2023-2024 Miami (Miller)

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2023-2024 Miami (Miller) Secondary Essay Prompts (500 word limit each)

1) What have you done during the recent COVID-19 pandemic that will better prepare you to be a medical student and future physician?
2) Why have you selected the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine for your medical education? Please be as specific as possible.
3) Please provide a chronological list with dates AND a brief description of your clinical experiences/shadowing.
4) Please provide a chronological list with dates of your community service/volunteering.
5) Please discuss a situation where you had to use your leadership skills.
6) Please briefly discuss your research experience.
7) Please provide a chronological list with dates of your employment.
8) What have you done to help identify, address and correct an issue of systemic discrimination?
9) Choose one of the following prompts (you can't do both)
(optional)Provide a description of any activities involving the FINE ARTS (dance, drama, music, art, photography, etc.
Provide a description of any activities involving SPORTS (organized team sports, recreational activities that you play, watch or follow)
10) (optional) Describe your most meaningful involvement in STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS.
11) (optional) Provide a description of your most memorable TRAVEL experience.
12) (optional) Provide a description of your HOBBIES and what you do for fun and relaxation.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback:
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Interview Feedback

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When they ask for dates in the secondary, do they want date ranges or specific dates?
When they ask for dates in the secondary, do they want date ranges or specific dates?
Be specific (you have those dates on your AMCAS app anyhow) and follow the directions: If they just want a list for some questions, give a list and if they ask for a brief description as well be brief but give some detail.
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Does anyone know how strict they are with their letter of recommendation requirements? Their website says that you must have two letters from science faculty who have taught you, whereas MSAR says that you must have three letters from faculty members who can evaluate you. I have 2 letters from science faculty but only one of them has taught me, wondering if I'll be screened out bc of this
Does anyone know how strict they are with their letter of recommendation requirements? Their website says that you must have two letters from science faculty who have taught you, whereas MSAR says that you must have three letters from faculty members who can evaluate you. I have 2 letters from science faculty but only one of them has taught me, wondering if I'll be screened out bc of this
Contact them and ask.
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@wysdoc Here is this year's prompts. Heads up to everyone, they ask you to re-input most of your information from AMCAS including your pre-req courses:

(All narrative responses should be less than 500 words each)

1) What have you done during the recent COVID-19 pandemic that will better prepare you to be a medical student and future physician?
2) Why have you selected the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine for your medical education? Please be as specific as possible.
3) Please provide a chronological list with dates AND a brief description of your clinical experiences/shadowing.
4) Please provide a chronological list with dates of your community service/volunteering.
5) Please discuss a situation where you had to use your leadership skills.
6) Please briefly discuss your research experience.
7) Please provide a chronological list with dates of your employment.
8) What have you done to help identify, address and correct an issue of systemic discrimination?
9) Choose one of the following prompts (you can't do both)
[OPTIONAL] Provide a description of any activities involving the FINE ARTS (dance, drama, music, art, photography, etc.
[OPTIONAL] Provide a description of any activities involving SPORTS (organized team sports, recreational activities that you play, watch or follow)
10) [OPTIONAL] Describe your most meaningful involvement in STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS.
11) [OPTIONAL] Provide a description of your most memorable TRAVEL experience.
12) [OPTIONAL] Provide a description of your HOBBIES and what you do for fun and relaxation.
I'm pretty sure the prompts are the exact same as last year
@wysdoc Here is this year's prompts. Heads up to everyone, they ask you to re-input most of your information from AMCAS including your pre-req courses:

(All narrative responses should be less than 500 words each)
Thanks, @Bowel-Plumber
This one is long, guys, get ready!
Just submitted my secondary and uploaded my photo. Underneath it says "Letters of Recommendation NOT received" , "We have not received your Letters of Recommendation from AMCAS", "please verify that the letter writers have properly submitted your letters"

Not sure why its saying this as they were all properly uploaded to AMCAS. Anyone else having this message pop up?
Hi, does anyone know how strict they are for the biochem requirement? My school is on the quarter system and only required us to take one biochem course if you aren't majoring in biochem. We were also only required to take 2 gen chem courses and 2 ochem courses, each with a separate lab, but the portal says not to include lab classes. Not sure how to proceed... thank you!!
for where we enter our mcat, do we only enter date and composite score of our highest score, if we took it twice?
How is everyone interpreting this question: “Please provide a chronological list with dates AND a brief description of your clinical experiences/shadowing.” Specifically, the “brief description” part. Does that mean a sentence or two stating what I did? Or should I try to write something more meaningful?
How is everyone interpreting this question: “Please provide a chronological list with dates AND a brief description of your clinical experiences/shadowing.” Specifically, the “brief description” part. Does that mean a sentence or two stating what I did? Or should I try to write something more meaningful?
I did 2-3 sentences for each one just because that was what I had the space for. I imagine you could go more on depth on certain activities if you have space for it though
Just submitted my secondary and uploaded my photo. Underneath it says "Letters of Recommendation NOT received" , "We have not received your Letters of Recommendation from AMCAS", "please verify that the letter writers have properly submitted your letters"

