Trying to figure out the top half of my list. My priorities include trying to live in a bigger city and choosing a program with a tight-knit culture where the residents are all very close and the faculty/leadership are very approachable and invested in the residents. I'm trying to balance those goals with wanting to train at a program that will prepare me well for post-residency and put me in a good position for fellowship (currently planning on heme/onc). I'm also interested in med ed and appreciate programs that have pre-existing med-ed opportunities within the residency. Current list as follows:
1. Northwestern -- love Chicago, have a few friends/family in the area, plan to stay in the midwest post-residency, loved the PD and felt like the residents were all really satisfied with their choice. My only major complaint was no X+Y scheduling, but I also think night-float is better for me than 24 hr call, so the lack of overnight call might be worth it.
2. Duke -- the most well-regarded program on my list. I really liked the culture that was promoted during interview day and the PD and my interviewers were great, but I also didn't click with a few of the residents I met throughout the dinner and the day of. Durham is a smaller city than I'd like, but I have ties there and the weather/good COL are appealing.
3. Vanderbilt -- found the residents easy to get along with, great PD, lots to do in Nashville.
4. WashU -- had a great interview day, the scheduling seems more relaxed than some of the other top programs. Spent a lot of time with the chiefs so didn't get a good sense of how close the rest of the class was. Thought the PD didn't seem as involved as others I encountered. Would be disappointed to have to live in St Louis.
5. BIDMC -- loved Boston and all the interactions with residents. Everyone seemed really happy with their choice. I have multiple friends in the area. Wish it could be higher but when trying to balance location/vibe with strength of the program/future fellowship opportunities I find myself putting it lower. Considering switching this with #4.
6. UChicago -- love Chicago but the program seemed needlessly intense to me.
7. Michigan -- I feel weird putting Michigan this low, but when I think of living in Ann Arbor my heart sinks a little bit.
If anyone has insights into the satisfaction of residents at some of these programs that'd be awesome. Also trying to get a sense of what programs are close enough in training quality/opportunities that location and gut feeling can be the deciding factor. My impression was that it's Duke > Northwestern, Michigan, WashU, Vanderbilt > BIDMC, U Chicago where the ones grouped by commas are similar enough. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.