2010-2011 Howard Application Thread

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This is amazing!! Congratulations!!! :thumbup::thumbup:

The class she has to take is probably PARP. Not sure though. Either way, congrats!!! Happy celebration! TGIF!

Thank you so very much!!!!!

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Guys I got IN! Thank you for all your prayers and I will keep everyone who are waiting in mines. Hang on there guys and I hope everyone on this thread really join us this July.

CONGRATS, man!!! I'm joining in celebration for your acceptance. May God bless, this is just the beginning.
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Hi, balder! Just wanted to say, you'll never know unless you try. As long as you have a background and passion for serving disadvantaged communities, you should give HUCM a shot. Of course, grades matter but if you have shown significant improvement and a consistent upward trend, I feel like you are making a statement that you are persistent and determined. If grades are not too hot, consider post bac or a special masters program. Applying to med school is very demanding and you really want to go through the process just once. Therefore, make sure you are presenting yourself at your best. Hope this was helpful. PM me if you need any more info and I'll try my best to answer your qs. Good luck, balder! :luck:

we probably wont hear anything till at least after may 15, bc thats when accepted students everywhere can only hold a single acceptance, and spots at howard open up like crazy. So i guess we keep waiting till then. I'm kinda worried bc i emailed ms walk and my interviewer and neither responded....but thats also probably pretty expected.

does anyone know how many people are confirmed and going? apparently the fb group count isnt accurate bc the current 1st/2nd years join it to get a preview of the incoming class, lol

haha yup. i hope so, the waiting has been tough, and im just so anxious... hoping to get good news. pray for me please lol. hope that everyone waiting gets in

i also emailed ms walk. i remember her saying she gets maaaad emails. she didnt respond to mine either, but im sure she got it. she's prolly mad busy with going through the last people (could be us!!! i hope)
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Likewise! I hope everything goes great for you, too. That was very nice of you. I see from your other posts that you're taking the mcat soon. All the best :luck:
I am new to sdn and I am delighted to find out that I am a part of such a supportive incoming class. I interviewed on 3/29 and I was accepted via email on 4/29. I was wondering if any other recent acceptees (ie. since 4/29) have received any information such as financial aid forms, "official" acceptance letter, ect in the mail? Just wanted to see if I was alone before I emailed Ms. Walk. Thanks in advance for any help.
For those of you who have interviewed on 4/26. Have you heard anything yet?
I am new to sdn and I am delighted to find out that I am a part of such a supportive incoming class. I interviewed on 3/29 and I was accepted via email on 4/29. I was wondering if any other recent acceptees (ie. since 4/29) have received any information such as financial aid forms, "official" acceptance letter, ect in the mail? Just wanted to see if I was alone before I emailed Ms. Walk. Thanks in advance for any help.

Welcome and congrats! Sorry, don't have the info you're looking for but I just wanted to say what's up and welcome to the fam!
if there are 103 people on the HUCM 2015 facebook group....does that mean there are only 12 remaining seats opened? How about those that dont have face book....YIKES
if there are 103 people on the HUCM 2015 facebook group....does that mean there are only 12 remaining seats opened? How about those that dont have face book....YIKES

Oh wow. No. Not at all. I personally know a few people who have been accepted and who plan on matriculating who did not join the fb group. Also, a good number of the fb group members are upperclassmen who contribute info to newbies like us. Don't use the fb group to estimate the number of empty seats. It's really not an accurate source. Talk to the admissions office for a concrete number. Also, keep in mind that May 15 is approaching. I'm sure a few seats will open up then as students are forced to only maintain a single acceptance to medical school. There may be some who just paid deposits at multiple schools as they make their decisions based on financial aid or whatever. Good luck, lilmoo!!! You're in my prayers!!
I am new to sdn and I am delighted to find out that I am a part of such a supportive incoming class. I interviewed on 3/29 and I was accepted via email on 4/29. I was wondering if any other recent acceptees (ie. since 4/29) have received any information such as financial aid forms, "official" acceptance letter, ect in the mail? Just wanted to see if I was alone before I emailed Ms. Walk. Thanks in advance for

