2009-2010 Mercer University Application Thread

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does anyone know how many people are usually put on the waiting list at Mercer? and how much does it move?

i got the email stating the last AdCom Mtg was 24 and the waitlist mtg 31st.

Also, what are your opinions on buying vs renting while in medical school (in terms of residency)?

Lastly, how many people were in your interview session and general date of when you interviewed.

Sorry - getting stressed, as I'm sure everyone is, and want to keep the thread moving so i have something to look at.:luck:

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does anyone know how many people are usually put on the waiting list at Mercer? and how much does it move?

i got the email stating the last AdCom Mtg was 24 and the waitlist mtg 31st.

Also, what are your opinions on buying vs renting while in medical school (in terms of residency)?

Lastly, how many people were in your interview session and general date of when you interviewed.

Sorry - getting stressed, as I'm sure everyone is, and want to keep the thread moving so i have something to look at.:luck:
- I interviewed in Savannah on Feb 18 and there were three of us there.
- I have only ever rented and I have been a resident for almost five years. I'm assuming you're a resident too (I think you have to be for Mercer), so I'm a little confused by your question or what you're trying to accomplish. Can you clarify?
I'm not really trying to decide anything in particular, just wondering what everyone else's thoughts were on the best way to get through medical school.

I've only ever rented before - but hate paying rent. Just the math itself makes me sick - four years later we could be $35 K poorer.
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I'm not really trying to decide anything in particular, just wondering what everyone else's thoughts were on the best way to get through medical school.

I've only ever rented before - but hate paying rent. Just the math itself makes me sick - four years later we could be $35 K poorer.

I hear you on that. For what it's worth, I have a business degree and have looked at rent v. buy decision countless times. For me, it's all about cash flow and how long I'm going to be in a place. If I could buy for a same amount of monthly cash out as I could rent (after maintenance, taxes, insurance, and everything else), I may be able to rationalize buying. I'd still be taking on added risks though such as potential depreciation, inability to sell the asset later, repair and maintenance costs, etc. If cash outflow of owning exceeds that of renting, then I would only buy if I was certain I was going to live there for a long time. Otherwise I'd still be looking at all of the additional risks plus the opportunity cost of the extra money which could have instead been placed into higher returning investments, that could be very valuable in paying for school later. For what it's worth, over the long run, owning has rarely been a better investment than renting. It's just tough to swallow that emotionally.

Hope that reply's not too over the top, but it's an interesting subject for me.
Lastly, how many people were in your interview session and general date of when you interviewed.

Sorry - getting stressed, as I'm sure everyone is, and want to keep the thread moving so i have something to look at.:luck:

I interviewed on February 9 in Macon and there were 7 of us.
Do they reject/wait list applicants after each adcom meeting or do they wait until after march 31st to do that?

Also if you haven't heard from them in a few month would that be considered a silent rejection???

someone please enlighten me.
Thanks BuckFMP

We agree on a lot - thought it is useful to hear your business perspective on the home buying debate.

I believe that they are waiting to send out rejections/waitlists until after the AdCom meeting on 31st - for everyone who interviewed.
I was told that the next ADCOM meeting is the 24th and those who are fortunate and get in will be notified that night. Also, there may or may not be another meeting on the 31st depending on how much they get done. There are still spots for Macon, Savannah, and Macon/Savannah. Hope this information is useful to everyone, and good luck!
wow, notified that night! Let's all try not to monitor our phones relentlessly that evening.

I'm sure the didn't, but they the person you spoke w/, 4thQtr, have any mention of the # of spots left?

Also, I didn't realize that a Macon/Savannah option was available. I thought it was either or. How would a student do this?
They are allowing a shift of 10 students from macon to savannah the last 2 years. So our last 2 years there will be 40 in savannah and 50 in macon.
When is the last day of interviews? Has anyone interviewed in the last couple of weeks, or going to?
When is the last day of interviews? Has anyone interviewed in the last couple of weeks, or going to?