Not sure why its saying this as they were all properly uploaded to AMCAS. Anyone else having this message pop up?
I have one long-term experience for the community service question. Would it be recommended to use up the rest of the 500ish words of the prompt to give a "brief" description of it. Personally I think if I were to talk about this one experience, it would not be "brief". However, I also don't want to waste space if I can.
Just submitted my secondary and uploaded my photo. Underneath it says "Letters of Recommendation NOT received" , "We have not received your Letters of Recommendation from AMCAS", "please verify that the letter writers have properly submitted your letters"

Not sure why its saying this as they were all properly uploaded to AMCAS. Anyone else having this message pop up?
Yes. Me too.
I have one long-term experience for the community service question. Would it be recommended to use up the rest of the 500ish words of the prompt to give a "brief" description of it. Personally I think if I were to talk about this one experience, it would not be "brief". However, I also don't want to waste space if I can.
Was it not one of your most meaningful experiences on your primary?
How are you guys entering AP courses for pre-reqs? Do I need to mention somehwere that it is AP? I am confused what to put for year and grade, as the instructions are a bit vague.
How are you guys entering AP courses for pre-reqs? Do I need to mention somehwere that it is AP? I am confused what to put for year and grade, as the instructions are a bit vague.
It says not to put a grade in for AP courses. For the year I'm putting the year I began attending college because that's when the AP courses were accepted by my university, so that's the year that shows on my transcript too. As for the name of the AP courses, I'm unsure about that myself. Currently I'm just using the title that I had on my transcript, but does anyone else have any input?
Do they really need all those required and "optional" I mean JEEZ their poor people who have to read this!
Did anyone else have difficulties uploading the photograph they required? I'm getting error messages each time I do it. I uploading a jpg, so unsure what I did wrong.
I accidentally clicked one of the buttons for a question for "reapplicants" and now I can't uncheck it. I'm not a reapplicant - does anyone have any idea how to undo this?
Hi, does anyone know how strict they are for the biochem requirement? My school is on the quarter system and only required us to take one biochem course if you aren't majoring in biochem. We were also only required to take 2 gen chem courses and 2 ochem courses, each with a separate lab, but the portal says not to include lab classes. Not sure how to proceed... thank you!!
I have the same question. My school's requirement was one biochem lower div lecture and then 1 upper div biochem lab+lecture combined but it's listed as a lab class that felt way more lecture like than a gen chem lab
Did anyone else have difficulties uploading the photograph they required? I'm getting error messages each time I do it. I uploading a jpg, so unsure what I did wrong.
is the option to upload photo available after you submit the secondary?
It was, I was just confused on how much more I should talk about it since it was a most meaningful for me.
You have enough more to say about it that it would take up that much space? If you made it your most meaningful that should be plenty
is the option to upload photo available after you submit the secondary?
Yes! After submitting it shows the your application checklist and gives you the chance to upload the photo. And it initially was giving me troubles just because my image size was too big so just as a heads up if you have a problem, it might be that.
2023-2024 Miami (Miller) Secondary Essay Prompts (500 word limit each)

1) What have you done during the recent COVID-19 pandemic that will better prepare you to be a medical student and future physician?
2) Why have you selected the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine for your medical education? Please be as specific as possible.
3) Please provide a chronological list with dates AND a brief description of your clinical experiences/shadowing.
4) Please provide a chronological list with dates of your community service/volunteering.
5) Please discuss a situation where you had to use your leadership skills.
6) Please briefly discuss your research experience.
7) Please provide a chronological list with dates of your employment.
8) What have you done to help identify, address and correct an issue of systemic discrimination?
9) Choose one of the following prompts (you can't do both)
(optional)Provide a description of any activities involving the FINE ARTS (dance, drama, music, art, photography, etc.
Provide a description of any activities involving SPORTS (organized team sports, recreational activities that you play, watch or follow)
10) (optional) Describe your most meaningful involvement in STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS.
11) (optional) Provide a description of your most memorable TRAVEL experience.
12) (optional) Provide a description of your HOBBIES and what you do for fun and relaxation.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback:
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Interview Feedback
If majority of my clinical experience was done through volunteering, should I mention it twice for the chronological listing in questions 3/4?
For example, if I volunteered at a free clinic doing clinical work would I list it with my paid scribe job in question 3, and with another volunteering experience in a food bank for question 4?
Should I be worried if I haven't received the secondary invite yet? AMCAS submitted 5/30, processed 6/1.