low gpa applicant

  1. E

    MD & DO WAMC-First Time Applicant/Trying To Figure Out School List

    Hi Everyone, Hoping to get some advice on my stats and any suggestions on what to do to have a better chance of getting in. And any schools that I would be a good fit to apply to (have started a list already). There's a ton of info out there and being the first person in my family to apply to...
  2. RedHatLover42

    Is there a path/chance for me to med school? 25M, Tech, Low Undergrad GPA

    Hello all, Basically am just asking if it is even possible for me to consider getting into med school at my age + statistics? 25M, Currently work in FinTech as a Software Engineer for a major company, it's not FAANG but anyone within the financial sector would immediately know what it is. I...
  3. F

    WAMC 3rd time applicant- low GPA :(

    This will be my 3rd application cycle. I am beginning to lose hope. Can someone please help me determine whether or not I should apply to these programs or programs I can add? My funds are somewhat limited and I do not want to apply to programs that require references from a professor (never...
  4. buttersthecat

    WAMC will my masters degree help?

    Hey yall, my name is Emily, from Baton Rouge, LA Currently completing a masters thesis program at the University of New Orleans First time applying- not sure where I want to apply- Interested in LSU (IS), CST, and NCS Goals: zoo/wildlife/conservation vet, would love to do wildlife research and...
  5. V

    What to do after being rejected

    Hi, so I have applied to a few vet schools and I’m still waiting to hear back from two schools. However, I have received rejections from all others. That being said I’m looking into how to go about improving my application for the next time around. However, I’m a bit confused as to which root to...
  6. D

    WAMC - Low GPA, Non-Traditional Applicant, 3rd year applying

    Hello! I am a 29 year old female, my in-state school is Virginia-Maryland. This will be my 3rd time applying. Last year I got 1 interview, but not successful in receiving an interview for any other schools. I applied to about 6 schools this past year. Possibly looking to apply to 5-7 this cycle...
  7. LuminatorMan

    Applying to both MD and SMP at the same school.

    Hello all. I need some advice to help me with my gameplan. Due to feeling shaky about my acceptance chances when I apply this summer, I will also be applying to SMPs. That said, how would it be viewed by a med school’s adcoms if I applied to both their MD program and their SMP at the same time...
  8. J

    Is it possible to get into PA school with a low undergraduate GPA?? Be honest...

    I am about to be a junior this Fall and my GPA is currently 2.6. I was in college thinking a lot about my major and I was undecided with what I wanted to do but I recently decided that I was interested in PA school and becoming a physical assistant My current major is in Accounting and I am...
  9. P

    Gap Year Decision! SMP? Research?

    I graduated from undergrad this May, and I will be applying to medical school next summer. I am taking my MCAT this August and so far I've been averaging around 510. I am at a huge crossroads on what to do this next year. I graduated from a top 30 college with 3.59 cGPA, 3.4 sGPA with good...
  10. W

    Need Advice -- Low GPA

    Hey everyone, Reapplicant here. Applied to about 26 schools this cycle in AACOMAS (second cycle). I've been getting rejections even quicker than last cycle. Need some guidance on how to prepare if I do have to reapply? My application from last cycle differs by 4 more post-bacc credits (got an...
  11. D


  12. D

    How i got into dental school with LOW GPA (under 3.0)

    Hi everyone! since the cycle was just opened, i want to share my experience when i was applying to dental schools. When i was applying last year, I was on SDN NON STOP. I was nervous, scared, and full of questions. I'm here to share my experience on how i got into dental school with LOW GPA. If...
  13. M

    Gap Year Advice

    Hi! I just graduated college, I ended with a cGPA of 3.36 and sGpa of 3.2 Now I know my stats aren't amazing, but I would rather focus on the mcat so that's why I didn't really consider doing a PostBacc since I know I am the type of student who can't do classes and mcat prep all the same time...
  14. S

    Successful Applicants Stats - Class of 2023

    Starting it off a bit early, but I know some are starting to hear back so I hope this is okay. Congrats to those who have been accepted, waitlisted, and invited to interview! Please follow previous years formats: Successful Applicants Stats - Class of 2022
  15. LindaAccepted

    Medical Boost Your GPA for Medical School Acceptance

    In our last post, we talked about how to best present yourself in your secondaries and interviews. Today we’ll move forward and discuss ways to boost your GPA, another important feature of your med school application profile. Feeling a bit fragile after those intense last few blog posts? That’s...
  16. K

    What are my chances with these stats?

    Hello! Very common question, but I'm trying to get all the help I can get! I'm currently a junior at Pitt planning on applying the upcoming cycle. Major: Natural Sciences, Minor: Spanish GPAs: 3.4 oGPA and 3.3 sGPA DAT: 21 AA, 21 TS, 22 PAT Some important EC: ~250 hrs of dental assisting...
  17. R

    DIY post bacc or SMP?