I was told that last week was the last week of interviews. I could be wrong, but take it for what it's worth...
By which date should I give up on waiting on Mercer? I interviewed on 12/08/09 and I have not gotten any feedback through phone/email/snailmail. I cannot live with this uncertainty and if I have been rejected, I need to start looking for jobs and such to secure my future :oops:

I really want to call Mercer directly and ask them, but I know they frown upon anyone that calls. Anyone know the answer to this? Thanks guys :love:
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From what I gather above, I believe the final acceptance committee meets tonight - calls should go out between tonight and tomorrow. The waitlist meeting is next Wednesday - those emails will go out following the mtg.
From what I gather above, I believe the final acceptance committee meets tonight - calls should go out between tonight and tomorrow. The waitlist meeting is next Wednesday - those emails will go out following the mtg.
That is consistent with what I was told, except that the waitlist could also be done as soon as this evening. That depends on how much they can get done.
Did anyone get a call this evening? The lack of posts has me worried. Haha
Nada. I'm assuming "in the mix" = waitlisted? I was a little unclear on that.
same....no call. glad to hear i'm not the only one - sorry for us all but it seems they haven't made any so that's good. right?
nothing.....who was everyone's interviewer (that way we'll have an idea if they made phone calls) - i guess we should name both for ease.

Dr. Bosley
Dr. Yang
should we be worried? it's odd that no one has received a call yet.
i don't know if i can wait till next week - if they put it off
Yes, we should have been worried....
From Mary -
Good morning:
I know you are all anxiously waiting for word concerning the status of your application.
The Admissions Committee met for the final time last evening, and those who received acceptances at that meeting have been notified by telephone.
Over the next week, the Committee will be compiling the Wait-List. All applicants will be notified of their status by email by Friday, April 9th.
If you have not heard from us by April 12th, please contact us.
I hope this helps.
Just got the "if you weren't called you won't be" email.

Looks like all acceptances have been made and they'll let us know by April 9 if we were wait-listed. Congrats to all those accepted this go around!
Just got the "if you weren't called you won't be" email.

Looks like all acceptances have been made and they'll let us know by April 9 if we were wait-listed. Congrats to all those accepted this go around!

I got the same kiss of death email. I figured at least one poster that frequents this forum would get good news and share it with us, but oh well. Good luck to everyone, and all hope is not lost. Two people that I know were both waitlisted and eventually got in sometime in June so it really is a crap shoot...
anyone know about how many are usually on the wait list, or does it just vary year by year?
50-60? Good grief, thats kind of an overhaul I'd say, I would assume there would be no more that about 5-10 seats that become available
anyone know about how many are accepted off of wait list? (From past statistics)
i asked Mary if she could enlighten us on those statistics, even if "generally" speaking. However, she could not because of the inconsistency from year to year.

good luck to everyone - maybe we'll learn about the waitlist soon.
i asked Mary if she could enlighten us on those statistics, even if "generally" speaking. However, she could not because of the inconsistency from year to year.

good luck to everyone - maybe we'll learn about the waitlist soon.
I was waitlisted at Mercer last year. I made an apt. with Dr. Clifton after I received my waitlist E-mail. He told me that it varies from year to year, but the waitlist movement is somewhere between 10 to 40 from what I could figure. I got the impression that I was somewhere between 30 and 40 on the waitlist (that was just my guess from things he had said to me- he never told me outright) and I did not make it off the waitlist last year. I do remember that there are two big movement days, one in May and the other in June. I retook the MCAT based on his advice, improved my score a few points, applied Early Admission this year, and was luckily accepted. If you're really serious about attending Mercer, I would make an apt. with Dr. Clifton and talk to him about ways you can improve your application if you have to reapply. Hope that helps some. I know the waiting game is stressful. Good Luck!
do you by chance know how many of the 40 were accepted, or if anyone on SDN was at least. Thanks for the advice by the way
thank you for the information; that is more than we have been able to find elsewhere.
Does anyone know how they'll notify for waitlist and for rejected? Both e-mail? Snailmail?
Should I have heard something by now? Didn't they say April 9th.
Should I have heard something by now? Didn't they say April 9th.

They said if you don't hear by the 9th call them on the 12th. I heard Wednesday, the 7th, that I was wait-listed.
Has anyone heard any news about movement off of the alternate list?
anyone know the email adress to send an acceptance withdrawal? Want to open up a spot for someone else, Im headed to either MCG or USUHS.
Has anyone heard of any movement on the Alternate list? Do they fill slots all at once or as they come up? When would you think the last day to hear would be? Sorry if these questions were answered before...just trying to keep a finger on the pulse!:laugh:
Just withdrew my acceptance. Good luck everybody!
Can someone post the questions that come on the secondary at Mercer? I have filled them out before and had it saved on my laptop but it crashed a while back (hard drive). I know one was geared toward why mercer, while the other was about an ethical dilemma.

Has anyone heard of any movement on the Alternate list? Do they fill slots all at once or as they come up? When would you think the last day to hear would be? Sorry if these questions were answered before...just trying to keep a finger on the pulse!:laugh:

I second this question!
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