2023-2024 Virginia

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Does anyone know if UVA does internal rankings? I swear on interview they mentioned they did not, but admit.org reports that they do.

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There is no internal ranking according to students there, I also saw the UVA info on that website and it has quite a bit of wrong info
Hey, all the info should be up to date as of last week - UVA has no internal rank on Admit, is it showing differently for you?

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Hey, all the info should be up to date as of last week - UVA has no internal rank on Admit, is it showing differently for you?

View attachment 385810
That looks good on my end now

There are also a handful of required lectures each week, so I'm not sure how you wanna list that under its respective column; looking at the weekly schedule for current M1s, roughly 40% of days require at least some attendance
That looks good on my end now

There are also a handful of required lectures each week, so I'm not sure how you wanna list that under its respective column; looking at the weekly schedule for current M1s, roughly 40% of days require at least some attendance
I'll try to see if there's a way I can make a half required/optional entry rather than one or the other, thanks!
I'll try to see if there's a way I can make a half required/optional entry rather than one or the other, thanks!
the lectures are optional. What Fern might be referencing are the TBL exercises or when there is a patient-activity. I don't think those are considered lectures. Many other schools that do optional attendance also have this policy with team-based learning and patient exercises. Otherwise, the list looks good!
Have an OOS students received merit scholarships? It seems to only have gone to in state students
the lectures are optional. What Fern might be referencing are the TBL exercises or when there is a patient-activity. I don't think those are considered lectures. Many other schools that do optional attendance also have this policy with team-based learning and patient exercises. Otherwise, the list looks good!
Yeah my bad I just looked again and I was pleasantly surprised, thank you for your work Mr./Mrs. Rabbit, now I am at peace knowing I don't have to give up morning gym sessions
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any waitlist movement anyone? How would we be notified if we were to get off the waitlist, phone call or email?
Anyone still holding out hope for the waitlist? Or is there not likely to be much movement now
Yep, it’s kind of crazy how quiet it is rn. Hopefully something by the end of the May 😭
Emailed admissions and they said “There has been some waitlist movement, but we are unsure at this time how much there will be at this time”
Hey, at least they didn't overbook, and now we know that the buffer has been exhausted 🙂
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Emailed admissions and they said “There has been some waitlist movement, but we are unsure at this time how much there will be at this time”
I’m assuming people haven’t been talking much and that its not just A withdrawals :/ I thought there wasn’t any waitlist movement but I guess not 😭
Waitlist gang, Let’s hope this is the week we hear something 😭 do we know if they’ll call by phone on Fridays like they did during interview season or might be any day of the week?
Waitlist gang, Let’s hope this is the week we hear something do we know if they’ll call by phone on Fridays like they did during interview season or might be any day of the week?
Judging by past UVA threads, it seems like it could be any weekday!
Apparently there hasn’t been a lot of waitlist movement this year, maybe we’ll hear something next week? This so hard 🥲