2008-2009 University of Maryland Secondary Application Thread

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They usually send out letters, so it might take a while to get to you. I called them a few days after my 'decision day' and asked them if there was any updates to my file, then they told me over the phone that I was accepted :)

I think it's so funny that they're doing this now. When I called three weeks after my interview in October, the lady over the phone said "NEVER ever call to ask your status over the phone - just be patient!" :laugh: She was pretty emphatic about it.

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I think it's so funny that they're doing this now. When I called three weeks after my interview in October, the lady over the phone said "NEVER ever call to ask your status over the phone - just be patient!" :laugh: She was pretty emphatic about it.

Looks like the application cycle does not just wear down the applicants :D
I think it's so funny that they're doing this now. When I called three weeks after my interview in October, the lady over the phone said "NEVER ever call to ask your status over the phone - just be patient!" :laugh: She was pretty emphatic about it.

Well, at first she seemed slightly annoyed, but I told her it had already been almost 5 weeks after my interview and that Dr. Foxwell told us we should hear in 3 to 4. Then I also made the point that I live in Canada so it takes mail forever to get to me. Then, still annoyed, she put me on hold for a minute. When she came back in the sweetest voice she congratulated me and told me I was accepted :laugh:
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In case anyone is wondering, 264 acceptances have been handed out to date
In case anyone is wondering, 264 acceptances have been handed out to date

Is that so?

Dr. Foxwell said in our interview session today it was around 200 or so. Unless I misheard that is.

LQshvilli: thanks for letting me borrow your pen! :p
Is that so?

Dr. Foxwell said in our interview session today it was around 200 or so. Unless I misheard that is.

LQshvilli: thanks for letting me borrow your pen! :p

An e-mail was sent out today to all accepted students and they forgot to hide the list of who it was e-mailed to. When I counted them all up it came to 264. Hope you get in, I love Maryland :love:
An e-mail was sent out today to all accepted students and they forgot to hide the list of who it was e-mailed to. When I counted them all up it came to 264. Hope you get in, I love Maryland :love:

Really? what did it say? i was accepted a week ago and i didn't get an email today
anyone know when people who interviewed on march 4th are supposed to find out?
An e-mail was sent out today to all accepted students and they forgot to hide the list of who it was e-mailed to. When I counted them all up it came to 264. Hope you get in, I love Maryland :love:

Wow, great sleuth work, thanks for passing on the info. Anyone know how many they accept total? I guess their class size is around 160, so they prob accept around a bit under 300?
Wow, great sleuth work, thanks for passing on the info. Anyone know how many they accept total? I guess their class size is around 160, so they prob accept around a bit under 300?

I thought it was over 300, closer to 350 maybe.
Dr. Foxwell said around 300 in our interview.

Ouch, so around 30 spots left as of 3-18? Thats with at least 5 weeks worth of interviewees left to judge, so about 200 interviews and 30 spots, or 15% accept rate, like 4 times lower then over-all ... i wonder how many maryland ususally takes off the WL ...
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Ouch, so around 30 spots left as of 3-18? Thats with at least 5 weeks worth of interviewees left to judge, so about 200 interviews and 30 spots, or 15% accept rate, like 4 times lower then over-all ... i wonder how many maryland ususally takes off the WL ...

You have to figure that happens anyway though because they accept almost everyone they interview for the first few weeks (gunners doing well on MCAT, high GPA, and tons of ECs who got everything done early and the applicants they really want) and then it gradually dwindles down after that...to 15% chance at the end of the cycle. I don't think this is by any means uncommon.

Still sucks. But you never know. And they aren't known for decent waitlist movement...at all.
You have to figure that happens anyway though because they accept almost everyone they interview for the first few weeks (gunners doing well on MCAT, high GPA, and tons of ECs who got everything done early and the applicants they really want) and then it gradually dwindles down after that...to 15% chance at the end of the cycle. I don't think this is by any means uncommon.

Still sucks. But you never know. And they aren't known for decent waitlist movement...at all.

Well, I don't know... I interviewed back in late October and was put in post-interview hold. And I really don't think that I terribly bombed my interview... sigh.
You have to figure that happens anyway though because they accept almost everyone they interview for the first few weeks (gunners doing well on MCAT, high GPA, and tons of ECs who got everything done early and the applicants they really want) and then it gradually dwindles down after that...to 15% chance at the end of the cycle. I don't think this is by any means uncommon.

