2009-2010 Mercer University Application Thread

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At 3:29 today I got an interview invite, so those of you still waiting to hear something don't give up hope!:D

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I got an e-mail today saying that I was on an interview waitlist. Season runs until 3/11. I guess that means if someone cancels I might get an opportunity. I will call today, but does anyone know if its a ranked list, how common action off of it is, and if there are things that can be done to move closer to the top? I have had a few interviews, but mercer is still of great interest. Good luck to everyone still waiting!
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I got an e-mail today saying that I was on an interview waitlist. Season runs until 3/11. I guess that means if someone cancels I might get an opportunity. I will call today, but does anyone know if its a ranked list, how common action off of it is, and if there are things that can be done to move closer to the top? I have had a few interviews, but mercer is still of great interest. Good luck to everyone still waiting!

As someone who has applied twice and finally accepted, I know that there are always things to do that have the potential to improve your application. Any volunteer work, additional grades, MCAT scores, shadowing, LORs and research will only make your application look better to the committee. Just be sure to update the people at MUSM on what you have done so they will be able to add it to your file. With an improved application, you may very well be ranked higher on the interview waitlist.
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I got an interview invite yesterday. Any insight into the process is appreciated.

Good luck to all!

- Buck
I got an interview invite yesterday. Any insight into the process is appreciated.

Good luck to all!

- Buck

If you don't mind me asking, did you get an invite after receiving a interview waitlist email?
If you don't mind me asking, did you get an invite after receiving a interview waitlist email?

No, I didn't. I have not heard of an interview waitlist. If it's any consolation, last year I was flat-out rejected without any sort of waitlist. I also talked with another applicant yesterday who has received a 'thanks but no thanks letter' without mention of waitlist. So, it sounds like you're still in the race. Have you contacted them to discuss your status and any way you might move from waitlist to interview? Just curious.

Best wishes and good luck!

- Buck
I have not heard anything, either. My interview was on Jan 7th..fingers are def crossed..esp when i sleep tonight!! haha

hopefully i get a call tomorrow. good to everyone else!
so, i interviewed on jan 19th and haven't gotten a call yet, it might just be me though,, has anyone heard of people getting calls today?
I haven't heard anything either... I wonder if anyone has?
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Haven't heard anything. Did anyone call the school for a status update?
I was told the admin. com. was meeting on the 27th, did anyone hear anything different?
I didn't submit my secondary until mid December so I was kind of surprised I even got one. I was given the option of 2/27 in Savannah, but due to proximity I had to take Macon on 3/4 :( Anyone else that got an interview yesterday what were your dates?
I didn't submit my secondary until mid December so I was kind of surprised I even got one. I was given the option of 2/27 in Savannah, but due to proximity I had to take Macon on 3/4 :( Anyone else that got an interview yesterday what were your dates?

Congrats on the interview!

So I guess the ADCOM had time to send out new interviews but didn't get to any acceptances, at least none here on SDN!
So I take it that you're waiting on hearing about admission? Good luck!
I didn't submit my secondary until mid December so I was kind of surprised I even got one. I was given the option of 2/27 in Savannah, but due to proximity I had to take Macon on 3/4 :( Anyone else that got an interview yesterday what were your dates?
My choices were Savannah on 2/18 or Macon on 3/4. I chose Savannah though I live in the ATL. Going to turn it into a long weekend as we haven't been there before and it's on our list.

Whew!! I'm relieved. I also applied very late in the game, but received an interview invite just two days ago. I chose Savannah on 2/25. Look forward to seeing you guys there.
does anyone have any idea how many spots are left open at this point? I read on past posts that by now (Feb) the number is usually down to 5-10, but i've heard through a student that more spots are available in macon this year (more people wanting savannah). :xf:
I interviewed today on the Macon campus and here is just some basic info they mentioned for those anxiously awaiting information.

They are accepting approximately 60 students in Macon and 30 in Savannah
The next two ADCOM meetings are Feb 24 and March 31 and everyone else will here something (waitlist, denied) after that-> if they don't call you you don't have to bother calling them because that means they haven't made a decision yet
They are interviewing into mid-March so there are definitely still open spots
If you're MCAT is not outstanding DO NOT be discouraged because several of the students mentioned that Mercer prides itself on being able to take students with average MCATs and turning them around into students with excellent board scores

Good luck to all!
Thanks so much Jordan 15. That settles me a bit. I wish my interview was before the last ad-com meeting - that's a long time to wait. Good luck to you. Did you apply elsewhere?
I also received an interview when I applied early decision to MCG back in August, but I did not have anything else until my Mercer. Still waiting to here from MCG and about interviews from my other southeast schools.
I used to post here all the time...back in the day when I was a pre-med. I like to post from time to time in case anyone wants to pm me for advice or whatever. In reading through the last six pages of this thread, I've seen posts by several people that I have "advised" in the past.

Briefly: It took three tries before I was accepted at Mercer. I went there as an undergrad (graduated in 2005, degree in biomedical engineering). I applied EDP all three times. My first cycle I wasn't even wait-listed. My second cycle, I was wait-listed. My third, I was finally accepted.

My stats were less than impressive, but I worked really hard for them (GPA: 3.56, MCAT 27). I took the MCAT three times (24, 22, 27).

Anyway, I am now half way through my 3rd year at Mercer and couldn't be happier that I stuck with it. Some of the best students in our class are the ones who persevered. Besides, having a year or two off to gain "real life experience" gives you and edge when you start. It also keeps you grounded.

