2010-2011 Ohio State University Application Thread

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today is decision monday--as Dean Capers calls it--where more ppl find out their acceptance through the phone but I have no idea when he's supposed to call but personally my hope is dying bit by bit as time tick by....

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OSU lets people know their status usually within 1-2 week after their interview (after Oct 15th). I just interviewed today and Capers was with us most of the day and told us to expect the call late next Monday, as late as 10 or 11pm CST, if you are accepted. If you are deferred or rejected you should find out the Tuesday after by email.

So dramafreak436 I wouldn't get too worried until midnight tonight CST.
OSU lets people know their status usually within 1-2 week after their interview (after Oct 15th). I just interviewed today and Capers was with us most of the day and told us to expect the call late next Monday, as late as 10 or 11pm CST, if you are accepted. If you are deferred or rejected you should find out the Tuesday after by email.

So dramafreak436 I wouldn't get too worried until midnight tonight CST.

Gotcha, makes a lot more sense! Well good luck to you all.
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I think it should be noted that this person is emotionally unstable and unfit to be a doctor.

Whats wrong with being either ecstatic for an acceptance or bummed out over the lack of one?

I'd hope my doctor would have some emotions.

Any calls yet? I feel like he said he might be starting around 7pm eastern time.
Whats wrong with being either ecstatic for an acceptance or bummed out over the lack of one?

I'd hope my doctor would have some emotions.

Any calls yet? I feel like he said he might be starting around 7pm eastern time.

I believe that was a little bit of sarcasm.
just got the personal call from Dr. Capers!! He's such a sweetheart!!! Ahhh first acceptance so excited :D
wow he just called me too!

interviewed on wednesday have no idea what the order is, but he IS making calls. Stay up!!
The stub says the acceptance fee is due on May 16th, so does that mean we shouldn't pay it until we're absolutely sure we're going here? And that we can reserve a spot in the class without paying the fee?
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I recently received an acceptance and I am most likely attending OSUCOM next fall! I currently live in Cincinnati, so I plan on visiting soon to get to know Columbus better. I was wondering if it was possible to set up a personal tour or a meeting with a first-year to learn more about school/life as a M1 through the Admission Office.
I got an interview invitation last week for February 14! Is anyone else interviewing on this day? And is it harder to get in when interview this late?

Is it worth it to apply to OSU this late? From what I hear, it's nearly impossible to get an acceptance if you interview very late.
Does anyone know how often OSU reviews deferred/waitlisted individuals to accept/reject?

I feel that OSU may be my only chance into med school and I don't want to keep waiting until the end to be rejected and then only start on plan B. I love this school but being in limbo is frustrating...

Also, would a letter of intent be useful without having too much new material to add? I have a lot of future plans but would that be wise to talk about?

I know it's still early in the cycle but I haven't heard back from any other schools and OSU is my top choice. Any help would be appreciated. :oops:
I just noticed that they don't have the anatomy requirement anymore, and I want to apply to OSU

However, it is late in the cycle, and I want to know if applying to OSU is worth my time and money. What do you guys think? Should I apply?

btw, OOS (Michigan), GPA 3.7 (Science and non-science), MCAT 34

Absolutely should apply, lots of UM folks here, and I applied in mid November, got an interview in 2 days (not unheard of here), and interviewed mid December, got in the 23rd.

Instate, 32 retook to get a 39, 3.7.

I know people who applied here at the deadline and got in, so it never hurts to try.
I am trying to make flight arrangements, and I can fly out of Columbus at 5:15 pm or like 7:15pm. I'd really prefer the 5:15pm flight or is this pushing it. It is my impression that the interview is over at 4pm. I've never been to Columbus but would appreciate some input. Also, thought the Blackwell Hotel seemed to be a favorite for many. Thanks in advance for any input. :)
I am trying to make flight arrangements, and I can fly out of Columbus at 5:15 pm or like 7:15pm. I'd really prefer the 5:15pm flight or is this pushing it. It is my impression that the interview is over at 4pm. I've never been to Columbus but would appreciate some input. Also, thought the Blackwell Hotel seemed to be a favorite for many. Thanks in advance for any input. :)

You could probably make the one at 5, since the airport is pretty close and fairly empty. I played it safe with a later flight which I don't regret. My 2nd interview was at 2:30 and only a half hour long. You're done at that point. Some people were running a little late though.

