put a publication in press under the 'peer reviewed publications' section because I don't have a month and year of publication :(

I think I'll just turn in this secondary and send an update letter??? wondering if any of y'all are in a similar boat
do any of y'all have publications in press? it doesn't let me put a publication in press under the 'peer reviewed publications' section because I don't have a month and year of publication :(

I think I'll just turn in this secondary and send an update letter??? wondering if any of y'all are in a similar boat
yes!! one is accepted but still in publication process, and even have an abstract posted but couldnt use it. they also dont allow for updates unless inveited to interview :\
yes!! one is accepted but still in publication process, and even have an abstract posted but couldnt use it. they also dont allow for updates unless inveited to interview :\
I emailed their office, they said they need it to be fully published with all the information in put (volume, issue, and page number) so that means if it is published online or in press but haven't been assigned to an issue, you can't include that.
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Is anyone getting an error when they try to go to the payment website? Every time I click "Proceed to Payment" it redirects me to an error page. :(
Is anyone getting an error when they try to go to the payment website? Every time I click "Proceed to Payment" it redirects me to an error page. :(
Same with me. Were you able to resolve the issue?
Same with me. Were you able to resolve the issue?
Glad to hear that I wasn’t the only one (although sucks for all of us :/). I did email Stanford and they just got back to me saying that they know about the issue and that it should be fixed by Monday. They also said they’d send an email to me once they fixed the issue, so I’ll keep you guys posted! Good luck to all of us :)
question, for the COVID question, is it asking for an insight FROM an academic, clinical, employment, research or volunteer experience? or is it asking for how your insights will apply/prepare you for medical school in those areas? wrote about something more personal but applied the skills/values i developed through it to those areas but now I'm unsure if that answers the question
Payment is working now for whoever was having problems
probably a neurotic question, but how acceptable is it to submit 15-16 days after secondary receipt? I was planning on submitting it today, but I just realized that I really don't like my essays and want to rewrite them.
probably a neurotic question, but how acceptable is it to submit 15-16 days after secondary receipt? I was planning on submitting it today, but I just realized that I really don't like my essays and want to rewrite them.
Very neurotic. I doubt 2 week rule is as strict as ppl here make it out to be. It just doesn't make sense for schools to be ignoring competitive applicants just because they spent a few more days on the secondaries lol. Like it literally takes years for us to finish prereqs, mcat, lors, extracurriculars etc. but they cant wait a couple days?? No way thats true.
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probably a neurotic question, but how acceptable is it to submit 15-16 days after secondary receipt? I was planning on submitting it today, but I just realized that I really don't like my essays and want to rewrite them.
I think you should definitely polish if you don't like your essays. Bad writing is much easier to notice than submission date.

As Sun Tzu put it: "We have heard of stupid haste, but cleverness has never been associated with delay."
5. Please describe how you have uniquely contributed to a community with which you identify. (1,000 characters)
What are y'all going with for this prompt? I'm drawing a heavy blank
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What are y'all going with for this prompt? I'm drawing a heavy blank
what do you identify as outside of like race? Identity has more to do than just race, it can be anything and we all have identities that integrate us into communities we should be able to talk about
What do you see as the most likely practice scenario for your future medical career?
Choose the single answer that best describes your career goals and clinical practice setting:
-Academic Medicine (Clinical)
-Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist)
-Non-Academic Clinical Practice
-Health Policy
-Health Administration
-Primary Care
-Public Health/Community Health
-Global Health
Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path? (1,000 characters)"

Can I talk about something else that is not on this list? I want to talk about my passion for entrepreneurship and how I want to combine that with medicine but I don't see how I'll be able to talk about here.
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Any other mstp applicants looking at the primary application repeat questions like :///
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I would label that as health administration. I personally intend to pursue an MD/MBA so I had picked health administration as my label even though I think I am better suited for management consulting. Being an entrepreneur to me is a form of administration because it takes business skills and leadership to pitch a project or medical device or whatever you imagine marketing as a future entrepreneur.

What do you see as the most likely practice scenario for your future medical career?
Choose the single answer that best describes your career goals and clinical practice setting:
-Academic Medicine (Clinical)
-Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist)
-Non-Academic Clinical Practice
-Health Policy
-Health Administration
-Primary Care
-Public Health/Community Health
-Global Health
Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path? (1,000 characters)"

Can I talk about something else that is not on this list? I want to talk about my passion for entrepreneurship and how I want to combine that with medicine but I don't see how I'll be able to talk about here
I would label that as health administration. I personally intend to pursue an MD/MBA so I had picked health administration as my label even though I think I am better suited for management consulting. Being an entrepreneur to me is a form of administration because it takes business skills and leadership to pitch a project or medical device or whatever you imagine marketing as a future entrepreneur.
Very interesting, thanks for your insight
I would label that as health administration. I personally intend to pursue an MD/MBA so I had picked health administration as my label even though I think I am better suited for management consulting. Being an entrepreneur to me is a form of administration because it takes business skills and leadership to pitch a project or medical device or whatever you imagine marketing as a future entrepreneur.
How do I relate entrepneurship to healthcare adminstration? Say adminstraiton = management?
How do I relate entrepneurship to healthcare adminstration? Say adminstraiton = management?
You have probably already written and submitted your app haha but I would say that the healthcare system and physicians' lack the entrepreneurial spirit. Most physicians prefer to leave the business aspect to people with no clinical expertise and hence cannot recognize what goods or services the healthcare system needs to produce and deliver. Instead, they do what most business people everywhere do: they chase after money. Healthcare becomes entrusted to these people with finance and accounting backgrounds but with next to no entrepreneurial drive to actually rethink how medicine can better be delivered, no out-of-the-box thinkers to navigate the healthcare complexities. That is where you come in to save the "healthcare administration" day. That may or may not be what you want to do but hey
I am having trouble understanding what the optional COVID-19 is actually asking. Would it be detrimental to leave it blank?
You have probably already written and submitted your app haha but I would say that the healthcare system and physicians' lack the entrepreneurial spirit. Most physicians prefer to leave the business aspect to people with no clinical expertise and hence cannot recognize what goods or services the healthcare system needs to produce and deliver. Instead, they do what most business people everywhere do: they chase after money. Healthcare becomes entrusted to these people with finance and accounting backgrounds but with next to no entrepreneurial drive to actually rethink how medicine can better be delivered, no out-of-the-box thinkers to navigate the healthcare complexities. That is where you come in to save the "healthcare administration" day. That may or may not be what you want to do but hey
I have not submitted for stanford yet, plan on doing it this week though. SUbititng for schools I don't care about rn to practice writing secondaries. Thanks for advice though!
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Are you guys putting anything for the last optional essay? I feel like I've covered everything in all the other essays, but I don't necessary want to leave it blank
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So for the knight Hennessy scholarship, which I just submitted, do I have to let Stanford Med School know that I submitted it with my KH application ID? Or no?
So for the knight Hennessy scholarship, which I just submitted, do I have to let Stanford Med School know that I submitted it with my KH application ID? Or no?
Could you explain this scholarship to me? I thought it was only a scholarship for undergrads not for people that apply to med school