Congrats! I was accepted the same day. I had to leave the state for work and wanted to get my deposit in on time, so I asked Ms. Walk about them last Wednesday. Ms. Jones sent me a copy via email. I'm not home so I can't tell you if I've received my docs. I would ask Ms. Walk if you are concerned.
congrats 1realmd! welcome to sdn (altho i'm pretty new too lol). hoping and praying i can join you this fall!!

praying for everyone to get in. good point manonthemoon, may 15 could be a big day for all of us that are waiting...
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May 15th is a sunday right? would that mean we would start hearing things monday? well some of us....o lordy, so nervous
I am new to sdn and I am delighted to find out that I am a part of such a supportive incoming class. I interviewed on 3/29 and I was accepted via email on 4/29. I was wondering if any other recent acceptees (ie. since 4/29) have received any information such as financial aid forms, "official" acceptance letter, ect in the mail? Just wanted to see if I was alone before I emailed Ms. Walk. Thanks in advance for any help.

another one that got great news on my bday! congrats!!:thumbup:
Hey everyone,

I just thought I would let you all know that I received the " I regret to inform you that..." e-mail today. This was pre-interview. Although I am disappointed that I didn't get into Howard, I know that God is guiding and will continue to pursue medicine through other avenues. I will do whatever gets me there.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your prayers and support. I continue to be amazed with the sense of unity on this forum, I'll never forget it. May you all be greatly blessed, and I wish you the absolute best in your academic endeavors.

MissionEmed23 Hang in there! If it is for you then nothing is gonna stop you!!! We need more humble compassionate MD's. Stay positive and continue reading and living the word of God. You cannot go wrong with that. Psalm 31:14,15 But I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands;
Hey everyone,

I just thought I would let you all know that I received the " I regret to inform you that..." e-mail today. This was pre-interview. Although I am disappointed that I didn't get into Howard, I know that God is guiding and will continue to pursue medicine through other avenues. I will do whatever gets me there.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your prayers and support. I continue to be amazed with the sense of unity on this forum, I'll never forget it. May you all be greatly blessed, and I wish you the absolute best in your academic endeavors.


thx for the heads. so i didnt get the email. does this mean there's a narrow sliver of hope or that mine is coming? or they just forgot about me?
Hey everyone,

I just thought I would let you all know that I received the " I regret to inform you that..." e-mail today. This was pre-interview. Although I am disappointed that I didn't get into Howard, I know that God is guiding and will continue to pursue medicine through other avenues. I will do whatever gets me there.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your prayers and support. I continue to be amazed with the sense of unity on this forum, I'll never forget it. May you all be greatly blessed, and I wish you the absolute best in your academic endeavors.


Don't give up~ I know you'll get there!! Good luck with everything!!
Thanks JW3, Beeweew, NYballer22, and BlkQueen. I got my packet in the mail today. Good luck to everyone still waiting!
MissionEmed23 Hang in there! If it is for you then nothing is gonna stop you!!! We need more humble compassionate MD's. Stay positive and continue reading and living the word of God. You cannot go wrong with that. Psalm 31:14,15 But I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands;

Hey SuperMomMD, I'm ever grateful for the support. And AMEN to that! The Psalms definitely hit home in a special way these days. I know God is the Ruler of all. He can open doors no man can shut, and shut doors no man can open. I trust Him completely. May God bless you during your journey!
Hey everyone,

I just thought I would let you all know that I received the " I regret to inform you that..." e-mail today. This was pre-interview. Although I am disappointed that I didn't get into Howard, I know that God is guiding and will continue to pursue medicine through other avenues. I will do whatever gets me there.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your prayers and support. I continue to be amazed with the sense of unity on this forum, I'll never forget it. May you all be greatly blessed, and I wish you the absolute best in your academic endeavors.


Aww Im so sorry! You will apply for the next year I hope. I'll be applying for next year's cycle, we can be freshman together:D
Hey everyone,

I just thought I would let you all know that I received the " I regret to inform you that..." e-mail today. This was pre-interview. Although I am disappointed that I didn't get into Howard, I know that God is guiding and will continue to pursue medicine through other avenues. I will do whatever gets me there.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your prayers and support. I continue to be amazed with the sense of unity on this forum, I'll never forget it. May you all be greatly blessed, and I wish you the absolute best in your academic endeavors.