I stayed at the Blackwell. It's quite far from the med building (other side of campus) but they have a free shuttle that you can request the day before.
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You could probably make the one at 5, since the airport is pretty close and fairly empty. I played it safe with a later flight which I don't regret. My 2nd interview was at 2:30 and only a half hour long. You're done at that point. Some people were running a little late though.

I stayed at the Blackwell. It's a nice place to stay. It's quite far from the med building but they have a free shuttle that you want to request the day before.

Thanks TFS, I appreciate your advice.
Would you suggest a different hotel than the Blackwell??
Does it seem like after that initial round of acceptances there aren't as many right now? I'm hoping that means those of us deferred post interview are all being pooled for another round of massive acceptances because I absolutely fell in love with this school...

Does anyone have any insider information? Should we send in Letters of Intent?

Thanks TFS, I appreciate your advice.
Would you suggest a different hotel than the Blackwell??

no, but i also have no familiarity with the other hotels in the area. :D

the hotel is very nice and there isn't anything to complain about with the rooms - very clean and comfy, flat screen tvs, etc. the location isn't the best (i felt like i was far away from restaurants), but you can get dinner at the hotel, and in terms of getting to the interview, the shuttle drops you off right in front of meiling.

i'd stay there again! good luck! feel free to pm me with any questions. :luck: :thumbup:
I would HIGHLY recommend staying with a student host. Usually, we will pick you up from the airport, some people will even buy/make you dinner, and bring you to class (or to the med school, at least) in the morning, and give you an inside perspective on the school, before the hustle and pressure of interview day. Plus its free!

I am interviewing on Monday (11/08) and I was planning on staying with a friend who is an undergrad at OSU. Is this a bad idea--i.e. should I try to get a student host at this point? I didn't think it would be a problem to stay with a friend rather than a student host...any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I was also wondering if anyone who has interviewed recently would like to share their experience? I have read the posts earlier in the thread about the structure, but was wondering if anyone who had interviewed recently had anything to add/tell about their experience.
Withdrew my application a few days ago. I'm not sure if OSU will fill in my interview spot...? But good luck, guys!
Selection Monday is underway, just received my call for Dr. Capers! Super excited!
can anyone else confirm that they're receiving a phone call from dr. capers? Also, what time (Eastern time zone) did people receive the call?
Invite today!!! Didn't get a call, just an e-mail saying that my status has changed. My interview is on 2/23/11. I am absolutely shocked! From CA, 3.55 BCMP, sub 30 MCAT, lots and lots of clincal and leadership experience. Good luck everyone! :soexcited:
Do we think Dean Capers is done calling for the night?
I never got a call from Dean Capers, but my status page says I was accepted!!! Btw, does anyone know what is this "acceptance statement in the very near future from the University Office of Professional Admissions" that we're supposed to receive??? Didn't we already check the "accept" box online?
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone has recieved a paper acceptance. It's been a while since I was accepted (Oct 16), and I just want to make sure that I didn't get missed for some reason. (I know it's neurotic of me... but I don't really want to loose my spot because this school is one of my top choices). Do they wait for a while to send those out?
Yeah it took me a while to receive mine last year. Don't worry though, because you don't have to send it (and the $25 deposit) back until like may.

Great. That's what I was hoping to hear. I was just a little afraid of missing something I needed to do right away. Thanks.
Congrats to the people who have been accepted so far. If you were accepted could you please list your stats and if are IS or OOS. I'm trying to get an idea of who gets accepted this early in the process. Thanks!
Just found out I got an interview for valentines day--I called to see if I could be put on a waiting list in case interviews opened up, and now mine is THIS MONDAY AAAAAAHHHHH:scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:
Just found out I got an interview for valentines day--I called to see if I could be put on a waiting list in case interviews opened up, and now mine is THIS MONDAY AAAAAAHHHHH:scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:

Don't worry, you will do fine! Just review your application materials, because if your interview is anything like mine was, they will ask several questions about information relating to your application. Good luck!
Just found out I got an interview for valentines day--I called to see if I could be put on a waiting list in case interviews opened up, and now mine is THIS MONDAY AAAAAAHHHHH:scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:

if anything that's a super good thing! cya monday!
Don't worry, you will do fine! Just review your application materials, because if your interview is anything like mine was, they will ask several questions about information relating to your application. Good luck!

