2013-2014 Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University

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Sure has been pretty quiet here since that first round of IIs....

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To the people who already interviewed, can you post some feedback please? Thanks!
A little late but i recieved an interview on 9/17. I am OOS and have a 32 Mcat with a 3.9 GPA
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When were you complete? And an II in september is not late....
Arrived in Holiday Inn. Excited for the interview tomorrow!
Seems like they are haphazardly throwing interview invites around. I didn't get my invite until Tuesday 9/17, and they still offered me a spot for 9/23! I chose the 9/27 date instead, because I couldn't afford the <1 week airfare from Oregon. Still going to cost a lot. As a CT resident, I really hope I get in here!

Stats: MCAT 30, GPA: undergrad 3.8, grad 3.9.
Congrats! Do you mind sharing when you submitted the secondary?

Seems like they are haphazardly throwing interview invites around. I didn't get my invite until Tuesday 9/17, and they still offered me a spot for 9/23! I chose the 9/27 date instead, because I couldn't afford the <1 week airfare from Oregon. Still going to cost a lot. As a CT resident, I really hope I get in here!

Stats: MCAT 30, GPA: undergrad 3.8, grad 3.9.
anyone who recently interviewed want to provide some insights on the school?
so interview invites come out on thursdays?
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anyone who recently interviewed want to provide some insights on the school?

I was on the very first batch of interviews.

Students are very laid back and easy going, and all faculties, even some of those who used to research at Yale as a faculty full time but decided to teach more heavily so came to Frank Netter SOM, love to teach and strongly support students. 75% of their workload, we were told, is about teaching and advising students, not research or writing grants or etc. With the open door policy, you are more than welcome to go and visit one of the offices and talk or discuss things for a few hours randomly. They are extremely supportive and enthusiastic towards students, listening seriously to what students have to say. Facilities are all brand new, and their anatomy lab, in particular, is not on the basement and is certainly one of the best I have seen among ~5 med schools I interviewed at.

2 years pre-clinical, system-based, P/F, and 8 weeks off during 4th year to complete your capstone project.

The main hospital partner, St. Vincent's Medical Center, serves Bridgeport populations, which have 75% minorities. Other clinical sites like MidState medical center, Middlesex hospital, and Waterbury hospital serve areas like a college town and 80% white populations. So, you will definitely have a wide range of patient populations.

There's also a 6-week pre-matriculation program learning anatomy, physiology, biochem, and some case based learning, and I think only ~12 people get into this program, I cannot remember the exact number of students off top of my head now.

Furthermore, there will be a heavy usage of simulation centers where you learn/practice your clinical skills on standardized patients (or paid actors) and after you get used to that, you will be going to medical student-run free clinic where you will practice your clinical stuff. You will be assigned a primary care physician and you will be working with him/her for 3 years longitudinally. You will learn the continuous, longitudinal care.

Another thing that stood out to me is there is a yoga room at the middle of the main building.

The school has a huge emphasis on primary care, but they don't want to force you to become one. They want you to think like a primary care physician, not become a primary care physician. I think it was great that they want you to have a big picture in your mind even if you pursue a subspecialty.

Housing is mostly off-campus and hospitals are all off-campus as well, so I think it will be a good idea to have a car or at least know someone for carpool.

Some of the cons:
There is no MS3 and MS4 yet, so a lot of details in clinical rotations for 3rd year and 4th year are still in progress. But the good thing is, a lot of them will be depending on the feedback from students to see what to improve and what to keep. In addition, I don't think it offers clinical rotations (except for away rotations) in urban areas like Chicago or NYC, so that's a minor thing to consider if you want some urban exposures. But certainly you can do away rotations anywhere you would like, so it might not be a serious concern anyways.

These are things I could think off top of my head now. I hope it helps!

EDIT: Feel free to correct me if I said anything wrong above!
And tomorrow's Thursday, so we can be *really* hopeful! :oops:

After that extensive post above, I'm jumping up and down that it's almost Thursday!! I'm losing it, but only slightly : / Honestly I'm sick of checking my email..who's with me? Don't get me wrong I am happy with what I have, but this is still a long and draining process. We gotta stick together ; )
After that extensive post above, I'm jumping up and down that it's almost Thursday!! I'm losing it, but only slightly : / Honestly I'm sick of checking my email..who's with me? Don't get me wrong I am happy with what I have, but this is still a long and draining process. We gotta stick together ; )

I am sick of checking my e-mail for sure, but I can't tear myself away from it. Hopefully I get an II in the morning -- I would be so excited!
After that extensive post above, I'm jumping up and down that it's almost Thursday!! I'm losing it, but only slightly : / Honestly I'm sick of checking my email..who's with me? Don't get me wrong I am happy with what I have, but this is still a long and draining process. We gotta stick together ; )
I'm with you! I've also been hoping for an Oakland II so badly hah... did you have your interview there yet, DocOpotamus?
I'm with you! I've also been hoping for an Oakland II so badly hah... did you have your interview there yet, DocOpotamus?