    Attached is a screenshot of my undergrad grades. I still have to get through virology, anatomy, organic 1&2, and physics 1&2. I have a ton of bad bio grades because my first two years of college I was lazy and didn't take it as seriously as I should have. Other experience includes ~2000 hours...
  18. T

    Crappy GPA. Post Bacc?

    Hey guys so I’m finally graduating next summer with a really bad overall science GPA. I’m almost too embarrassed to post it. Let’s just say it’s right under a 3.0. I had my difficulties sophomore and junior year which led to the downfall of my otherwise great GPA. I know there is not a way to...
  19. W

    What are my chances?

    So Im applying right now and getting really nervous. My ACOMAS GPA is overall 2.87 Non science 2.99 Science 2.69 Post bac 3.32 MCAT 500. Countless clinical hours and really well rounded on the extra curriculars. Also first gen, disadvantaged. Can any previous applicants with...
  20. T

    Climbing a mountain with no gear, I could use some guidance!

    So I have a really tough road ahead. I graduated with a BS Kinesiology in 2012. cGPA: 2.68 But I retook some classes at a community college and got B’s (chems and physics) but gpa in community college is a 3.0. I then went to vocational school to become an X-ray tech and hated it the...
  21. O

    Canadian Student low GPA

    Dear people of the forum, I am asking for some much needed advice. I have a 3.03 GPA in biochem but I do have a strong upward trend (3.45 and 3.8 in my last 2 semesters), and I still have one semester left. I have a 508 on MCAT I wrote last summer. I am wondering if anyone knows of any...
  22. W

    Low Undergrad GPA- Any Suggestion Please

    Hi, I am a recently graduating senior with biology in UC school. I have a very low gpa- culmulative: 3.02/ science: 2.98 right now. So I am thinking about re-taking the major science classes like Biochemistry or Genetics with C+ or lower in Community College. But would that necessarily make my...
  23. G

    SMP or Post Bacc given stats: cGPA 3.31 sGPA 3.13 MCAT 500

    Hi everyone! I'm looking for advise based on some raw numbers/information: I am a CA resident. I graduated college 4 years ago, have since worked as a medical scribe, in a clinic for the underserved, and had many volunteer/shadowing hours (have not had research work since my undergrad...
  24. WoodsideA.G.

    4 Times applying. What is wrong?

    I have been applying to dental school since 2014 while making improvements over the years. Currently: 3.28c 3.28s GPA (VCU CERT:3.46) DAT (3rd attempt): 20AA 21TS (Bio 23 Chem 21 Ochem 20 RC 20 PA 22 QR 17) over 2000 dental assisting hours and a bachelors in Biology, 700 hours volunteer...
  25. M

    Medical school acceptance

    Academics: I currently have a 3.2 GPA which is down from a 3.3. My last semester was rough: I withdrew from a class, received my first C (in my life) in anat/phys II. For this semester I will receive at least a 3.5 GPA which will only bring my GPA up to 3.25-3.28. I have 3 more semesters...
  26. S

    Engineering to Medical School

    Hello everyone! I am new to this website so let me give a quick summary of my current situation. I am finishing up my undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering this semester from a top 10 engineering school. I was exposed to the healthcare field at an early age from my family, but never...
  27. ChandlerBing24

    DO DO School - What are my chances?

    Alright everyone, I would love for honest opinions and feedback. I would be applying to matriculate in 2019. I graduated with a 3.28cgpa/3.2sgpa with a 506 MCAT taken this June. Some of the things I did in college include: - 2 years of research with a poster presentation - 500 hours working as...
  28. K

    Bad Study Skills or Inability to Do Coursework?

    Hey everyone, I graduated in 2016 from a UC with a 3.1 cumulative gpa and a 2.7ish science gpa. I've recently gotten interested in dental school. Now, I know as it stands that my gpa will not get me into any school anywhere, but I guess I'm trying to figure out the feasibility of becoming a...
  29. N

    Low GPA. Ok MCAT. First time applicant. Is there any hope for me?

    New member here. This should have been posted at WAMC. Graduated May 2013 with BS in Biochem, Applying to DO -3.1 cGPA, 3.0sGPA -511 MCAT Undergrad experience (until May 2013) -2 years research experience in organic lab during undergrad (~15-20 hrs/week) -work experience: high school tutor...
  30. F


    Hello! So this is my first post and I could really use the help. I just graduated in May with my BS in Public Health and am planning to go back to med school eventually, taking as much time as I need. I struggled a little in my first few years of undergrad and didn't do well in the few science...
  31. Cheezy89