Thanks for the tip! I've had some interviews like that, and I've had some where the interviewer didn't even touch on my application once!

I'm excited :)
Sorry if this has been answered many times already, but does anyone know if OSU is still handing out interviews for spots in the class or if they are already onto waitlist spots? I was really hoping to interview here, but have heard nothing :(
Sorry if this has been answered many times already, but does anyone know if OSU is still handing out interviews for spots in the class or if they are already onto waitlist spots? I was really hoping to interview here, but have heard nothing :(

I just recently found out that I got an interview (like, this past tuesday) and it was originally scheduled in the beginning of February. If I'm guessing correctly, they probably are still giving out interviews since they interview through March I think. Also, now that more and more people are finding out that they got into places, more people will be withdrawing their applications/interview spots so they'll be more opening up. Don't worry yet! I thought there was no hope too but I was wrong!
I just recently found out that I got an interview (like, this past tuesday) and it was originally scheduled in the beginning of February. If I'm guessing correctly, they probably are still giving out interviews since they interview through March I think. Also, now that more and more people are finding out that they got into places, more people will be withdrawing their applications/interview spots so they'll be more opening up. Don't worry yet! I thought there was no hope too but I was wrong!

Hey guys,

Has anyone had any luck contacting the admissions office? Every time I call it goes right to VM. I just wanted to ask how big the deferred list is and how many applicants are accepted from it last year?

Any one know? I know on SDN it said 4 or 5 but I would trust an admissions counselor to fully know...

Also when will they re-review our files? If we interviewed early do we get reviewed again in December or just the Spring?

Also I'm enrolling in BioChem and Anatomy for the spring - should I sent an update letter telling them that since the BioChem is a pre-req I haven't completed yet???
Hey everyone!

I know this is probably a stupid question but where do we check our status??

Much appreciated!
Hey guys,

Has anyone had any luck contacting the admissions office? Every time I call it goes right to VM. I just wanted to ask how big the deferred list is and how many applicants are accepted from it last year?

Any one know? I know on SDN it said 4 or 5 but I would trust an admissions counselor to fully know...

Also when will they re-review our files? If we interviewed early do we get reviewed again in December or just the Spring?

Also I'm enrolling in BioChem and Anatomy for the spring - should I sent an update letter telling them that since the BioChem is a pre-req I haven't completed yet???


I can't answer all of your questions, but I can tell you what I learned when I interviewed earlier this week. The admissions woman who spoke with us told us that there had already been applicants this year who were deferred but are now accepted. I don't recall her specifically saying how often deferred applicants are reviewed, but I am assuming it is fairly regularly since there have already been applicants accepted off the list this year.

I would say the question about the update letter is a good one for the admissions office, but if I were you, I would send it in. Unless the secondary application specifically asked (i.e. you checked a box that said that you will have fulfilled all requirements by matriculation). I can't remember if OSU's secondary asked this or not--it's jumbling together with some of the others, sorry! Hope this helps.

I can't answer all of your questions, but I can tell you what I learned when I interviewed earlier this week. The admissions woman who spoke with us told us that there had already been applicants this year who were deferred but are now accepted. I don't recall her specifically saying how often deferred applicants are reviewed, but I am assuming it is fairly regularly since there have already been applicants accepted off the list this year.

I would say the question about the update letter is a good one for the admissions office, but if I were you, I would send it in. Unless the secondary application specifically asked (i.e. you checked a box that said that you will have fulfilled all requirements by matriculation). I can't remember if OSU's secondary asked this or not--it's jumbling together with some of the others, sorry! Hope this helps.

If you go to osu, don't worry about it, they ll autoupload your transcript at the end of the year, if you go elsewhere I would believe that you have to send in a new transcript after you graduate, bc you have to complete all pre reqs before matriculation.

Well its a good thing I sent in one update letter a couple weeks ago...I'm going to be getting a LOR from my PI hopefully this weekend...so I think I may send another update letter indicating that, as well as a couple courses I will take in the spring and community service commitment I have taken on (to dull the self centered fear of this process and occupy my mind lololololol)

And I think this time I'm going to be very specific as to why OSU is a good fit for me and I for it...seriously I've been on 4 interviews so far and this schools environment, you could just feel the upward momentum and everyone was so happy and loved it!!!!!!!!!
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