pre-physical therapy

  1. Y

    Need help on improving my PTCAS app for 2025-2026 Cycle!

    Hey everyone, I'm reaching out for some advice on beefing up my PTCAS application for the summer 2025 cycle. Here’s where I stand: My stats: Cumulative GPA: 3.47 Science Prerequisites GPA: 3.65 – 3.75 GRE Score: 157/153/3.5 (Planning to retake for a better AW score) Observation Hours in...
  2. J

    Physical therapy school interview

    Does anyone know of who can help out with doing mock interview? I have an interview with Ohio University DPT school in couple weeks and needed some help. Willing to pay too. Also if anyone has been accepted to Ohio University, does anyone remember what the questions were or like? Thanks!
  3. J

    Application Mistake

    I’m embarassed and disappointed in myself for having a handful of typos in my application that I can no longer change because I didn’t notice them until after I submitted my application. Luckily my essay is good but my experiences and achievement section is where the misspelling lies. I fear the...
  4. crmdpt

    NAU DPT Cycle 2021-2022

    Anyone else interview with NAU? If so, any idea on when we are supposed to hear back?
  5. A

    Students of “Candidate” status programs

    Hello, I am looking into applying to a new program and entering their class as they become a “candidate” for accreditation. Has anyone attended a school under these circumstances and how did it work when you graduated and tried to get licensed?
  6. J

    Marshall DPT school

    Hey guys, recent graduate and I got waitlisted at Marshall University for their physical therapy program and was wandering if anyone is a student of the program? If so how is it? What is your favorite thing about the program? What is your least or hardest class you’ve had? Any tips on excelling...
  7. P

    SUNY Upstate Medical University DPT

    Hey everyone! I wanted to start a thread to see if anyone has heard anything back from SUNY Upstate. I interviewed two weeks ago and haven't heard back yet. I would love to know if people who interviewed earlier got decisions yet.
  8. E

    Athletic training

    I have been admitted to my dream college, but I wasn't accepted into their physical therapy program. So right now I have a "Still Deciding" major. My admissions counselor said that I should look into Athletic Training as my major, since it is pretty similar to physical therapy. Can I still...
  9. dpt_7

    UM University of Miami DPT 2024

    Hey everyone! I just interviewed for the University of Miami's DPT program on 10/16 and wanted to open this thread to hear from anyone else who is applying or has already been accepted. Feel free to ask any questions if you're still waiting for an interview and if you've already been accepted...
  10. J

    Diversity in PT schools and where to apply

    Hello everyone! I'm not sure if this post will get flagged or receive unnecessary hate but here goes. I am currently in the process of retaking some prerequisites, and getting more observation hours so that I can apply to a DPT program in the upcoming 2020-2021 cycle. I graduated from...
  11. D

    How to get into DPT programs with low GPA?

    I'm on my second semester as a junior and I currently have: cGPA: 3.46 pGPA: 3.15 If I'm going to be honest, I wasn't passionate about becoming a PT until this semester and I haven't felt the motivation previously due to many family and personal complications getting in the way. I firmly...
  12. S

    University of St. Augustine DPT FALL 2020 Thread (YELLOW CLASS)

    Haven't seen a fall 2020 thread. Only see a summer/spring one. Comment if you're applying for fall and which campus. I'm applying to San Marcos Campus. cGPA: 3.39 pGPA:3.3 GRE: combined 291 141V 150Q 3A scienceGPA:3.02 Observation Hours: 190 Letter of Recs: 4 when I applied: 10/15 ...
  13. D

    Wingate DPT 2019-2020

    Hello everyone! I just recently got accepted in Wingates 2021 cohort. I was wondering if anyone else has gotten accepted or if anyone was planning on applying!!
  14. S

    According to ptcas my overall gpa is 3.23. Do you think this is good enough for DPT school?

    I am apply for this open cycle and I am currently retaking 2 science classes this fall and in the spring I am taking for the first time physics 2. I hope to make an A on the two courses I am taking this fall. I believe I can do it. Physics 2 I might get away with a B. I'm not too sure. However...
  15. P

    University of St. Augustine DPT Flex Old Prerequisites

    Hi everyone. I’m applying to st Augustine’s flex DPT program at San Marcus. All I’m waiting on is to take the GRE in two weeks. The rest of my application is complete and once verified the school will receive it. I am so nervous about a few things however. All of my prerequisite classes are...
  16. P

    Please help me decide! UNLV vs. MUSC

    I was just accepted into UNLV and now I am stressing over deciding what school to go to, as I was acepted into MUSC several weeks ago and put down a deposit. I feel like they are such different schools, but they both really interest me. I received a scholarship to UNLV which is a huge factor. I...
  17. Z

    NSU Tampa DPT Questions

    Hey guys! I'm getting ready to apply to schools this summer and the NSU Tampa hybrid program seems very interesting to me and is one of my top choices. I was just wondering how those who are attending this program or have attended this program feel about it, and whether or not you feel having...
  18. M

    University of St. Augustine Fall 2019 Thread

    Hi all! I've been lurking for a good while and decided to start a thread for those applying for Fall 2019. I just got an email for an interview at the Miami campus on Feb. 1st. Can anyone who has gone through the interview process let me know how it went/questions that they asked. Also would...
  19. J

    Rutgers South DPT Class of 2022 Facebook Page!

