2020-2021 Temple

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Does anyone know if they have a policy on interview thank you notes?

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Mid August submission, still radio silence.
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II earlier today! LM=73, OOS, secondary complete mid Sep., MD/PhD
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II on Friday! For some reason got lost in my spam folder. IS complete 9/11
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Had my interview with St. Luke's/Temple today. I was super impressed by the friendliness, and my interviews were very low-stress. Hoping to hear back soon!
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Does anyone remember what date in December they would release decisions? Was it early, mid, or late December?
If you interviewed before the December decision release, are you expected to hear back in December or could they hold off until Feb or march?
II this morning! IS/514/3.97 complete 8/23 but sent an update last Monday and got an II one week later :) waiting to schedule at 10 am

edit: scheduled for 12/2/2020 but had one date (tomorrow) in November and every T/W/TH date of december available
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II this morning! IS/514/3.97 complete 8/23 but sent an update last Monday and got an II one week later :) waiting to schedule at 10 am

Congrats on the II! Did you email them your update in addition to uploading to the portal? I uploaded an update to the portal a few weeks ago but nothing yet..
Congrats on the II! Did you email them your update in addition to uploading to the portal? I uploaded an update to the portal a few weeks ago but nothing yet..
Thanks!! I uploaded to the portal!
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II this morning! IS/514/3.97 complete 8/23 but sent an update last Monday and got an II one week later :) waiting to schedule at 10 am

edit: scheduled for 12/2/2020 but had one date (tomorrow) in November and every T/W/TH date of december available

congrats!! and thanks for letting us know! just wondering, did you keep your update letter short & to the point or kind of write it like an LOI?
congrats!! and thanks for letting us know! just wondering, did you keep your update letter short & to the point or kind of write it like an LOI?
It was kind of a LOI i think (don’t know exactly how to classify it but it was pretty long (1 pg)). I have strong connections to the school and community so I updated them on my activities but also wrote about my interest in the school and continuing to serve this community.
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Also got an II here today (at 2AM apparently lol)! One of my top choices, so super excited. I was complete late August, IS, LM ~76.
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Also got an II here today (at 2AM apparently lol)! One of my top choices, so super excited. I was complete late August, IS, LM ~76.
Lol I just checked and mine was 2:03 am I didn’t notice that before that’s funny
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Anyone think it is worthwhile to submit a secondary here over next coming days?
Anyone think it is worthwhile to submit a secondary here over next coming days?

To be frank, in my opinion, I do think it is pretty late to be submitting secondaries at this point in the cycle based on what I've seen/heard. Regardless of any delays caused by COVID, submitting in the next few days will very likely put you at a disadvantage (vs. if you had applied earlier in the cycle). However, I don't think it means that your application would be DOA. If you have a strong application/stellar stats and/or an X factor, the timing might not have as much of an impact. If you really love this school and you can afford it, might as well shoot your shot because you never know! You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Best of luck!!
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To be frank, in my opinion, I do think it is pretty late to be submitting secondaries at this point in the cycle based on what I've seen/heard. Regardless of any delays caused by COVID, submitting in the next few days will very likely put you at a disadvantage (vs. if you had applied earlier in the cycle). However, I don't think it means that your application would be DOA. If you have a strong application/stellar stats and/or an X factor, the timing might not have as much of an impact. If you really love this school and you can afford it, might as well shoot your shot because you never know! You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Best of luck!!
thank you! :)
Is there a way to check the status of our application? Submitted late September and have not heard anything yet
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Is there a way to check the status of our application? Submitted late September and have not heard anything yet
I applied last year!

As far as I know, no. You could check your portal to see if you're missing anything, but I did receive a confirmation email that my application was complete (around mid-September). I didn't hear back from Temple until they sent the II in February.

It's a long wait unfortunately. I do hope that you'll hear back soon!
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I applied last year!

As far as I know, no. You could check your portal to see if you're missing anything, but I did receive a confirmation email that my application was complete (around mid-September). I didn't hear back from Temple until they sent the II in February.

It's a long wait unfortunately. I do hope that you'll hear back soon!
Okay, thank you! I hate being left in the dark like this but oh well, nothing I can do to change it :/
I hope I hear back from them as well :)
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I'm an urm with a 505 mcat which is below the 10% on msar. Should I even submit my secondary. Everything else in my app is pretty adv.
I just got an interview here! So believe in ur self bc clearly I didn’t lololol
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I just got an interview here! So believe in ur self bc clearly I didn’t lololol

Massive congrats! This just goes to show that high numbers/stats aren't what make future doctors. Good luck on that interview and go get that A!
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any thoughts on what it means to have not heard back at all since august secondary submission?
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i got an interview invite here last week and i tried calling them on friday to schedule my interview but they didnt pick up so i left a voicemail and they still havent called me back. does anyone know how long it usually takes them to respond back?
i got an interview invite here last week and i tried calling them on friday to schedule my interview but they didnt pick up so i left a voicemail and they still havent called me back. does anyone know how long it usually takes them to respond back?
nvm, i just called them and they were able to pick up. but wow, the earliest interview slot i could get was feb. 2....
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