2022-2023 UT San Antonio (Long)

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I am so grateful to have gotten into Long!!!!

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I matched! After going through waitlists and rejections in my previous 2 cycles, I'm so grateful to have this opportunity. I wish everyone entering the waitlist the very best; feel free to DM me if you want to talk about your gap year plans!
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Matched! I truly loved this school on interview day. So, so happy!!!
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Matched! Thankful!
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I matched! After going through waitlists and rejections in my previous 2 cycles, I'm so grateful to have this opportunity. I wish everyone entering the waitlist the very best; feel free to DM me if you want to talk about your gap year plans!
Congratulations. Did you have LM75 for your first two cycles?
Matched! Not my first choice but super thankful to have matched at such a wonderful institution!
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Congratulations. Did you have LM75 for your first two cycles?
Thank you Vandy, I had LM69 when I applied in my first two cycles, but for this cycle I decided to take my time by going for 2 gap years (skipped a cycle to re-apply). I raised my MCAT another 6 points and gained ~1,000 hrs clinical experience, which I believe are the two most important changes I could've made. I reworked all my essays to be more focused on patient advocacy based upon the experiences I'd shared with patients as a medical assistant, and I think it worked really well when discussing them in interviews. I can understand why clinical experience is so valuable to med schools, and it would be a great gap year plan if you need to re-apply. Feel free to DM me if you have more questions!
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Hey future classmates! Super excited and looking forward to becoming great physicians with all of y'all!! 🤠:D
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so everyone who matched somewhere else but ranked long higher than their match is automatically on the waitlist, right?
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Hello, future classmates!

Looking forward to learning and having fun with you all!! I finally had the courage to see where I matched LOL
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What’s good future classmates! Y’all planning on going to the welcome day on March 24?
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I will be going as well, but picking which excited parent to bring as my +1 will be quite challenging
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I will be going as well, but picking which excited parent to bring as my +1 will be quite challenging
Parents are important. If they are going to be paying, let them both go and you stay home. :)
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Parents are important. If they are going to be paying, let them both go and you stay home. :)
Lol! If only they were paying! I think we might make a whole vacation out of it so we can explore San Antonio.
Does long accept letters of intent after the match for waitlisted applicants?
Does long accept letters of intent after the match for waitlisted applicants?
A student in my pre-interview social told us that the school is very receptive to letters of intent and recommended that we write one if we ended up on the waitlist. I can't find an official answer on the school's website, though.
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A student in my pre-interview social told us that the school is very receptive to letters of intent and recommended that we write one if we ended up on the waitlist. I can't find an official answer on the school's website, though.
Thanks so much! Looking at past years SDN threads also it looks like plenty of people who submitted letters in March-May got in off the WL.
Have any out of state people heard anything yet?
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Is anyone interested in the MD/MPH program? And does anyone know how many people apply/ are accepted to the program?
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Any waitlist emails yet?? Do they send them? I didn’t see anyone post about them on last years thread.
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Any waitlist emails yet?? Do they send them? I didn’t see anyone post about them on last years thread.
From other years' forums, it looks like they send that email approximately 10 days after the match. But it could be totally different this year, who knows, haha?
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Is anyone interested in the MD/MPH program? And does anyone know how many people apply/ are accepted to the program?
10%ish of the class maybe? Atleast that’s about the feel I got from my year, I wasn’t pursuing mph so don’t know exactly. I think anyone who wants to do it is allowed in.
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Nope, no rejection nor acceptance. I've heard back from every other school I interviewed at except Long.
In the interview linked above Dr. Kellaway says that all who interviewed stay on the WL. Your spot on the WL is not numbered, and if you are OOS, another OOS person who holds a seat will probably have to withdraw for an OOS person to come in from the WL. This usually happens in April/May.
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I'm looking for the Long School of Medicine 2023 Residency Match List - If any current students or Long fans have it, could you send it to me in a DM and I will post it on our Match List thread??
Please and thank you kindly :=|:-):
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Anyone know when Long typically sends out official finaid info? And is merit aid usually given at time of acceptance? OOS here btw
Anyone know when Long typically sends out official finaid info? And is merit aid usually given at time of acceptance? OOS here btw
I am current MS2 (OOS) at Long. When I was accepted (pre-match), Dr. Kellaway mentioned that all OOS students will get in state tuition. IIRC, after you matriculate but before classes start, they will send out an application for more scholarship opportunities that you will find out a few months later. The way it was explained to me is that in order to offer you in state tuition, the school has to grant you at least $1,000 in scholarship aid for some reason. The in state tuition should be automatically granted to you as long as you fill out that scholarship application each year.

