2024-2025 George Washington

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Anyone else submit the 15-16th and still no update to your status? Not sure if that is a bad or good thing
Probably a good thing. Looks like they're doing POE first on applicants they don't quite like and giving a second look at those they deem worth a second look. Either that or they're sending out hold notifications first before sending IIs.
Probably a good thing. Looks like they're doing POE first on applicants they don't quite like and giving a second look at those they deem worth a second look. Either that or they're sending out hold notifications first before sending IIs.

seems like holds and then II based off last year
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when did they start sendings IIs last year
I believe most schools start sending out IIs the first two weeks of August. The next 2 weeks is when the fun really begins.

For most schools, we get an email that we got an II, right?
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honestly no hold can mean anything from not reviewed, rejected, or interview invite soon
I was completed on 7/10. They haven't sent out IIs yet and like I said, they may be doing POE first which if you're not on hold, you passed the first round, which is good news.
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I was completed on 7/10. They haven't sent out IIs yet and like I said, they may be doing POE first which if you're not on hold, you passed the first round, which is good news.
Eh I wouldn’t say this is the case. Nobody knows what a hold means. Some people never get a hold and just get the R.
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Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2025. (750 characters)

For this question, do we just summarize the tasks of our activities or can we talk about what we've learned/how we grew? Some of mine are self-explanatory so I think talking about my insights would be better but
submitted 7/16, placed on hold for re-review 7/29
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I know they dont take AP Biology, but will other upper level bio courses suffice for their requirement? For example, cell bio, genetics, or anatomy?
On hold for re-review this morning. Complete 7/15.
It gives me anxiety seeing all of the holds like dang…..feels like I’m next lol
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on the secondary app how does selecting main vs regional campus work? if i select main do i never have the chance of doing regional route? and if i select regional does that take me out of consideration for the main campus route?
Has anyone not received a secondary yet from here? Got verified 7/12 and still nothing from GW, I'm getting worried
anyone else who submitted the secondary in mid july and still on application complete?
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Submitted 7/16, on hold for re-review, not sure what day that happened
That means they really like you and you're probably getting an II.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that there were a significant amount of people last year that got a hold but still ended up getting an interview, and vice versa, plenty of people that never got a hold that did not end up getting an interview. It seems like GW holds are more neutral than with other schools
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