2014-2015 The Commonwealth Medical College Application Thread

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Please PM the essays or lack thereof to me when the secondary is available and I will update this.

Good luck to everyone applying! :luck:

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I like to think the school values it but I wouldn't say any more than having a great experience in anything else. For example, I've interviewed some candidates who have had wonderful research experiences and have been able to explain minute details to me (a good thing). However, I'd also say that a large percentage of students who say they do research do not really do much more then do PCR and run a few gels. That's not as impressive.

When applying to med school, it's more important to have a few experiences that you have pored your blood, sweat, and tears into instead of 10-15 things that you can't talk for hours about if given the opportunity.

Hopefully that made sense. I just took the boards and my brain is fried.
Applied. In State.

I applied to every school in PA. Geography matters. But, I heard this school took a friend of a friend who bombed his MCAT in a major way. Can't say what else he had going for him to make up for it. Just a bit of incomplete anecdata for others to take with 60mg of salt.
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I like to think the school values it but I wouldn't say any more than having a great experience in anything else. For example, I've interviewed some candidates who have had wonderful research experiences and have been able to explain minute details to me (a good thing). However, I'd also say that a large percentage of students who say they do research do not really do much more then do PCR and run a few gels. That's not as impressive.

When applying to med school, it's more important to have a few experiences that you have pored your blood, sweat, and tears into instead of 10-15 things that you can't talk for hours about if given the opportunity.

Hopefully that made sense. I just took the boards and my brain is fried.
Hope boards went well for you! That's great advice. My research was not bench research, focused on exercise and used human subjects. Hope I get a chance to interview here!
I assume there's no undergrad associated with this school, right?
How much thought should I be putting into the five attributes question? At first I just put the one I wanted to write about and then came up with 4 more, but now I am wondering how much they look at them. Maybe they are looking to see that you put a specific one? I guess if they didn't care they would just ask us to name one and talk about a personal experience with it (the second question). What do you think?
How much thought should I be putting into the five attributes question? At first I just put the one I wanted to write about and then came up with 4 more, but now I am wondering how much they look at them. Maybe they are looking to see that you put a specific one? I guess if they didn't care they would just ask us to name one and talk about a personal experience with it (the second question). What do you think?

From reading a lot of secondaries, I can tell you that most people put generic things like "empathy, compassion, desire for life-long learning, etc." I always liked when someone had at least one that was a little unique compared to other applications. That way, it sets you apart and it also gives you something to talk about during the interview. I would usually say "this is the first time I've read that in a list of 5. Why did you include it?"
Did you guys already get secondaries? I just have the one saying that they got my application
@timeturner did you have trouble logging in to access your secondary? My login wouldn't work! Thanks!
Hi NervousWreck and TimeTurner, I've been facing the same issue as well. I tried Google Chrome and Safari but neither work. Let me know if you come up with a solution! Thanks. Does anybody know what the essay questions are in the meantime?
We just got an email that said our passwords won't work right now--- they said we should be getting a new email with further directions later!
Here's the email from TCMC:

Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxx,

You recently received an email with instructions on how to complete the supplemental application for The Commonwealth Medical College (TCMC).

Unfortunately, due to a technical issue, the password contained in that email will not work. We are working to rectify this situation as soon as possible. When the issue is resolved, you will receive a new email directing you to our supplemental application.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for your interest in The Commonwealth Medical College.
I thought you guys only received the AACOMAS receipt email and not the secondary?

AACOMAS? That's for D.O. schools. We get the secondary application in email after our primary applications have been verified.
Sorry for three posts in a row. But does anyone have the prompts for the secondary? I would like to work on them while I'm on the plane tonight for 14 hours 🙂
@timeturner did you have trouble logging in to access your secondary? My login wouldn't work! Thanks!

Me too! I entered my AAMC ID and their password but when I click "Log In" it refreshes log in page again..

Hi NervousWreck and TimeTurner, I've been facing the same issue as well. I tried Google Chrome and Safari but neither work. Let me know if you come up with a solution! Thanks. Does anybody know what the essay questions are in the meantime?

I didn't have trouble logging into the site but I also didn't receive the e-mail with instructions of how to access the supplemental either....maybe it's being buggy?
TCMC Secondary Prompts:

1. Given TCMC's unique mission and values, please tell us why you feel you are a good fit for our institution.
2. List the five most important attributes you feel a physician should possess. Please choose one attribute and describe one personal experience that best exemplifies that attribute.
3. TCMC values diversity and is committed to maintaining an inclusive environment. How do you think you can contribute to our commitment to diversity and inclusion?

1500 Character Limit EACH
I haven't either! 🙁 verified on 6/20 or so
I'm sure you guys will receive one eventually. 🙂 I don't believe TCMC screens do they?
Just for reference, I was verified 6/18.
I got a secondary invite today; not sure I'm "verified;" my application was just processed today.
Edit: okay, I guess it means the same thing...but my scores haven't come in yet since I took the June 13th MCAT...:/
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Same, verified 6/6.
Does this school send secondaries to OOS students later or screen? if it screens anyone know how their screening process works? (is it numbers or holistic?) I still havent gotten a secondary =/.
Me neither. Maybe it's based on geography. I'm in Nebraska.
MSAR says all applicants with an AMCAS verified app get the secondary.

I'm IS, submitted 6/4 and haven't gotten one yet. Wow I can't believe it's already been a month!
Hey! I'm going to be a MD1 this fall at TCMC and so I've just been through this SUPER long process. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

I know that everyone gets a secondary application and, in my interview at least, they seem to go over each essay question.
Secondary this morning, OOS from CA!
Just an update for all you fellow neurotic pre-meds, I just got a secondary so I'm sure yours is coming soon. I was verified June 3rd.