2021-2022 Arizona, Tucson

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I interviewed very early on in the cycle and I understand that they review all applicants every time they have a round of acceptances going out but I think this is silent rejection from them for me. Best of luck to everyone else!
i interviewed 1/28 and called the office today to see if they accept students multiple times a month or if today was the only day and they said multiple times a month so hopefully that means there are more acceptances to give in february
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I interviewed very early on in the cycle and I understand that they review all applicants every time they have a round of acceptances going out but I think this is silent rejection from them for me. Best of luck to everyone else!
same…I’m trying to remain hopeful but I interviewed in August and if they really do review all applicants every round it’s probably not a good sign. I also received that “you are still under review” and not the “this is not a rejection letter email”. it sucks because UA is my state school and alma mater 🙁 maybe we will end up on the waitlist though! :xf:
same…I’m trying to remain hopeful but I interviewed in August and if they really do review all applicants every round it’s probably not a good sign. I also received that “you are still under review” and not the “this is not a rejection letter email”. it sucks because UA is my state school and alma mater 🙁 maybe we will end up on the waitlist though! :xf:
I feel you right now. I am a trad ORM with similar stats and really did not want to reapp. We'll get there eventually.
same…I’m trying to remain hopeful but I interviewed in August and if they really do review all applicants every round it’s probably not a good sign. I also received that “you are still under review” and not the “this is not a rejection letter email”. it sucks because UA is my state school and alma mater 🙁 maybe we will end up on the waitlist though! :xf:
Just got an email saying “this is not a rejection letter” after having received the other one last month you are still under review.
Are we still thinking there's a difference between "under review" and "active candidate"? I just got the 'you remain an active candidate in our applicant pool. This is not a rejection letter." email.
…I’m still “on hold” for a potential interview lol, since October. Been assuming that’s a soft R. Anyone else still holding out hope for an interview? Sigh
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I interviewed 1/28 and didn't get any update email saying under review or active candidate, but when I called the office today they said I am still under review, should I be worried?
I interviewed 1/28 and didn't get any update email saying under review or active candidate, but when I called the office today they said I am still under review, should I be worried?
I wouldn't worry---you literally just interviewed and it took a while for the "under review" designation to even go on my file 🙂
A thought on the difference between the two emails--"update" vs "active candidate".... it's possible that there was a difference between the emails last time, but based on the response their office got from applicants, maybe they decided to change it up and give everyone the same email this time instead. I'd be curious if anyone who got the "active candidate" letter the previous acceptance day in early jan got accepted today...
so we think there’s going to be more acceptances in Feb? based on how this cycle has been going they only do acceptances once a month. if so, I assume that’s the second to last one and there’ll be one more in March before the waitlist? I think I might email them to ask 🤔
so we think there’s going to be more acceptances in Feb? based on how this cycle has been going they only do acceptances once a month. if so, I assume that’s the second to last one and there’ll be one more in March before the waitlist? I think I might email them to ask 🤔
I'd be interested to know that, too! The "Plan to Enroll" tool opens through AMCAS on the 22nd, so I wonder if they would try to get more admissions decisions sent out before then.
A thought on the difference between the two emails--"update" vs "active candidate".... it's possible that there was a difference between the emails last time, but based on the response their office got from applicants, maybe they decided to change it up and give everyone the same email this time instead. I'd be curious if anyone who got the "active candidate" letter the previous acceptance day in early jan got accepted today...
FWIW, I got the active candidate email last time and was not accepted today.
so we think there’s going to be more acceptances in Feb? based on how this cycle has been going they only do acceptances once a month. if so, I assume that’s the second to last one and there’ll be one more in March before the waitlist? I think I might email them to ask 🤔
For anyone still waiting, I also got the "active candidate" email, so I called Admissions to ask if this was the same as the waitlist, and she said no. She said they have a couple more rounds of admissions decisions meetings before opening the waitlist, and she anticipates it opening in early March.
I got the acceptance call yesterday! I am IS and interviewed 11/5. 3rd time applying, and interviewed with UACOM-T all three times.
cGPA: 3.97
sGPA: 4.0
509 MCAT
Good luck to everyone!
For anyone wondering, in January I received the “under review” email, but in the previous application cycles I only received the “active candidate” email, although no one ever mentioned an “under review” email on SDN in previous cycles.
someone should email them to ask…I’ve emailed them so many times at this point I feel like they’re annoyed with me lol
It seems like, from reviewing last year's posts, admissions decisions were being released every 2 to 3 weeks at this point in the cycle.
For those accepted, have they given us more information with regards to like a Facebook group we can join or some sort of group me to begin getting to know each other?
For those accepted, have they given us more information with regards to like a Facebook group we can join or some sort of group me to begin getting to know each other?
There is a groupme that admissions has to add you to. Think they're setting up a new student website too.
anyone else hear anything today? I'm expecting a "sorry you didn't get in this time" email soon. Is there only one more round of acceptances after this? i think this was the 5th one
They have added people to it already, it seems like they add in bulk if you're still waiting. There is a facebook group as well, "UofA COMT-t | class of 2026" is the group name
That's so weird, I have yet to get the email to join. I'll try and join the UA COM - T Facebook page though.