Your post brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry to hear this. I really enjoyed getting to know you through this forum. Emerson has said, "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." I do believe everything happens for a reason and I will pray that this experience makes you a better person with even a greater motivation and determination to pursue your dreams. You will be in my prayers and I hope to see/hear of your success in the future. I wish you all the best and more.

mannnnnnnn:eek: I had prayer this morning in order to stop me from biting my nails lol. For those of us still waiting to hear, I hope you are waiting more gracefully than I am and to everyone else have a geat week!!:D
@SuperMOMMD...me too, but I have to remember to trust God!!! I have been trying to contact Howard for the last 2 weeks (during the specified times and on the specified days) to no avail. I always get the recorded voicmail dating 10/29/2010. I know that they are pretty busy though. So, perhaps after today I'll be able to get through. God bless you sis' and keep trusting Him!:)
hey i got this email that says i've been placed on a "super alternate list"
the email reads:
I am writing to inform you that the Admissions Committee has considered your application for admission to the 2011 entering class of the College of Medicine. The committee believes that you have the ability and drive to succeed at Howard University College of Medicine. However, due to the large number of students currently accepting our offer of admission, you have been placed on the Super Alternate list.

Applicants from the Super Alternate list will be considered for positions between now and the beginning of freshman orientation. For this reason, it is important that you keep your application current and that you forward transcripts of grades for courses completed during the academic year and summer sessions. Be certain that we know how to reach you immediately.

Also, should you wish to withdraw your name from possible consideration (for whatever reason, but especially if you have made a final decision to attend another school) please inform us of your decision immediately.

Final status letters for Strong Alternates will be mailed NOT LATER THAN the end of Freshman Orientation (JULY 26, 2011).

has anybody else received this? is there a difference between the super alternate list and a regular waitlist? how soon do you think the turnaround is for 'superalternate list'?
hey i got this email that says i've been placed on a "super alternate list"
the email reads:
I am writing to inform you that the Admissions Committee has considered your application for admission to the 2011 entering class of the College of Medicine. The committee believes that you have the ability and drive to succeed at Howard University College of Medicine. However, due to the large number of students currently accepting our offer of admission, you have been placed on the Super Alternate list.

Applicants from the Super Alternate list will be considered for positions between now and the beginning of freshman orientation. For this reason, it is important that you keep your application current and that you forward transcripts of grades for courses completed during the academic year and summer sessions. Be certain that we know how to reach you immediately.

Also, should you wish to withdraw your name from possible consideration (for whatever reason, but especially if you have made a final decision to attend another school) please inform us of your decision immediately.

Final status letters for Strong Alternates will be mailed NOT LATER THAN the end of Freshman Orientation (JULY 26, 2011).

has anybody else received this? is there a difference between the super alternate list and a regular waitlist? how soon do you think the turnaround is for 'superalternate list'?

hey i got the same email, but did u also receive a line that said "Do not hesitate to let us know if you have questions or if you need additional information, but please do not forward unsolicited materials."

Just curious.

I thinkt he super alternate is higher than the alternate list.
hey i got this email that says i've been placed on a "super alternate list"
the email reads:
I am writing to inform you that the Admissions Committee has considered your application for admission to the 2011 entering class of the College of Medicine. The committee believes that you have the ability and drive to succeed at Howard University College of Medicine. However, due to the large number of students currently accepting our offer of admission, you have been placed on the Super Alternate list.

Applicants from the Super Alternate list will be considered for positions between now and the beginning of freshman orientation. For this reason, it is important that you keep your application current and that you forward transcripts of grades for courses completed during the academic year and summer sessions. Be certain that we know how to reach you immediately.

Also, should you wish to withdraw your name from possible consideration (for whatever reason, but especially if you have made a final decision to attend another school) please inform us of your decision immediately.

