
  1. S

    Overcoming a low GPA -- I feel like I have many options but I'm not sure which is most effective

    I'm a non-traditional candidate, I'm looking at getting back into the race but I have some areas I'd like to round out and compensate for. I'm a decent candidate with a Math degree. Some genetics research along side research in mathematical models of cancer and some pure math research (both...
  2. O


  3. T

    Postbac GPA

    Hi, I was wondering if my postbac GPA will be weighted more heavily than my undergrad GPA? I was a non-science major, the only science course I took being a Bio course over 10 years ago. My BCPM postbac is 3.46, cumulative postbac is 3.51 (I took some psych and public health courses). Will this...
  4. N

    Postbacc: NYU vs. UCLA extension vs. Loras College? (or more?!)

    Hi all, I've been heavily debating which postbacc program I should begin in the fall. For reference, my uGPA is 3.09 and my science GPA (general chemistry, plus 2/3 of the general bio series) is around a 2.6-2.8. I will be retaking general chemistry and biology. I only got into 1 formal program...
  5. Bookish_future_mergrey

    Germophobic doctor?

    So the last couple of weeks (& especially these last few days) I've been heavily pondering my pre-med track. As of late (since COVID, really), I've been what some people would call "excessively cautious" about not catching COVID or any other illnesses, for that matter. I wash my hands a lot and...
  6. T

    Post bacc vs masters for Sub 3.0 Student

    I need help deciding whether post bacc or an SMP is the best option for me to get into medical school. I graduated from a higher end university in 2019 with a cGPA of 2.5 and sGPA of 2.4. Since then, I’ve been taking all science classes (44 credits) via an informal post bacc (retaking pre reqs...
  7. Alexd0223

    How to Prepare for Organic Chemistry?

    I am a sophomore chemistry major, and am about to take organic chemistry. I have just recently finished gen chem 1 and 2 in the spring and summer semesters, and earned A's in both. From what I hear, Orgo is a completely different animal. I have just under a month before the class starts, and...


    Hi, So I have read you want to stay far away from mentioning addiction if you can. In my case, I think I will have to mention it. I struggled with substance use, domestic violence, homelessness, and mental health issues for the better part of my early twenties. I found out I was pregnant and...
  9. auoz1

    UC Davis Post Bacc - Personal Statement Questions

    Hello, I just joined this forum and would like to ask for some help with a writing assignment. I was wondering if anyone who has applied to the UC Davis Pre-Med Post-Bac program before, would be willing to share what questions were asked for the personal essays? I am working on a personal...
  10. A


  11. T

    Business Major Pre-Med considering Post-Bacc

    Hi everyone, I'm an incoming 4th year business major (finance concentration) at a large public school. I am completing premedical requirements as well. So, the reality of the situation is that the administration at my University isn't allowing me to take physics next year, and I also want to...
  12. N

    Harvard Extension School

    Hi Has anyone applied to the premedical program at Harvard Extension School or completed the program that I can talk to about? Thank you!
  13. AsILayFaulkner_8

    Looking to reinvent, but not sure where to start? I have taken nearly every science class in the book.

    Hello! I'm hoping my situation isn't super unheard of because I'm really needing some insight. I am a MD/DO hopeful looking to reinvent with a DIY postbacc. However, I have a million undergrad credits and have taken Zoology, Ecology, both sections of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Histology...
  14. M

    Need for some advice: DIY Postbacc or program for a career changer

    Hi everyone! I am currently an air ambulance pilot/flight instructor. I got my BA in History and Public Health. I have been an EMT for 8 years and have volunteered with hospice patients for the last 6 years. In undergrad, I was a Biology major on the Pre-med track. I took some science classes...
  15. M

    Clinical Experience

    Hi, I'm a rising Junior and I have realized I have NO clinical experience whatsoever. While yes COVID affected me from Spring of Freshman year to this date and medical schools might be understanding, I believe I owe it to myself to be hands-on in a clinical environment which shows me what I love...
  16. europ321123

    Help! Can’t decide

    Hi! I received presidential scholarship offers from both college’s: Lewis and Clark(Oregon) and Albright College (PA). I can’t decide. Albright website said that they have affiliation with some hospitals, shadowing etc, at the same time Lewis and Clark have no such information on their website...
  17. E

    Reporter looking to talk to people about med school applications, experiences & expenses (pre- and during COVID)

    Hi everyone, My name is Eric Krebs and I'm reporting for Slate Magazine on the medical school application process and how COVID affected things. I'm interested in hearing all experiences — the great and the terrible alike. I'm really interested in the interview process specifically, how remote...
  18. F

    Pre-med Post-Bac Application Question

    Hello all you informed pre-med/med people! I am a current junior in college (basically a senior since the year is practically over) and I am a film student who has made the ultimate decision to become a physician! I'm not going to use this space to give you my reasons why/how/etc but I was...
  19. I


  20. Anonymous0920

    Dual Enrollment/Medical School Question

    Hey guys, I'm about to go into my junior year of high school, and will end up with enough credits to graduate early, but I could also take free online dual enrollment courses with a community college my senior year. The thing is I want to go to college as a Premed(probably a biology or chemistry...
  21. 2

    Seeking guidance for the 2022 applicant cycle.

