2023-2024 Harvard

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Pre-II R. Harvard’s missing out on all of us fr

Congrats to all who got in though that’s insane haha

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Just checked my email. Received an A + REACH nomination at 10:05 AM. SPEECHLESS . Does anyone know what percent of people who get nominated for REACH actually get it?
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Right, but is there any data on people who said they did not get the email but forgot to put in their SSN? Is the data varied for them or did all of the people who reported not getting an email but having not entered their SSN get rejected? If any of you sleuths can figure that out, we would be so grateful haha
For the benefit of future people. n=1 here got the R and was prompted to input SSN and immediately did. I would guess that they are not correlated.
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Is anyone able to access the admissions page after activating their Harvard account? Currently it gives an error
WL this morning. I'm not seeing too many WL reports, so telling myself that is a good sign for possible later acceptance. Though realistically probably not, since it's Harvard.
Congratulations to everyone admitted! Current MS3 here happy to answer any questions.
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Congratulations to everyone admitted! Current MS3 here happy to answer any questions.
What's the chance for re-apply? Will the bar be much higher than the first apply due to the potential bias?
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For the benefit of future people. n=1 here got the R and was prompted to input SSN and immediately did. I would guess that they are not correlated.

Adding to this—I never received the SSN email and also never entered my SSN, and I was accepted this morning.
So, for the benefit of future applicants, there is absolutely no correlation whether you receive the SSN email or not (even if you never submitted your SSN)
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What's the chance for re-apply? Will the bar be much higher than the first apply due to the potential bias?
Can't really speak for a re-apllicants chance, but I would imagine it would be more difficult given that there would be a prior comparison to your old application that can be made during review.
Current M1 and REACH recipient. Feel free to reach out w/ any questions!
Is there an accepted students chat outside of the class FB?
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I’m on sdn for a diff school where I’m waitlisted at, but I just wanted to say (and I know you all know this) but even getting an II from Harvard, I can’t even fathom hahah, good luck and I hope y’all can call Cambridge/Boston your home for the next four!!
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Pathways alum here. My DMs are open for any questions.
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oop I thought I posted this but apparently I was busy going into cardiac arrest... but A last week 😭 interviewed early dec
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does REACH cover everything? like tuition and housing and the whole shebang for four years?
it depends on financial need for final amount! i think we’d only get all the goods if our family income is below 50000? or 80000? but it is for all 4 years!
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Anyone have any insights on WL. Whether it be movement stats or best steps?
Seems like it’s pretty good each year—they don’t send out many WL at all and previous years have mentioned the committee reporting 30-40 total WLs.

Here’s an article from someone who got off the HMS WL a few years ago, I hope it helps a bit?

Best of luck to you!
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Seems like it’s pretty good each year—they don’t send out many WL at all and previous years have mentioned the committee reporting 30-40 total WLs.

Here’s an article from someone who got off the HMS WL a few years ago, I hope it helps a bit?

Best of luck to you!
Does HMS accept additional LOR while on waitlist? Can’t find anything about it online
Does HMS accept additional LOR while on waitlist? Can’t find anything about it online
The Director of Admissions did a podcast with Case a while ago, they mentioned LOR at 1:13:10 if you want to give it a listen.

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I remember that I was having trouble deciding and didn't pull the trigger until the last day. If anyone here is still unsure about the decision in the final hours here, DM me and I'd be happy to talk about my experience at HMS. I'll try to check my DMs throughout the day.
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Acceptance withdrawn. Feels wild, but happy to be closer to family over these next few years. Good luck to everyone on the waitlist :)
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Withdrew my A as well! It was a hard decision, but I’m super happy with where I’m ending up <3
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Could people specify if they are withdrawing Pathways or HST? Would be great for WL folks!

Best of luck to you all. I recognize there are so many other important factors besides school name.
Could people specify if they are withdrawing Pathways or HST? Would be great for WL folks!

Best of luck to you all. I recognize there are so many other important factors besides school name.
Chose HST, withdrew PW
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Could people specify if they are withdrawing Pathways or HST? Would be great for WL folks!

Best of luck to you all. I recognize there are so many other important factors besides school name.
Withdrew pathways, did not apply HST, best of luck to all the WL peeps!
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Could people specify if they are withdrawing Pathways or HST? Would be great for WL folks!

Best of luck to you all. I recognize there are so many other important factors besides school name.
I withdrew from pathways
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Withdrew from pathways! Hard decision, but excited to be closer to fam. Hope it works out for those on WL! :)
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Any idea when WL movement might start? Also can a current admitted student let us know how many are in the admitted gc?
Based on posts these last few years, there is some movement in the next week or so and nothing after that.
The facebook and groupme had a tiny wave of new people
Is the tiny wave of new people from the waitlist or just admitted students finally joining the group?
Anyone hear of any movement so far?

season 3 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
There was some WL movement this past week, new people joined the chat who I know for sure were not at admitted students day.
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