2020-2021 Albert Einstein

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Anyone still with no communications from Einstein at all? like no update, waitlist, absolutely no emails from them other than post-interview survey
+1, mid-April interview

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I can't tell if it means that they're waiting for a spot to open for us on the WL or if they're just considering us actively for acceptance right now instead of putting us on the WL.
I interpreted it as: waiting for a spot to open up on the WL, since the email stated that the alternate list moving very slowly and that they have not officially added us to the alternate list. I don’t think straight acceptances will come at this point unfortunately.
I got this same email too...since they said movement is slow and they havent added us to the alternate list yet, would they have to go through the entire HPWL before considering us? Unsure what this means
I wonder the same thing.. there are plenty of people on the HPWL as of now, and if movement is slow on that list, I don’t know how much of a shot we got to get on that list and later be accepted..
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I wonder the same thing.. there are plenty of people on the HPWL as of now, and if movement is slow on that list, I don’t know how much of a shot we got to get on that list and later be accepted..
i agree SAD ugh
From my experience of surviving the regular WL R wave, I think the regular WL is just an emergency list to pull from in case there's something off about the class diversity. It could also be an emergency list in case the HPWL is exhausted. Before 2018-2019 there seemed to be regular WL movement only in June after all the other A waves (and when some HPWL were ghosted), but during most recent years movement was minimal.
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withdrew from WL 👍

can we take a moment and recognize that as of now, almost June, weeks after AECOM has purportedly received its Plan To Enroll list, it's just cruel to leave so many people in the dark and waiting. that most recent email was truly ridiculous. they have a HPWL (which the admissions office won't publicly acknowledge), a regular WL, and even so, weeks after the plan to enroll deadline, they're cool with leaving a decent contingent of their applicants in complete limbo - without a place on either wait list nor with the peace of mind of a rejection. If their WL movement is actually as slow as they claim, I'm really baffled as to why they haven't cleared up so many applicants' status. By now, 99% of folks who were able/lucky enough to receive an offer have received one, and this juncture, the anxiety for people for whom AE is a dream school or who have 0 offers and only waitlists must be so much worse than back in interview season. the admissions office won't even say whether this limbo is a preferred status to being wait listed, making me think it's just a semantic gesture for people who are going to get rejected in coming weeks. I read the last couple pages of AE's SDN page and the anxiety/speculation/unnecessary waiting that they inflict on people just has me irked.

end rant, thanks for reading if you got this far
withdrew from WL 👍

can we take a moment and recognize that as of now, almost June, weeks after AECOM has purportedly received its Plan To Enroll list, it's just cruel to leave so many people in the dark and waiting. that most recent email was truly ridiculous. they have a HPWL (which the admissions office won't publicly acknowledge), a regular WL, and even so, weeks after the plan to enroll deadline, they're cool with leaving a decent contingent of their applicants in complete limbo - without a place on either wait list nor with the peace of mind of a rejection. If their WL movement is actually as slow as they claim, I'm really baffled as to why they haven't cleared up so many applicants' status. By now, 99% of folks who were able/lucky enough to receive an offer have received one, and this juncture, the anxiety for people for whom AE is a dream school or who have 0 offers and only waitlists must be so much worse than back in interview season. the admissions office won't even say whether this limbo is a preferred status to being wait listed, making me think it's just a semantic gesture for people who are going to get rejected in coming weeks. I read the last couple pages of AE's SDN page and the anxiety/speculation/unnecessary waiting that they inflict on people just has me irked.

end rant, thanks for reading if you got this far
Agreed, leading people on with the regular WL is just cruel at this point. I'm expecting my file to be closed out anytime soon, just like everyone else still on the regular WL at this point in 2020. Just makes it worse for students making plans and other medical schools wanting certainty.
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are any other march/june update people considering withdrawing (if they already have another A) this process is taking too long and i love einstein but it's just really frustrating me and i don't know if it's worth it to wait much more :/
are any other march/june update people considering withdrawing (if they already have another A) this process is taking too long and i love einstein but it's just really frustrating me and i don't know if it's worth it to wait much more :/
I can relate. I love Einstein, but I don't know what to do because I have to find housing if Einstein is going to reject me and I don't know how late to wait to sign a lease... it's getting dicey.
like realistically how many spots could they even have left? i am honestly just strongly considering withdrawing cause i really don't think it's likely we'll get As
Same. Einstein’s admissions process is so broken. Theres no way they have as many remaining available spots as they do amount of people on the hpwl/update status.
Has anyone recently submitted an update letter and received a confirmation email? I turned in an LOI a few months ago and got an "application update acknowledgement" email in 2 days, but I just turned in an update letter last Friday and still have not gotten any response. Not sure if I should send a follow up?
I called Einstein and they said "the only thing I'm allowed to tell you on the phone is that we're in rolling admissions status". I guess anything that isn't HPWL = R
I called Einstein and they said "the only thing I'm allowed to tell you on the phone is that we're in rolling admissions status". I guess anything that isn't HPWL = R
I’ve been on HPWL/Rolling Admissions since March, still haven’t heard a thing.
Does anyone feel like this whole thing is kinda messed up? Like I interviewed in late April and while I'm glad for the opportunity to interview and the fact that I was HPWL, looking back through last year's thread and seeing the last few HPWL people just sadly asking about any news in June is honestly making me both paranoid about myself and angry about the fact that Einstein was even interviewing people into May.
Does anyone feel like this whole thing is kinda messed up? Like I interviewed in late April and while I'm glad for the opportunity to interview and the fact that I was HPWL, looking back through last year's thread and seeing the last few HPWL people just sadly asking about any news in June is honestly making me both paranoid about myself and angry about the fact that Einstein was even interviewing people into May.
Yeah for real. I just wished that they would reject or at least communicate that we probably won’t get in rather than pretend that we are still in the running. I’m on the June Update group and I am this close to withdrawing and CTEing to my other offer.
I'm going to CTE at my other school to begin my summer program, hopefully I can go here for residency. Emailed and called them to expedite the process but I got a non-answer. For anyone looling back on this thread next year, don't lose hope!
Looks like this is it, huh? RIP to all my update/HPWL fam - we'll get them next year
did anyone else not get the end of cycle email? did they forget my app LOL
mine didn't actually say that it was end of cycle. it was a "final status" email saying they removed my application from further consideration. for context, i only received their update emails and was never on hpwl or regular wl. they said "we think it unlikely that there will be any places available in the coming weeks" but maybe they are still leaving some people under consideration in case?
mine didn't actually say that it was end of cycle. it was a "final status" email saying they removed my application from further consideration. for context, i only received their update emails and was never on hpwl or regular wl. they said "we think it unlikely that there will be any places available in the coming weeks" but maybe they are still leaving some people under consideration in case?
Ah ok thanks for clarifying! Good luck to you 🙂