2020-2021 Albert Einstein

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Sorry, would you be willing to say when you had your interview, HPWL notification, etc.?
No problem! Interviewed 3/23. Rolling Admission email on 4/15. Still interested email today. Never sent an LOI either
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If we were on the original HPWL/still interested email wave should we lose hope at this point?
If we were on the original HPWL/still interested email wave should we lose hope at this point?
There’s prob people who can speak to this more specifically at Einstein than me, but my perspective would be that you shouldn’t!

They are trying to build a class with diverse backgrounds/interests, so I would expect this process to look a little random from the outside because they aren’t necessarily reviewing and admitting people sequentially
R from regular WL just now. Good luck to everyone still in the running!
Just got the rejection email, placed on regular WL in the first February wave. Would've loved to go here, but at least I'm incredibly happy with my state school. Good luck to everyone else!
On the regular WL but haven't received anything yet.. would you mind sharing what the email said?
Who are we supposed to address in our LOI and what email should I send it to?

Thanks in advance!
On the regular WL but haven't received anything yet.. would you mind sharing what the email said?
Albert Einstein - FINAL STATUS

We write to you now to inform you that we have, regretfully, removed your application from further consideration. We assure you that we were very impressed with your credentials, and were delighted to have met you. The 2021 year was an extremely competitive year with an increase of almost 25% in the number of applications. Einstein was fortunate to have received applications from many wonderful applicants, like you.
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Interview (Nov)--> WL (Feb)-->R (Today)
Thank you so much to everyone on this thread! Good luck to everyone else who is still in the running!
Just received this:

“This email comes to inform you that the Committee on Admissions was very favorably impressed with your application, and delighted that we had the opportunity to meet you. At this time, however, we are not able to provide you with a final decision; we hope to have a more definitive answer for you in a few weeks.”

Any thoughts? Did anyone receive this and later get placed on the HPWL?
Just received this:

“This email comes to inform you that the Committee on Admissions was very favorably impressed with your application, and delighted that we had the opportunity to meet you. At this time, however, we are not able to provide you with a final decision; we hope to have a more definitive answer for you in a few weeks.”

Any thoughts? Did anyone receive this and later get placed on the HPWL?
What was the subject line?
Still Interested email today! Mid-April interview, early May HPWL/Rolling Admissions.

If I already sent a letter of intent after the HPWL email, what should I include in this response? I did mention that I had applied to present an abstract at a major conference this fall and since then I heard back that I was accepted for a platform presentation, so I feel like that's pretty prestigious. Should I include that or is it not worth more professional updates at this point?

Side-note, that abstract acceptance came the evening of the day that the round of A's went out last week so I guess it's a little good karma cause I was beating myself up about not hearing anything from AECOM that day. Then again, going to med school may very well mean I won't be able to attend the conference to present anyways 🤷‍♀️.
Still Interested email today! Mid-April interview, early May HPWL/Rolling Admissions.

If I already sent a letter of intent after the HPWL email, what should I include in this response? I did mention that I had applied to present an abstract at a major conference this fall and since then I heard back that I was accepted for a platform presentation, so I feel like that's pretty prestigious. Should I include that or is it not worth more professional updates at this point?

Side-note, that abstract acceptance came the evening of the day that the round of A's went out last week so I guess it's a little good karma cause I was beating myself up about not hearing anything from AECOM that day. Then again, going to med school may very well mean I won't be able to attend the conference to present anyways 🤷‍♀️.
Congrats!! What does the "still interested" email say?
Just received this:

“This email comes to inform you that the Committee on Admissions was very favorably impressed with your application, and delighted that we had the opportunity to meet you. At this time, however, we are not able to provide you with a final decision; we hope to have a more definitive answer for you in a few weeks.”

Any thoughts? Did anyone receive this and later get placed on the HPWL?
i received that same may update a couple weeks ago and haven't gotten any more communication since then. april interview
Jan interview -> Regular WL (Feb) -> Silence for me. I can't find the rejection. Not in spam either.

Anyone else on the regular WL still standing?
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Congrats!! What does the "still interested" email say?
"Thank you for having accepted a place on our wait list. Now that April 30 has past, and students who were holding multiple places have been asked to narrow their choice to one school, we are emailing you to see if you remain interested in joining us at Einstein, should a place come open? If you have already been accepted to your first choice school, we sincerely congratulate you, and ask that you let us know that you wish to be withdrawn from further consideration by emailing XXX.

If Einstein remains your top choice, please email me, directly, by Thursday, May 27. If you wish to withdraw, we will be sorry to lose you but we want you to select the school that is the best fit for you."
i received that same may update a couple weeks ago and haven't gotten any more communication since then. april interview
Thanks for responding.
We might be in limbo for a while then.. Not sure why I received the May update so late though.
Also got an "as June approaches update" that says "The alternate list is moving very slowly and for that reason, we have not added you, officially, to the alternate list even though your application remains active.".....does alternate list mean HPWL or regular WL?????? EINSTEIN JUST TAKE ME POR FAVOR!!! 😵
Interview: 4/13, April update 4/28, June update just now
Also got an "as June approaches update" that says "The alternate list is moving very slowly and for that reason, we have not added you, officially, to the alternate list even though your application remains active.".....does alternate list mean HPWL or regular WL?????? EINSTEIN JUST TAKE ME POR FAVOR!!! 😵
Interview: 4/13, April update 4/28, June update just now
It sounds like they want to add you to the HPWL but they don’t see the point at this time because of how little movement the HPWL has had so far
It sounds like they want to add you to the HPWL but they don’t see the point at this time because of how little movement the HPWL has had so far
Agreed. I wonder how many people they have on "June Update" status right now. Definitely better than regular waitlist. But seeing as some people have gone straight from "March Update" to "Still Interested" status, I'd say this is on par with HPWL since they're drawing from both pools for the next A wave.
I got this same email too...since they said movement is slow and they havent added us to the alternate list yet, would they have to go through the entire HPWL before considering us? Unsure what this means
I got this same email too...since they said movement is slow and they havent added us to the alternate list yet, would they have to go through the entire HPWL before considering us? Unsure what this means
I can't tell if it means that they're waiting for a spot to open for us on the WL or if they're just considering us actively for acceptance right now instead of putting us on the WL.
I just got the same "As June approaches" email and did interpret this as an "I want you, but we really can't have you yet." I got that from the sentence begging us to be patient. Unfortunately, the other school I am holding an acceptance at is the military medical school and I literally need to commit to enroll in <4 days... thanks Einstein.
Anyone still with no communications from Einstein at all? like no update, waitlist, absolutely no emails from them other than post-interview survey
I received the June email as well. Was this email sent to all remaining March/April/May Update email recipients?