Final status letters for Strong Alternates will be mailed NOT LATER THAN the end of Freshman Orientation (JULY 26, 2011).

has anybody else received this? is there a difference between the super alternate list and a regular waitlist? how soon do you think the turnaround is for 'superalternate list'?

ManOnTheMoon115, I think you got a good chance! Stay strong! :) Let us know if you hear good news! :D
mannnnnnnn:eek: I had prayer this morning in order to stop me from biting my nails lol. For those of us still waiting to hear, I hope you are waiting more gracefully than I am and to everyone else have a geat week!!:D

I know you'll make it SuperMomMD! :)
@SuperMOMMD...me too, but I have to remember to trust God!!! I have been trying to contact Howard for the last 2 weeks (during the specified times and on the specified days) to no avail. I always get the recorded voicmail dating 10/29/2010. I know that they are pretty busy though. So, perhaps after today I'll be able to get through. God bless you sis' and keep trusting Him!:)

Determinedone,keep trying, perhaps try emailing Ms. Walk or Ms. Jones. Good luck with everything! Let us know of any good news!! :)
hey i got this email that says i've been placed on a "super alternate list"
the email reads:
I am writing to inform you that the Admissions Committee has considered your application for admission to the 2011 entering class of the College of Medicine. The committee believes that you have the ability and drive to succeed at Howard University College of Medicine. However, due to the large number of students currently accepting our offer of admission, you have been placed on the Super Alternate list.

Applicants from the Super Alternate list will be considered for positions between now and the beginning of freshman orientation. For this reason, it is important that you keep your application current and that you forward transcripts of grades for courses completed during the academic year and summer sessions. Be certain that we know how to reach you immediately.

Also, should you wish to withdraw your name from possible consideration (for whatever reason, but especially if you have made a final decision to attend another school) please inform us of your decision immediately.

Final status letters for Strong Alternates will be mailed NOT LATER THAN the end of Freshman Orientation (JULY 26, 2011).

has anybody else received this? is there a difference between the super alternate list and a regular waitlist? how soon do you think the turnaround is for 'superalternate list'?

I would also like to know what the difference is between the alternate list and the super alternate list? which one is high priority and what is the difference in chances for both lists
hey i got the same email, but did u also receive a line that said "Do not hesitate to let us know if you have questions or if you need additional information, but please do not forward unsolicited materials."

Just curious.

I thinkt he super alternate is higher than the alternate list.

I got the same email and it did include that line. It also included this:

"We know that you have been accepted to a number of schools. Congratulations ! "

I guess they personalize the emails a bit. I withdrew my application so thats one less person on the super list. Good luck to you two.
Hang in there you guys!! I'm praying for you all!
I got the same email and it did include that line. It also included this:

"We know that you have been accepted to a number of schools. Congratulations ! "

I guess they personalize the emails a bit. I withdrew my application so thats one less person on the super list. Good luck to you two.

thanks for letting us know. hopefully more ppl withdraw so that means we get a better shot.

hey i got the same email, but did u also receive a line that said "Do not hesitate to let us know if you have questions or if you need additional information, but please do not forward unsolicited materials."

Just curious.

I thinkt he super alternate is higher than the alternate list.

lilmoomoobean- yea i got that line too. im not sure what that means though....
i dont even know what to do, are u starting the reapplication process? or are you waiting for now to hear something?
thanks for letting us know. hopefully more ppl withdraw so that means we get a better shot.

lilmoomoobean- yea i got that line too. im not sure what that means though....
i dont even know what to do, are u starting the reapplication process? or are you waiting for now to hear something?

Yea I am reapplying again because you dont know for sure if you are gonna get into howard or not. Also, I do not know what the chances of super alternate or alternate list is...(FYI I am on the alternate, therefore I dunno what the difference is). From what I understand, I thought super alternate meant that you are at a higher priority than alternate. I cant just bank on an admission like that, soooooo im gonna reapply real early and see where I can get in
Yea I am reapplying again because you dont know for sure if you are gonna get into howard or not. Also, I do not know what the chances of super alternate or alternate list is...(FYI I am on the alternate, therefore I dunno what the difference is). From what I understand, I thought super alternate meant that you are at a higher priority than alternate. I cant just bank on an admission like that, soooooo im gonna reapply real early and see where I can get in

Manonthemoon, I was just sorting thru last year's thread and it seems like Super alternates have a higher chance than just alternate. Therefore, you will probably have a better chance than me to get accepted. It seems as the year before last's like 40 spaces opened up....but only a few opened up last year and some superalternates will be accepted.