While Mercer's curriculum is not for everyone, some don't have the luxury of being choosy. If you do, make SURE you will like PBL, otherwise you'll be miserable and you'll make your group members miserable. If you have no other options, remember that YOU make the choice about your attitude. If you're tempted to complain, remember, you could still be trying to get in. I always hated listening to classmates complain; especially when they had gotten accepted right out of college.

As far as the results; you'd be hard pressed to find better results at any school in Georgia. Mercer takes students other schools would laugh at and in two short years turns out some of the most impressive board scores in the state. The class ahead of mine had a 100% first time pass rate on Step 1 - the only school in Georgia to do that. Last year's class had 3 match into ENT as well as numerous radiology, EM, anesthesia, opthalmology, urology, and even radiation oncology.

Let me know if you guys have any questions or need advice.
Thanks for the update! I interviewed on the 5th of January and have yet to hear back..:(
For anyone who has sent in an update letter, how did you do it? Did you just email Mary or did you mail in an actual letter? I interviewed several months ago and never heard from them. I called the day after the date they said that I would be contacted about a decision and was told I was "in the mix." I'm guessing that's just their way of saying that I'm on the waitlist? Does anyone know if update letters help at Mercer?
For anyone who has sent in an update letter, how did you do it? Did you just email Mary or did you mail in an actual letter? I interviewed several months ago and never heard from them. I called the day after the date they said that I would be contacted about a decision and was told I was "in the mix." I'm guessing that's just their way of saying that I'm on the waitlist? Does anyone know if update letters help at Mercer?

Not trying to discourage anyone (since fall of 2006 was the last time I applied), but at that time, NO updated information was considered. For instance, during my second application cycle, I applied early decision. At that point, my best MCAT was a 24 but I had just taken it again and had not received my scores. As expected, I was not accepted early decision and was rolled into the regular cycle. About a week later I received my new MCAT scores: 27. You can imagine how excited I was - until someone spilled the beans that once the committee assigns your file a score, they don't update it. That's something for those of you to consider who plan to apply early decision.

Again, I want to add the caveat that things might be different now - Dr. Clifton, the dean of admissions was not there when I applied and he's a pretty cool guy who really advocates for applicants.

The problem is, Mercer has always been very tight-lipped about the workings of the committee; they don't release most of that information. So, most of what people tell you (including me) is speculative.
For those that have interviewed, what is the layout of the day? Interviews first then student lunch? tour? I'm just trying to plan - and know what to expect.

Thanks to everyone with info. Has anyone else had any acceptances or interview invites?
For those that have interviewed, what is the layout of the day? Interviews first then student lunch? tour? I'm just trying to plan - and know what to expect.

Thanks to everyone with info. Has anyone else had any acceptances or interview invites?
You'll have a brief overview lecture of the school/admissions process, have your two interviews (one non-adcom faculty & one adcom member), head to lunch at the hospital for the "casual" student interview, come back to the school for the tour/financial aid session, then have your brief meeting with the dean. Good luck with your interview!
You'll have a brief overview lecture of the school/admissions process, have your two interviews (one non-adcom faculty & one adcom member), head to lunch at the hospital for the "casual" student interview, come back to the school for the tour/financial aid session, then have your brief meeting with the dean. Good luck with your interview!

Don't forget that they ask the 3rd year students you eat lunch with to fill out an evaluation of you. No one even tells us how much (of if) it counts, but we are required to submit one. Its not an interview and you shouldn't be stressed about it, but use common sense. Don't dominate the conversation but don't act disinterested. Be prepared to ask questions. None of us will fault you for asking candid questions about the ups and downs of Mercer. You should have things you want clarification on.
Interviewed last week. As was mentioned by Jordan, most decisions are now being pushed out until after the last adcom meeting. We were told that it was very unlikely any decisions would be made re my interview group in this week's meeting.

It was estimated that the incoming class is 60% full, so a lot of seats remain. GL2ALL!
I forgot to mention that I am interviewing in Savannah. Is the set-up the same as for Macon as far as events of the day? Also, will I need a vehicle during the day since the campus is on the same as the hospital? (I've got someone going with me and would prefer they keep the car)

Any other helpful thoughts from those that interviewed in Savannah would be most helpful.
I forgot to mention that I am interviewing in Savannah. Is the set-up the same as for Macon as far as events of the day? Also, will I need a vehicle during the day since the campus is on the same as the hospital? (I've got someone going with me and would prefer they keep the car)

Any other helpful thoughts from those that interviewed in Savannah would be most helpful.
Set-up is the same. You won't need a car as everything is tightly located. Also, it's easy to get in and out of the place so your driver shouldn't have any problems. Overall, the interview was pretty relaxed and consistent with everything you've read above. GL.
Thanks Buck!!

Do you think you will go there if accepted?
I agree, I think PBL is a great way to learn - it would be amazing for medical school NOT to be filled with lectures.

Good luck!
Nothing yet!!! :(

I interviewed on 2/11. Think they got to my interview??? And when has everyone been receiving their calls?

Mild panic attack happening here. haha.
I interviewed in Savannah last week and was told not to expect ANY decisions to be made for at least a month if not longer.

Seems they want to hold the last few groups for the last ADCOM Mtg.

For those accepted, which campus are you choosing and why.

The next AdCom meeting is the 31st, or at least that's what I was told. So I think we have a long wait ahead of us.
I e-mailed the office earlier and was told that the next adcom meeting is set for March 24th. blah. this waiting is killing me!
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