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Eminem needs to release this gosh darn album already!!! wot 'n' tarnation is taking him so long, literally dying over here



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Eminem needs to release this gosh darn album already!!! wot 'n' tarnation is taking him so long, literally dying over here
He’s on SNL tonight with Chance, so I’m thinking he’s gonna give a real release date. Please God!!
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@VincentAdultman @OrthoTraumaMD @SurfingDoctor spinning desk chairs bump!


"As the CoKF approaches 0, productivity goes negative as you pull OTHER people into chair-spinning contests."
I tested this hypothesis on call tonight. Unfortunately I have to reject the null hypothesis as no one joined in as I spun. Maybe they forgot to account for the variable of yelling “wheee”.
As a pediatrician, I can relate to the level of parental angst depicted while toilet training.

Our oldest potty trained herself when we finally stopped trying to push it. We let her pick out her own potty and told her to tell us when she was ready. She started the same day and only had one or two accidents.
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So last week Thursday at my Hospice shift one of the people who I work with ( she works in activities, I volunteer there) said she wouldn't see me today ( my next shift) b/c of Thanksgiving. But for some reason I feel the need to tell them I'm not gonna be there. Even though its a holiday. And I'm not an emergency personal. Why am I like this.
Thoroughly confused but I feel like I should be honored to make the bump list.
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Yeah for some reason, I remembered the following when you posted few months ago lol


Ha. I loved that but now that I'm all grown up and im an actual real doctor I dunno it seemed like it was in bad taste.

So now I have an avatar and handle based off a show where animals talk, do drugs, and have sex with each other/humans.

I was raised nominally Jewish. I went to Israel for a couple months and felt super connected and had my faith revitalized. I was orthodox for a while, but I started asking questions about Jesus initially for the purpose of being able to defend the position that Jesus is not the Messiah. But there were a lot of questions that had no answers or answers that didn't make sense. The more I read about it, the more difficult it was to deny it.

However, it wasn't until I went to boot camp that I actually got saved. I was almost separated from the Navy due to a benign eye condition that got missed during my in-processing, but I prayed really hard. Some of the guys in my division dragged me to church one Sunday, and I agreed just to get away from the RDCs (the drill instructors). At church, the Chaplain preached, and I was just blown away. When he asked at the end if anyone wanted to accept Jesus, I couldn't stop myself from standing up. It just felt right.
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I was raised nominally Jewish. I went to Israel for a couple months and felt super connected and had my faith revitalized. I was orthodox for a while, but I started asking questions about Jesus initially for the purpose of being able to defend the position that Jesus is not the Messiah. But there were a lot of questions that had no answers or answers that didn't make sense. The more I read about it, the more difficult it was to deny it.

However, it wasn't until I went to boot camp that I actually got saved. I was almost separated from the Navy due to a benign eye condition that got missed during my in-processing, but I prayed really hard. Some of the guys in my division dragged me to church one Sunday, and I agreed just to get away from the RDCs (the drill instructors). At church, the Chaplain preached, and I was just blown away. When he asked at the end if anyone wanted to accept Jesus, I couldn't stop myself from standing up. It just felt right.

Wow! Super interesting! Thanks for sharing. I hope you also welcomed bacon back into your life :D
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Wow! Super interesting! Thanks for sharing. I hope you also welcomed bacon back into your life :D

Matthew 15:11 said:
It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.

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