Sigh, at this poitn ive given up hope and am just gonna focus on applying early and find ways to better my application. I think that is all we can do for the time being. Waiting sucks and those ppl should really not hold multiple acceptances. >=O
Im on the super alternate list as well....TO everyone still waiting Dont Give up! Medical School is such a wonderful opportunity so it will be an honor to join any class (regardless of the entering year) As for me I still have my eyes set on entering in 2011! Get Ready Howard here I come!!!!!!!:D

"Persistence and energy conquer all." -Benjamin Franklin
thanks for letting us know. hopefully more ppl withdraw so that means we get a better shot.

lilmoomoobean- yea i got that line too. im not sure what that means though....
i dont even know what to do, are u starting the reapplication process? or are you waiting for now to hear something?

Unsolicited materials means don't send them stuff they don't ask for. As for the super alternate list, you should write a letter of intent if you haven't already. Although they ask you not to send stuff, they probably remember those who show interest more than those who don't. I think you have a pretty good shot of getting in off the SUPER alternate list as i am sure there are people on it like me that will withdraw and go somewhere else (or at least we all hope they do).
hey everyone i got the super alternate email as well. first off, way2goyo that was pretty considerate of you to withdraw, i speak for all of us that are really hoping to go to howard, we appreciate it.

i heard that there is still a decent chance that super alternates get in, so i am still hopeful. of course im praying EVERYDAY that i get in lol, and if you guys can do the same that would be awesome.

any advice from anyone?
Im on the super alternate list as well....TO everyone still waiting Dont Give up! Medical School is such a wonderful opportunity so it will be an honor to join any class (regardless of the entering year) As for me I still have my eyes set on entering in 2011! Get Ready Howard here I come!!!!!!!:D

"Persistence and energy conquer all." -Benjamin Franklin

doing my lucky dance for you! :D
hey everyone i got the super alternate email as well. first off, way2goyo that was pretty considerate of you to withdraw, i speak for all of us that are really hoping to go to howard, we appreciate it.

i heard that there is still a decent chance that super alternates get in, so i am still hopeful. of course im praying EVERYDAY that i get in lol, and if you guys can do the same that would be awesome.

any advice from anyone?

I think you should send in a letter of intent just like Way2goyo mentioned, message me if you have any questions at all! :D :xf::xf: :)
good point DoctorDang, i'll def do that! maybe i'll hit you up too. thanks and keep me in your prayers!!
Hey guys,

Good luck to all those still waiting!! :luck::xf::luck::xf::luck::xf:
I hope you all get some great news soon!
We're gunning for you all....Class of 2015!!
Have a wonderful weekend all!
Im on the super alternate list as well....TO everyone still waiting Dont Give up! Medical School is such a wonderful opportunity so it will be an honor to join any class (regardless of the entering year) As for me I still have my eyes set on entering in 2011! Get Ready Howard here I come!!!!!!!:D

"Persistence and energy conquer all." -Benjamin Franklin

Don't give up! I was placed on the alternate list in October but got accepted last month. IT'S NOT OVER, UNTIL IT'S OVER!
SuperMomMD, Lilmoo, and Manonthemoon, our super alternates, praying for you all and anyone else waiting. Hope to see you all in July :luck::xf::luck::xf::love:
Don't give up! I was placed on the alternate list in October but got accepted last month. IT'S NOT OVER, UNTIL IT'S OVER!

NICE! Congrats althavian! im continuing to hope and pray that i get in. just curious, were you also on the super alternate list? or do you think that's a recent thing they made?

i'm definitely trying to stay as positive as possible, fellow super alternates, let's keep hope alive!
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