2023-2024 Georgetown

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Pre-II R this morning. Complete 10/6

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Got the A via phone call from the dean just now! Interviewed 10/4, uploaded updates/LOInterest 10/5. Does not look like my portal has been updated yet.
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Congratulations to everyone who got accepted or invited for an interview. I submitted my II in 9/28, LM 72. Haven’t heard any news from GT. Does that mean I am too late, or I am out?
Same here, complete 8/22 LM 80
Does when you send an update letter after interviewing matter? I interviewed about 5 weeks ago, and they told us the turnaround time is ~13 weeks. I just received a scholarship, and I'm going on an international service trip in a few weeks, so I'm trying to decide if I should send the updates now or after my trip, closer to when results are predicted to come out.
Waitlist - interviewed first week of October. LM 73. Didn’t feel like it was my best interview and felt like the interview questions didn’t really allow me to showcase myself. Also was only my third interview so the nervousness and unfamiliarity didn’t help
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Does anyone know how the interviewer provides their evaluation to the final admissions committee? Do they submit a report that's read by the committee, or are they personally vouching for applicants during the meeting? Just wondering because this is the first interview I've gotten where it's just ONE 1-1 and I'm a little nervous about how it'll factor in
My interviewer told me during our interview that he wasn't faculty at Georgetown, but rather a private practice doc who's friends with the dean of admissions. So my guess is that interviewers just write up their evaluation, but aren't adcoms themselves. Might differ from interviewer to interviewer tho
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Any guesses for when people who interviewed end of October might hear back?
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Feels like we haven't had a wave of responses in a while so there might be one right before the holidays, but yeah mostly like January :/

I interviewed on 10/18 and I just wanna know man
Was anyone's interviewer a student? Or is it always faculty?
Questions about virtual tour. How should I dress for this? Are they expecting us to interact? Should I prepare questions?
When was the virtual tour offered? And is it different from the GUSOM Interview Week - Presentation Day? Thanks all!
OOS A!! Interviewed 10/23 and just got the call from Dr. Dugan!!!
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WL this morning, interviewed on 10/12
Good luck you guys!!
Pre-II R!! Complete 11/26

Good luck to everyone else still in the running!!!
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Completion date:8/31/23
From my Jesuit brother, result feels sacrilegous. Look at my hat. lol
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Received A today:’) OOS interviewed 10/27
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For anyone that was accepted, did you submit an update letter post-interview, or no?
if i was wait listed after interviewing in september, will i likely hear nothing until at least may
does anyone else who was accepted know when the second look is or if there is a second look? :,)