Happy to answer any other questions about Long!
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I am current MS2 (OOS) at Long. When I was accepted (pre-match), Dr. Kellaway mentioned that all OOS students will get in state tuition. IIRC, after you matriculate but before classes start, they will send out an application for more scholarship opportunities that you will find out a few months later. The way it was explained to me is that in order to offer you in state tuition, the school has to grant you at least $1,000 in scholarship aid for some reason. The in state tuition should be automatically granted to you as long as you fill out that scholarship application each year.

Happy to answer any other questions about Long!
Sweet thank you sm!! One quick question I was thinking about today, how do you feel about the weekly quizzes? Is it something that hangs over your head all weekend or are they pretty low stakes?
Sweet thank you sm!! One quick question I was thinking about today, how do you feel about the weekly quizzes? Is it something that hangs over your head all weekend or are they pretty low stakes?
So there are usually 2 quizzes each week during preclinical. The first one is on Mondays and is for most of the content that you learned the previous week. This is the one that matters more, but it's still weighted relatively low at the end of the day. I used Anki heavily during preclinical and would just do my cards for that week's material and never actually studied any extra for this Monday quiz and they turned out fine for me. It depends on how you study though - some of my classmates who didn't use Anki would cram the night before which seemed to work for them? Can't say for sure though. But with the way I studied, I still had plenty of time for a life outside of class (Saturdays were usually my days off during first semester).

The second quiz is on Friday (M1) or Thursday (M2) and is supposed to be a preparation for that week's Synthesis case (case-based learning). I used to study for these during my first semester, but I quickly learned that the way the grade is calculated that you actually don't need to do too well on them to Honor the module. The material they test you on for these quizzes is also only specific to the case and will not necessarily show up on the test at the end of the module so it definitely made me get lazy and literally prep for only 10 mins while sitting in Holly Auditorium before the quiz.
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So there are usually 2 quizzes each week during preclinical. The first one is on Mondays and is for most of the content that you learned the previous week. This is the one that matters more, but it's still weighted relatively low at the end of the day. I used Anki heavily during preclinical and would just do my cards for that week's material and never actually studied any extra for this Monday quiz and they turned out fine for me. It depends on how you study though - some of my classmates who didn't use Anki would cram the night before which seemed to work for them? Can't say for sure though. But with the way I studied, I still had plenty of time for a life outside of class (Saturdays were usually my days off during first semester).

The second quiz is on Friday (M1) or Thursday (M2) and is supposed to be a preparation for that week's Synthesis case (case-based learning). I used to study for these during my first semester, but I quickly learned that the way the grade is calculated that you actually don't need to do too well on them to Honor the module. The material they test you on for these quizzes is also only specific to the case and will not necessarily show up on the test at the end of the module so it definitely made me get lazy and literally prep for only 10 mins while sitting in Holly Auditorium before the quiz.
That answer was more than I hoped for, you’re amazing!!
Has Long sent out any waitlist offers yet that we know of?
does anyone know if the circle of excellence scholarship typically covers full tuition if you receive it early?
does anyone know if the circle of excellence scholarship typically covers full tuition if you receive it early?
The amount I’m going to receive from the CoE scholarship was written in the email (received like a month or two before match), mine wasn’t a full ride but I know they do give out bigger scholarships including full rides.
Has anyone received an email with their university account information from the IMS Department yet? The new student checklist says we should receive an email about 4 weeks after being accepted. Also has anyone done the background check yet?
Has anyone received an email with their university account information from the IMS Department yet? The new student checklist says we should receive an email about 4 weeks after being accepted. Also has anyone done the background check yet?

This has been asked in the GroupMe and Discord. Seems like tons of people haven’t yet! Someone emailed and the school responded and said they plan on sending out in April.
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