2009-2010 Mercer University Application Thread

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Anyone hear anything? interviews? It's been quiet here lately. I know the admissions committee is meeting today. good luck to everyone who is being reviewed :thumbup:

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I was complete early October (took me a little while to get the residency form in). It looks like early completes (July-ish) are just now being invited to interview, so I'm slightly worried they might never even get to my application before the season is over :(
I was complete early October (took me a little while to get the residency form in). It looks like early completes (July-ish) are just now being invited to interview, so I'm slightly worried they might never even get to my application before the season is over :(

I was complete middle of August, and I interviewed last week. Maybe you'll hear some good news tomorrow
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Anyone get a call today? Also, does anyone know of people who didn't get in the first adcom meeting after their interview but got in later in the phase?
I got teh call last night.
Too bad Tulane stole their thunder but already accepting me earlier in the day.
I will not be accepting-someone else deserves to find out that they get to become a great doctor here :)
I got teh call last night.
Too bad Tulane stole their thunder but already accepting me earlier in the day.
I will not be accepting-someone else deserves to find out that they get to become a great doctor here :)

Thanks! Hopefully that can go to one of us. Congrats on the Tulane acceptance!!! Is that your first choice?
Thanks! Hopefully that can go to one of us. Congrats on the Tulane acceptance!!! Is that your first choice?
It's one of my Top Three...yes capitalized :p
I am beyond excited. Good luck everyone!
I talked to someone in admissions yesterday and she said that they still have at least half the seats in the class open. So there are at least 45 seats open, and potentially more because not every student accepted so far will attend.
I got an interview invite today. However, I was wondering why they only interview in Savannah?
I got an interview invite today. However, I was wondering why they only interview in Savannah?

I got an invite today too and was asked to select which campus I wanted to go for my interview. I dont think they only interview in the Savannah campus.
I got an invite today too and was asked to select which campus I wanted to go for my interview. I dont think they only interview in the Savannah campus.

oh. ok. I must have not heard correctly. I was probably caught off guard with all the talk about how they won't be starting up again after the 17th of december.
what did you mean by they won't be starting up again after the 17th of December?
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what did you mean by they won't be starting up again after the 17th of December?

sorry i meant to say that they said they won't be doing any more interviews until after jan 1st....so i had to pick a date on or before the 17th if i wanted to do a dec. interview.
is the first interview a committee interview--how many interviewers will be there at that time?

also, how many people does mercer interview per year?
is the first interview a committee interview--how many interviewers will be there at that time?

also, how many people does mercer interview per year?

either interviewer can be the committee interview, you'll have about 4 or 5 interviewers total on the day of your interview. They interview about 300 people per year. You can find all this info if you just use the search function.
can anyone speak on how the interviews have been so far for this cycle? do they try to grill you? or are they more laid back?
can anyone speak on how the interviews have been so far for this cycle? do they try to grill you? or are they more laid back?
Pretty laid back, typical questions, nothing difficult. You have one non-committee faculty and one adcom faculty interview. You'll also have lunch with 3rd and 4th years at the hospital, and one of the students will be writing an evaluation as well. At the end of the day, you have a short one-on-one meeting with Dr. Clifton, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. I assume his impression of you counts somewhat during evaluation.
been pretty quiet here lately, anyone get any good news?
the adcom meets today.. does anyone think we will get calls today or will we have to wait until tomorrow?
Does the adcom meet today or did it meet last night?
Mary said Wednesday. I believe it's in the late afternoon (5ish), and the adcom faculty that interviewed you is supposed to call you with the news (maybe only for acceptances?). Depending on your interviewer, I guess the call may come tonight or tomorrow morning.
Talked to Mary 20 minutes ago. She said the adcom meeting is today at 5pm... Further, the person who interviewed you will call you only if you are ACCEPTED. They call either tonight or tomorrow (depending on how long the adcom meeting lasts). If you are not accepted, then you will not be called. hope this helps..
Does anyone know if these adcom meetings typically produce decisions on already interviewed candidates, or can those awaiting an interview invitation expect calls as well from these same meetings?
Does anyone know if these adcom meetings typically produce decisions on already interviewed candidates, or can those awaiting an interview invitation expect calls as well from these same meetings?
I have never heard anyone who's accepted without being interviewed...
Does anyone know if these adcom meetings typically produce decisions on already interviewed candidates, or can those awaiting an interview invitation expect calls as well from these same meetings?
I received my interview invite on Monday. I think today's meeting is for post-interviewees.
I've been staring at the phone since about 5:30 and it paid off - accepted! :D
Just got ACCEPTED!!!! Interviewed 12/3. I'm so happy!!!! :)) Good luck guys!!
if you dont mind me asking - who was your interviewer?
He was my interviewer too. Does that mean he made all his rounds of calls?


Congratulations though!!!!!!
I wasn't complete until early to mid - october because of an early decision elsewhere (mistake in hindsight)? Has anyone who applied around this timeframe heard anything back yet? Interviews, rejections?
I interviewed on Nov. 10, but they haven't made a decision in the last two adcom meetings since. Anyone know if Mercer accepts many applicants off the hold?
Got the call today about the acceptance! interviewed there on 12/1. Great people there but I got into one of my higher choices so I will probably be opening up that slot for other people. Good Luck everyone :)
Hey, for those of you who aren't from the Macon area...where did you stay the night before? any recommendations? places to avoid?
Does anyone have any insight as to when the next adcom meeting is?
when I interviewed on 12/15, Mary said that the next adcom session will be on 1/27/10
when I went in yesterday, Ms. Putnam said that the next adcom meeting would be on the 27th of January. This date may be only reflective based on later interviews? there was no mention about early January...:confused:
any interview invites lately? Do you think there are many left to be given?
I'm still waiting to hear if I got an interview. My app was complete Oct. 30th.
I interviewed January 5th. I was told there were interviews running at least until feb/march
For anyone who's interested I just got a call for an interview this morning.
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