    CONGRATS to everyone that was accepted and is committed to Rutgers South's DPT Program! There were no FB pages that were made yet and past students created their own, sooo here ya go lol It'd be much easier to get to know each other or just get a feel of who'll be in our class and share info...
  20. F

    Regis 2018-2019 applicants

    Hi everyone! I saw a similar thread for last year's applicants around this time for those who have heard back for interviews at Regis. I know that we can expect to hear from them within the next couple weeks... but the anxiety is killing me! Thought this would be a good place for us to all be...
  21. M

    Gannon University Erie Campus

    Started this thread because I can’t find one for Gannon. Hello all! I was recently accepted (11/14) to Gannon University Erie location. Does anyone have any info about the program other than what’s on the website? Location? Pros and cons? Living in Erie? It would be much appreciated. I...
  22. R

    Pharmacy, PT, or OT?? help a poor confused soul

    Please help me I am really confused. I am into my junior year of college and I am still not sure which healthcare career I want to pursue. I worked as a pharmacy technician in retail and had a horrible boss who verbally assaulted me which contributed to me hating the experience. Also when I...
  23. T

    Climbing a mountain with no gear, I could use some guidance!

    So I have a really tough road ahead. I graduated with a BS Kinesiology in 2012. cGPA: 2.68 But I retook some classes at a community college and got B’s (chems and physics) but gpa in community college is a 3.0. I then went to vocational school to become an X-ray tech and hated it the...
  24. D

    Re-applying to DPT programs for a second time. Need some advice

    So for this current DPT application cycle didn't go well for me. All the schools I applied to rejected me and I'm preparing to re-apply once applications open up in June. My stats: - 3.32 cGPA - 3.30 Pre-req - 3.57 GPA for last 60 credits - 151 Q, 150 V, 4.0 A - 127 hrs in outpatient...
  25. humerus_pt

    University of St Augustine Spring 2019

    Hey guys! Just wanted to create a forum for those applying to USAHS for Spring 2019 (St. Augustine location)! I initially planned to apply for Fall 2018 but decided not to because my stats aren't competitive. My advisor (Juan) reached out last month & suggested that I apply for Spring 2019, so...
  26. B

    Gap year or Masters program

    Hi everyone, so I am a little late to the DPT game... I decided I wanted to pursue DPT during my last semester of college. It took me 4 years of college to finally figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. But I am really glad I finally did! With my mechanical engineering...
  27. H

    Is it REALLY possible? Becoming a DPT while serving in the National Guard..

    Is it Really possible? Becoming a DPT while serving in the National Guard.. First off, this is my very first post on SDN - I have realized how valuable some threads on here are to others! Hearing from those who have gone down the paths that others want to go down provides people with incredible...
  28. P

    University of Saint Mary Kansas 2021

    Has anyone gotten their acceptance letter and made a decision? How long did they give you to decide? I was put on the waitlist so now just more waiting to see what will happen. Excited to hear something, but not exactly the verdict I was hoping for.
  29. M

    MUSC Class of 2021

    Hello Fellow members of MUSC DPT's Class of 2021! I was hoping to meet some of you at the open house. However, it was canceled due to Charleston freezing over. I don't know how you all are planning on finding roommates or housing but I am definitely looking for both. I thought this would be a...
  30. M

    question) re-applying to same dpt program would lower my chance of getting in compared to people who

    I'm curious about this since, there is program that i want to apply to and I can apply this year if i want to but there are couple classes that i can retake and maybe do more volunteers etc but that would take me another year. so if it doesn't hurt me to re-apply ( just in case if i don't get...
  31. S

    PT wants paper verification for shadowing hours

    Help!! So I am shadowing a physical therapist for the first time tomorrow and the PT wants to verify my hours by paper. How should I go about this? I found two webpages on PTCAS about the matter, one page said to print out the "PTCAS observation hours verification form (PDF)" which i found and I...
  32. S

    Rosalind Franklin - Any News??

    Hi all, I have been anxiously waiting to hear ANYTHING back from Rosalind Franklin and wanted to know if anyone knows when the last interview is and when you would get an invite. My application was verified August 8th. The last email I received from them was September 25th saying that my...
  33. F

    Emory DPT 2017 Applicants

    ***UPDATE**** :) Hi everyone! I just wanted to start a thread for Emory's DPT application process this year since I haven't seen one yet. If anyone would like to share their stats that would be cool! I know from looking at last year's thread, people started getting invitations to interview...
  34. A

    Why PT?

  35. H

    Other OT-Related Information How to be mentally and emotionally prepare for PT/OT school?

    I am currently a Junior right now. Now I am a little afraid of grad school and how you will intensely study for 2-3 years. Right now, I am not too confident about performing well in grad school, PT or OT. Over the past few semesters, I have been trying to become a better student with no prevail...
  36. D

    Duke University DPT 2021 (regular decision)

    Has anyone heard back from Duke for regular decision applicants who did not apply for ED?
  37. D

    University of Miami DPT Acceptances 2021

    I know this is early! But I wanted to create this post to keep track of who has been accepted so far. I had my interview on 10/20 and am currently awaiting a response! Best of luck to you all!
  38. D

    Switch Undergrad Major?

    I am a sophomore student who recently changed majors to exercise science/pre-pt after realizing engineering was not something I was interested in. I originally chose to switch to exercise science because I could still graduate in 4 years and go on to PT school. Now however I am seeing the...
  39. D

    AT Still University (ATSU) DPT class 2021

    Anyone accepted into the DPT class of 2021 at ATSU?
  40. D

    Early Decision "I heard back" Thread 2017-2018

    Hello all! I'm posting this here to help others who are anxiously checking their phone, email, etc for a response from their ED school! A few of us have heard back already, a lot of us should hear soon, and unfortunately many of us will hear back at the deadline. Post here when you hear back...