Still sucks. But you never know. And they aren't known for decent waitlist movement...at all.

True, maybe except at schools that aren't rolling?
I really don't think that I terribly bombed my interview... sigh.

Did you bomb it? just not terribly? Just wondering so folks have something to think about during the future md interviews.

I had one guy, who it was literally essential to interrupt just so I could say anything during the hour long interview. fretted about it for weeks.
At times my interviewer seemed to get bored of my responses and interrupted me during the middle of my answers, but I got in :thumbup:

Did you bomb it? just not terribly? Just wondering so folks have something to think about during the future md interviews.

I had one guy, who it was literally essential to interrupt just so I could say anything during the hour long interview. fretted about it for weeks.
Did you bomb it? just not terribly? Just wondering so folks have something to think about during the future md interviews.

I had one guy, who it was literally essential to interrupt just so I could say anything during the hour long interview. fretted about it for weeks.

My first interviewer was a second year student. He asked so many disconnected questions (It wasn't very conversation like), and it seemed like it was because he wasn't sure how to respond to the answers I gave him, so instead of following up on any of them, he would just fire away another question. And he kept on checking his watch, and seeing that we had another like 45 minutes to go, he would look down at his sheet of prepared questions and go "umm let see what else is here.... doo doo doo.... hm ok. So what do you... [etc]" Some questions were on things I hadn't really thought about, so I ended up fumbling. But I wouldn't really say that I did that very often...

My second interviewer was really late, and so I ended up getting to the train station literally like 4 minutes before it departed. He was very old; I felt like our conversation was pretty laid back, not at all "bad."

Sigh, I don't know anymore.
does anyone know when the march 4th interviewees are suppose to find out about their decision?

I had one guy, who it was literally essential to interrupt just so I could say anything during the hour long interview. fretted about it for weeks.

I think I had your interviewer too. It took me about 15 minutes to realize that this wasn't going to end well without my interrupting him.

I still don't think I added very much to the "conversation" in retrospect.
While I'm not extaordinarily hopeful about it, I am extremely curious about the fate of this post interview hold that's been chained to my file. It's like a present that I can finally unwrap in May and chuck on the pile of rejection letters.

My personal favorite rejection has been Yale. The letterhead was a nice cream color with a quietly elegant logo. I'm sardonically considering the concept of framing it and passing it off as a conversation piece.
I think Maryland's committee meets on Monday afternoons, so I'm guessing letters get sent out tomorrow ... anyone have any idea what interview week they're up to?
I think Maryland's committee meets on Monday afternoons, so I'm guessing letters get sent out tomorrow ... anyone have any idea what interview week they're up to?

I think most letters are sent on Wednesdays. At least they seemed to be at the beginning of the cycle.

I received my acceptance on a Friday.
I think most letters are sent on Wednesdays. At least they seemed to be at the beginning of the cycle.

I received my acceptance on a Friday.

oh, ok, thanks. i guess if Lambda hasnt heard yet, week of march 2 might hear at the end of this week and March 9 at the end of next week ...
Cost of Attendance for OOS:eek:

Component Amount

Books and Supplies $1,380.00

Commuting Expense $1,200.00

Computer Fees $1,206.00

Fees $881.00

Hospitalization Insurance $2,172.00

Instruments $650.00

Malpractice Insurance $260.00

Notetaking Service $300.00

Room and Board $21,500.00

Transportation $2,000.00

Tuition $43,977.00

Uniforms $60.00

Vaccines $170.00

Total: $75,756.00

There is a 90% chance that a new spot will be opening up soon....
Cost of Attendance for OOS:eek:

Component Amount

Books and Supplies $1,380.00

Commuting Expense $1,200.00

Computer Fees $1,206.00

Fees $881.00

Hospitalization Insurance $2,172.00

Instruments $650.00

Malpractice Insurance $260.00

Notetaking Service $300.00

Room and Board $21,500.00

Transportation $2,000.00

Tuition $43,977.00

Uniforms $60.00

Vaccines $170.00

Total: $75,756.00

There is a 90% chance that a new spot will be opening up soon....

Did you just get your financial aid packet? Was it all loans?
Did you just get your financial aid packet? Was it all loans?

