2019-2020 Hawaii (Burns)

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Would any of you be willing to provide any information/ tips about JABSOM to a future applicant? For example, their likes/dislikes in an applicant?
I have heard that they seem to look for applicants with a lot of community involvement compared to other med schools. Is this true to an extent?

I am a non-trad, born and raised on a neighboring island looking to apply either this cycle or next. Open to other tips you can share with a future applicant.

Feel free to PM.

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Would any of you be willing to provide any information/ tips about JABSOM to a future applicant? For example, their likes/dislikes in an applicant?
I have heard that they seem to look for applicants with a lot of community involvement compared to other med schools. Is this true to an extent?

I am a non-trad, born and raised on a neighboring island looking to apply either this cycle or next. Open to other tips you can share with a future applicant.

Feel free to PM.
Having a good GPA, MCAT is the first step, also good overall application such as volunteer experience, clininal experience are important too. Be an unique applicant and have something others dont have.
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Withdrew my acceptance here this afternoon. Hope it goes to one of you guys!!!
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Hey do you guys know what the quality of life is like for physicians in Hawaii? I read that there is a severe physician shortage because the high cost of living drives more people to work in the mainland. Is it really that difficult to live comfortably with a physician's salary? Is it worth working as a physician in Hawaii over the mainland?