Hi Pandaeac! Not yet. It's on Oct 4th. I'm sure your invite is coming ; )
Sigh. Another Thursday (well, just *day* really) has come and gone... :bang:
I missed my interview. I thought that I scheduled it on Oct the 27th. The admission called me and told me it was scheduled today. So I had to reschedule. Should I send a formal apology letter?
I missed my interview. I thought that I scheduled it on Oct the 27th. The admission called me and told me it was scheduled today. So I had to reschedule. Should I send a formal apology letter?
OUCH, but hey, at least they let you reschedule. I don't know what to do though, sorry.

BTW, I got my secondary 3 mins after verification. I thought they screen presecondary?
OUCH, but hey, at least they let you reschedule. I don't know what to do though, sorry.

BTW, I got my secondary 3 mins after verification. I thought they screen presecondary?

It took them couple weeks to send me a secondary, but my application was verified in mid July.
Congrats!! Would you mind sharing when you submitted the secondary?
Amazing school. I am excited about this school. Just had my interview.
Congratulations to all those who interviewed and received interview invites!!! Based on those who interviewed from SDN, it appears that they are only doing interviews on Fridays or were there other days during the week that they offered interviews. I sent them an "in the area" e-mail last week because I will be interviewing at another school in the area in the near future. I hope that they respond, I am very interested in this school. I think it would be a great fit for me.

Has anyone else sent them an "in the area" e-mail and gotten a positive and/or any response? If they don't respond, I will wonder if they even received my e-mail. I definitely do not want to annoy them by submitting another, oh well. *fingers crossed that I will receive a positive response soon*
Congratulations to all those who interviewed and received interview invites!!! Based on those who interviewed from SDN, it appears that they are only doing interviews on Fridays or were there other days during the week that they offered interviews. I sent them an "in the area" e-mail last week because I will be interviewing at another school in the area in the near future. I hope that they respond, I am very interested in this school. I think it would be a great fit for me.

Has anyone else sent them an "in the area" e-mail and gotten a positive and/or any response? If they don't respond, I will wonder if they even received my e-mail. I definitely do not want to annoy them by submitting another, oh well. *fingers crossed that I will receive a positive response soon*

I tried; they didn't respond at all.
Who did you e-mail? How long ago did you e-mail them? Maybe the admissions committee has not met to review our requests, yet?
I e-mailed what I assume is the admissions office -- [email protected]. I'm just hoping that I hear back sometime in the future! It doesn't seem like all too many people have received invites quite yet.
I e-mailed what I assume is the admissions office -- [email protected]. I'm just hoping that I hear back sometime in the future! It doesn't seem like all too many people have received invites quite yet.

Same here. It seems like such an excellent school. I was sold after reading about it and I met one of the admissions officers. I think the school would be a great fit for me. :)
Same here. It seems like such an excellent school. I was sold after reading about it and I met one of the admissions officers. I think the school would be a great fit for me. :)
If you haven't seen their campus before, it's also REALLY beautiful. It's a great environment and has just about everything you could possibly need to be successful! :)
If you haven't seen their campus before, it's also REALLY beautiful. It's a great environment and has just about everything you could possibly need to be successful! :)

I think they have an open house coming up. Do you think it is worth making the trip? I am currently OOS and it would be expensive to travel.
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I think they have an open house coming up. Do you think it is worth making the trip hopefully enticing the admissions staff? I am currently OOS and it would be expensive to travel, but would it work?

I'd say no. I, too, went to an open house over the summer and they don't really give you a chance to talk to the admissions staff. It's an intro to the school and then immediately a tour of the school led by different members of the faculty/students. With that said, it's a great school with killer facilities, so it may be worth seeing in that regard. And if you can corner an person in admissions for a few minutes, you never know...
I'd say no. I, too, went to an open house over the summer and they don't really give you a chance to talk to the admissions staff. It's an intro to the school and then immediately a tour of the school led by different members of the faculty/students. With that said, it's a great school with killer facilities, so it may be worth seeing in that regard. And if you can corner an person in admissions for a few minutes, you never know...
My take on open houses this is the following:

It's a great idea to go to an open house before secondaries to give you lots to write about.

It's not a bad idea to go to an open house after secondaries to send a L.O.I. (if the school is receptive) after hearing nothing for a while. If you get an I.I., it's also a great thing to talk about during the interview. However, is it worth spending hundreds/a weekend on traveling in order to do this? Probably not.
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"Enticing the admissions staff." Did I read that right?

Frankly, if you think you can "entice" adcoms into granting you an interview you either have an outstanding application or you are delirious.

I wasn't sure of the correct way to put it... my apologies... just ignore my comment.... I will delete it... thank you for everyone's advice. :)

I hope we all get interview invitations soon. :)
I submitted 8/8... never got complete email. Am I complete? Any suggestions on what to do??