Nope, but my other school's tuition is 12K so it is basically 4 years at other school equals 4 years at UMD:scared:
Hey, yeah, I've seen that cost break-down. I think they're overshooting costs a bit. because there are two items on it that are related to transportation and for living expenses, I live in Baltimore now and it costs me $1100 a month including food, rent and utilities so really that doesn't add up to anywhere near $21000 or whatever they say. So I mean, it's still expensive out of state, but it's not as big of a jump from other schools as this break-down makes it look like...

obviously this is my opinion, I don't know for sure.
Yeah, unfortunately it is a post-interview hold which most probably means a rejection. Still have my fingers crossed though.

When did you interview and when did you hear?
Interviewed March 4th. The letter was marked March 24th, but I got it April 3rd.

Sorry about that. Thanks for letting us know where they are. Good luck with the hold and your other schools too!
Bye Bye Maryland. Oh and thanks for only giving me 4K:(

I really hope either sarahl86 gets this spot!
So what does this hold mean? Does anyone know how often will they review our applications again and does anyone know when interviews end at Maryland? I'd like to know my chances of getting accepted...
Bye Bye Maryland. Oh and thanks for only giving me 4K:(

I really hope either sarahl86 gets this spot!

Thanks for the encouragement...sorry about the cost. Even I can't believe that price tag. I was almost positive that they delegated more funds to OOS students to defray the increased tutition.

I don't know when interviews are over, but the committee will still meet on a weekly basis to decide about applicants still on hold. I doubt they go past mid-April for interviews. As for chances after getting the dreadful post-interview hold, considering the fact that almost everyone I know who interviewed at Maryland that was IS has gotten that very status, I don't think its looking too hot. I'm trying to be optimistic and am considering sending another letter...but I spoke to someone on the Adcom and the waitlist is ranked primarily by MCAT and GPA. At that point its a matter of waiting and pure luck.

They don't typically reject many people post-interview, making it that much more paperwork to go through. Good luck everyone. Hopefully one of us hears some good news.
So what does this hold mean? Does anyone know how often will they review our applications again and does anyone know when interviews end at Maryland? I'd like to know my chances of getting accepted...

This means that you should put in your deposits elsewhere and plan on attending another medical school. I am on this enigma that is the post-interview waitlist as well. Essentially, we were good enough to be granted an interview, but not good enough to make a decision on just yet. The UMB website makes it seem like the "hold" list is a waitlist to get onto a waitlist. However, I was waitlisted initially at WVU, then they sent out a massive amount of acceptances after they had interviewed everyone. I am hoping UMB does this; however, I am from MD so I doubt the protocol that WVU used to eventually accept me is different than the approach UMB will use considering I am an in-state applicant.

Everyone on here is just speculating though. Your best bet would be to call the admissions office.
As I understand it, post-interview hold applications are not looked at until everyone who interviews has been reviewed for the first time and sent a decision, so that means, not until late April. The exception may be, if you send them an update letter with something exceptional in it.

In the late April review, it is possible that a number of post-interview holds are given acceptances, if they havent already given all their seats. It seems, though, that they usually have and that not more than 1 or 2 post-interview holds get accpeted at this point. The rest are ranked on a waitlist, i dont think hardly any, if any at all, are rejected (i guess thats the good news), and a letter is sent out telling waitlisters if they are in the top or bottom half.

This is from being on post-interview hold last year. There is some hope, but it doesnt seem, to me at least, to be much different then a waitlist. But what do I know ...
Bye Bye Maryland. Oh and thanks for only giving me 4K:(

I really hope either sarahl86 gets this spot!

Ditto on all accounts!

All loans and a 4k grant for a $75,756 price tag? I really liked Maryland, but I'll be going in-state unless another OOS school is nicer about their funding. I just can't afford that.

I'll be withdrawing my acceptance soon and I hope one of you SDNers gets it. :)
This means that you should put in your deposits elsewhere and plan on attending another medical school. I am on this enigma that is the post-interview waitlist as well. Essentially, we were good enough to be granted an interview, but not good enough to make a decision on just yet. The UMB website makes it seem like the "hold" list is a waitlist to get onto a waitlist. However, I was waitlisted initially at WVU, then they sent out a massive amount of acceptances after they had interviewed everyone. I am hoping UMB does this; however, I am from MD so I doubt the protocol that WVU used to eventually accept me is different than the approach UMB will use considering I am an in-state applicant.