    Hello! I graduated from college in 2020 (Biology) and decided quite late that I wanted to become a physician. College was a really difficult time for me, and my grades definitely reflect that - most of my classes (Biology/Chemistry department) were B's. Ever since the Fall 2019 semester, I've...
  22. M

    Lost and Confused: WAMC

    Hi, I'm really sorry if this is redundant. I tried looking for similar questions but didn't see any. I am crazy worried because I've been told there's no hope for me going to med school and I wanted opinions. I wanted to apply med school this year but now am debating between post-bacc and SMPs...
  23. S

    How to get into a US medical school with bad grades?

    I’ve attended a US accredited 4 year university but had to drop out because of family financial reasons/a tragedy happened in my life. My grades were perfect for the first two years of schooling, I was on the deans list for maintaining >3.8 GPA. suddenly my grades dropped in my last 1.5 years at...
  24. R

    HELP: Clinical experience vs post-bacc for gap years?

  25. M

    UAB MSBHS 2021

    Hi, I wanted to start a post for the upcoming summer semester. I applied back in January but I haven't heard anything back yet and thought maybe others would be looking to connect.
  26. X

    MD with bad undergrad gpa

    Hello all, I would like to get some advice on what I should do. Hopefully by people who have been in the same boat as I am and have made it!.. Ever since I was a child I knew helping others was something I had a really strong passion for. Though it wasn’t until I became hospitalized at 18 with...
  27. jyy3gx

    Doing Extra-curriculars abroad due to the fact that you live abroad and covid

    Hello, I am a non-trad who ditched premed mid-undergrad and is planning to go back and finish my pre-reqs and ECs. My family lives abroad (Korea), and I really don't have a home here in the States. Since the classes that I plan to take are asynchronous online, I can take them back in Korea or...
  28. G

    Premed: USF or UF?

    Hi, I was admitted into the honors college at USF and the Summer B program at UF going into premed, but I’m having trouble choosing which college to go to. I don’t know much about the difference between the pre med at these schools. Any information/ advice of which school to go to would help...
  29. S

    Barry Podiatry VS. NYCPM (Opinions from current students?)

    Hi! I applied to both Barry and NYCPM and was hoping to get opinions on where I should go? I know that NYCPM has better board scores but what draws me to Barry is living in FL, the beautiful campus, and being in a less densely podiatrist-populated area (In NY, there are about 30 podiatry...
  30. N

    Low GPA and worried!

    Hello, I am a University of Toronto student that holds an American permanent residency (I received acceptance during my sophomore year so I'm currently unable to move to America due to my ongoing education in Canada). I am worried about my chances at medical school and only have 50 hours of...
  31. L

    Should I Exclude My Startup from My Application

    We’ve been making a lot of progress and I am a founder of the startup (for profit). We’re doing services related to public health. I read through some past posts and have seen people discouraging others from pursuing that route so I don’t know whether putting that on my application will be a...
  32. J

    Gap Year Predicament

    I graduated in May 2020 and am applying to medical school this upcoming cycle in summer 2021. I took a gap year and have done crisis text line volunteering for 15 hours/week since last April and serving on an events board for a domestic violence shelter. In the meantime, I've also been studying...
  33. R

    ICU position w/ informal postbacc or formal postbacc?

    Hi everyone! I am a senior nursing student about to graduate! I am interested in going to medical school in the future. My Gpa is ~3.7, I have some research experience (although I don’t know if it counts as research!). I have a good amount of community service hours. I also have many clinical...
  34. ac_lover99

    Does anyone have any insight on Early Decision Programs specifically for Indiana University and the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine?

    I am applying this cycle and really interested in either of these programs, leaning more towards UC but likely would have a better shot at IU due to being an IN resident but I was also born and raised in Cincinnati and still live <30 minutes away. It's really hard to find any info online about...
  35. PuffBlueCat

    Cycle Wrap Up and Reapplication

    Hello all. It has been a wild ride, and I am officially calling this application cycle. I went from all R's/silence and preparing to reapply to receiving my first II to my top choice on 2/1. I interviewed 2/17, and just got hit with the R yesterday. To say I'm heartbroken would be an...
  36. chemdoctor

    Do I need a committee letter?

    Hi everyone. Just what the title says. My college has a committee but I graduated a year ago (May 2020) and will be applying this upcoming cycle. Wondering if I still need one because my school's office has been a mess due to COVID. I honestly think my individual LORs are significantly...
  37. 444zane3

    Is this a reportable IA institutional action?

    Was caught with weed with bunch of other freshman in the 2nd week of classes in the honors college dorm. Cops were called but we did not get arrested. All I remember was that me and others involved gave a small statement to some administrator a couple days later. The student conduct office has...
  38. ninam2000

    School List HELP! (4.0/514) / WAMC

    Hi! I am having trouble making a school list for this upcoming cycle. I know my stats are too low for T20s, but I may want to apply to a few. Do people have any suggestions on what I can do to improve my app. Should I retake MCAT? Should I apply next year? GPA: 4.0 (from IVY LEAGUE) MCAT: 514...
  39. insaiyan-premed

    Step 2 CS discontinued

    Hello, I wanted to know how this would impact Pre-DO students like me who plan to mainly go DO schools as non-trad reinventors. I know PE is still there but w/ Step 1 P/F and Step 2 gone how would I make the case of being competitive for say Rads or EM. I know it's way early thinking about this...
  40. B

    Career change - Is my plan viable? How do I overcome my biggest obstacle?

    Hi SDN, TL;DR: Please see the problem I list at the very bottom and help me come up with a solution. Overview: I am 23 years old and obtained my BBA in May of 2019 with a 3.1 GPA. I currently work as a full-time (8AM-5PM) in corporate banking. For many reasons, I know my truest passion and...