Everyone on here is just speculating though. Your best bet would be to call the admissions office.

WVU does things very differently though; they put everyone on a waitlist post-interview unless they accept at the first file review. And they are very transparent about their application process. You're very lucky to get an acceptance there as an OOS especially if you don't have any ties to WV. Plus, you'll be going to school with my boyfriend :)

Its just strange how many people are saying they got a post-interview hold at Maryland. It seems like a TON of people.
I'll be withdrawing my acceptance soon and I hope one of you SDNers gets it. :)

This is very nice of you to hope for that, but i was wondering...

if UMB gave out almost all of their 300 spots a bit ago, as was posted above, it seems that they assume there is going to be a mass exodus of sorts, and that many students are going to withdrawal around this time of the app year.

But, as folks start declining their acceptances, UMB has plenty more students that are still holding their acceptances, as they accepted well over their 160 person class. Each time someone withdraws, i dont think the waitlist starts to move.

Im not trying to rain on your parade guys, just trying to think logically about the withdrawal logistics.
This is very nice of you to hope for that, but i was wondering...

if UMB gave out almost all of their 300 spots a bit ago, as was posted above, it seems that they assume there is going to be a mass exodus of sorts, and that many students are going to withdrawal around this time of the app year.

But, as folks start declining their acceptances, UMB has plenty more students that are still holding their acceptances, as they accepted well over their 160 person class. Each time someone withdraws, i dont think the waitlist starts to move.

Im not trying to rain on your parade guys, just trying to think logically about the withdrawal logistics.

You're right. Until May 15th when everyone has to pick a school, a withdrawal does not mean someone will get off the waitlist (since there are currently a lot more acceptances than spaces in the class). Still, the more people that decline acceptances between now and May 15th, the more likely it becomes that they will eventually have to dip into the waitlist. So I guess what I'm really hoping is that my withdrawal will give someone here who is waiting a better shot at eventually getting in. :)
WVU does things very differently though; they put everyone on a waitlist post-interview unless they accept at the first file review. And they are very transparent about their application process. You're very lucky to get an acceptance there as an OOS especially if you don't have any ties to WV. Plus, you'll be going to school with my boyfriend :)

Its just strange how many people are saying they got a post-interview hold at Maryland. It seems like a TON of people.

Yes, there seems to be countless exceptional applicants who are on the "hold" list. I was surprised I was put on "hold" considering my ties to the school and the fact I am a Maryland resident. I digress, I do not understand the whole process. I guess I thought I was a better candidate than I really am!! lol... This whole process has certainly humbled me.

Is your BF class of 2013?
I work for the SOM under the Department of Psychiatry, so I think I am about as well-connected as it gets without being legacy. I don't think it matters much to them. Everyone except people with a 40+/4.0 (and maybe even a few of them) are humbled by this process. I've been fortunate enough to have my *** handed to me for what will look like a second time by applying to medical school.

Yep. Class of 2013. And he coincidentally wants to be an oncologist as well - had Hodgkins but has been clear for 5 years :)

If only the list did move each time someone dropped an acceptance. Ugh.
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where is this 75k pricetag? i thought it was closer to 60k.
where is this 75k pricetag? i thought it was closer to 60k.

The ~$75,000 price tag is the estimated cost of attendance for OOS. They tend to overshoot it quite a bit by a few thousand, but it's still not cheap. Tuition for OOS went up from $41,000 to $44,000 . . . pretty standard (unfortunately) these days, both in price and in rate of increase. And rent isn't particularly expensive for a city (I pay $600/month plus utilities). But there are a lot of "built in" fees that add up, which does suck. Just two or three years ago the COA was $66,000 or so. The good thing is, they do jack it up so if you NEED to take out that much for some reason, you can. I think the estimates they give for rent are in line with rates that would "assume" you're living alone in the most expensive apartment buildings in the area (something like $1200-1400/month), and you can EASILY pay less than that for a good place (see above).

That said, the price tag does hurt. I love Maryland and know I made the right choice, but sometimes I do wish I would've gone to my state school (which is really not that cheap . . . tuition there is ~$35,000, but cost of living is less than in Baltimore) and saved some money. However, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have had as great an experience there as I have here. The $4,000 grants are pretty standard for most people, although they obviously don't put much of a dent in things.

But seriously, money should be a big consideration, so don't take it lightly. Eventually you do have to pay it back.
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