2021-2022 Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine (Provo, UT) Noorda-COM

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback:

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Hello! We are very excited to begin accepting applications for our second class in Provo, UT. We are happy to answer questions about Noorda-COM - [email protected]. Faculty Fridays will resume this fall and past recordings are available on our website.
We look forward to hearing from applicants!
Casey Himmelsbach
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
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@Noorda-COM Admissions I was just curious when we would expect to receive secondary invites
Thanks for checking!
2021-2022 Timeline.png
Hello! We are very excited to begin accepting applications for our second class in Provo, UT. We are happy to answer questions about Noorda-COM - [email protected]. Faculty Fridays will resume this fall and past recordings are available on our website.
We look forward to hearing from applicants!
Casey Himmelsbach
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Hi! Can you share the admission statistics for last years entering class? I'm interested in seeing median GPA, MCAT, in-state/out-of-state, etc.
I'm just curious, I know the timelines says we would receive secondaries in august but is there a chance we might receive them earlier than that
Does anyone know what percentage of out-of-state students get accepted (and what their stats are)?
I appreciate that this school gives you access to their portal so that you can explore the resources available at the school and the surrounding area while they review your primary application to see if they would like to know more, unlike other schools that simply want to collect a secondary application fee.
I'm just curious, I know the timelines says we would receive secondaries in august but is there a chance we might receive them earlier than that
We are currently in the process of reviewing the applications we have received so far and anticipate being able to send the first round of secondary application invitations within the next week or two.
Hi! Can you share the admission statistics for last years entering class? I'm interested in seeing median GPA, MCAT, in-state/out-of-state, etc.
Hello! Since our our first class of students will be starting this Fall, we do not have the data available yet. Once our inaugural class has matriculated, we will make that data available.
@Noorda-COM Admissions Many apologies for bothering y’all during your initial application reviews; however, I was wanting to see if the ChooseDO explorer was correct in that you will only be doing virtual interviews this cycle? Thank you all for reviewing applicants before sending out secondaries!
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@Noorda-COM Admissions Many apologies for bothering y’all during your initial application reviews; however, I was wanting to see if the ChooseDO explorer was correct in that you will only be doing virtual interviews this cycle? Thank you all for reviewing applicants before sending out secondaries!
No need to apologize. We are here to answer such questions! 🙂
The info on the ChooseDO Explorer is correct -- We will be offering virtual interviews only this cycle.

Kristen Anderson
Director of Admissions
That's amazing! When did you send over your primary?
I got the "received primary" email from them about a week ago. I think I submitted it really early though, in like early June or mid May.
This is my second time applying here, as I got waitlisted last cycle. They say third times the charm, but hopefully the second try is enough for me 🤓
I got the "received primary" email from them about a week ago. I think I submitted it really early though, in like early June or mid May.
This is my second time applying here, as I got waitlisted last cycle. They say third times the charm, but hopefully the second try is enough for me 🤓

I am sending you all the luck and support this cycle! You got this 🙂
I got the "received primary" email from them about a week ago. I think I submitted it really early though, in like early June or mid May.
This is my second time applying here, as I got waitlisted last cycle. They say third times the charm, but hopefully the second try is enough for me 🤓
Are you using the same video secondary as the last cycle or are you going to do a new one? I am in a similar situation lol
Were the secondary videos an on the spot thing, or were they more of an upload once you feel comfortable thing?
What is the prompt for the video?
Instructions for Submitting Your Secondary Application Video and Headshot Through Box

Record a short video (maximum 8 minutes) that answers the following questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What is your passion?
  • Why osteopathic medicine?
  • Why Noorda-COM?
  • If you were accepted to Noorda-COM, what is something unique or unexpected that you would bring to the class?

Your video can be recorded in one take, edited into a short film, or anything in between.
Feel free to answer the five questions in any order you wish.
The maximum time allowed is 8 minutes, but you certainly do not have to fill all the time.
Depending on your internet speeds, it may take some time for your file to upload—plan accordingly! Last year, it took some applicants several hours to upload their video.
Most importantly—be yourself and have fun!
Does anyone know what the requirements are to receive a secondary application? Is it based off of GPA and MCAT or if our experiences fit the school's mission?
@Noorda-COM Admissions , if applicants submit Secondaries by the end of July,
can they expect to receive Interview Invites in August or would they have to wait
until September ?
Does anyone know what the requirements are to receive a secondary application? Is it based off of GPA and MCAT or if our experiences fit the school's mission?
I know last year it seems like it was more holistic. I don't know for sure though
Should I be concerned if I still haven't received a secondary? I had issues with my MCAT originally but I think I got that solved. I think it's my anxiety talking a little bit that I still haven't received a secondary.
Should I be concerned if I still haven't received a secondary? I had issues with my MCAT originally but I think I got that solved. I think it's my anxiety talking a little bit that I still haven't received a secondary.
Same here, I submitted my primary mid-June and still haven’t heard anything back yet from Noorda. People who have received a secondary, when did you submit your primary?
Same here, I submitted my primary mid-June and still haven’t heard anything back yet from Noorda. People who have received a secondary, when did you submit your primary?
I submitted mine very early. Like May I believe. Also I’m a reapplicant so perhaps that played a part.
Same here, I submitted my primary mid-June and still haven’t heard anything back yet from Noorda. People who have received a secondary, when did you submit your primary?
I've only received the acknowledgement that they are reviewing my application. Though it can be quite nerve-wracking to not have a supplement while others have, I encourage you to not stress yet. It is still extremely early in the cycle, and Noorda reviews all applications before they send out secondary apps. I absolutely applaud that they look over applicants before sending a secondary because this helps applicants not waste money on a school that has no interest in them.

Even though I have not received a secondary I remain hopeful and I absolutely love seeing their posts on Facebook of their incoming class. Best of luck to you!
I've only received the acknowledgement that they are reviewing my application. Though it can be quite nerve-wracking to not have a supplement while others have, I encourage you to not stress yet. It is still extremely early in the cycle, and Noorda reviews all applications before they send out secondary apps. I absolutely applaud that they look over applicants before sending a secondary because this helps applicants not waste money on a school that has no interest in them.

Even though I have not received a secondary I remain hopeful and I absolutely love seeing their posts on Facebook of their incoming class. Best of luck to you!
same boat here!
I am a non-trad student applying for the first time. Nervous but hopeful!

My application was complete 5 days ago. Received a secondary today.
MCAT: 505
Yay for a secondary! This gives me hope; also non traditional and we have similar stats 🙂
I am a non-trad student applying for the first time. Nervous but hopeful!

My application was complete 5 days ago. Received a secondary today.
MCAT: 505
Do you mind me asking if you are IS or OOS.
Hi! Can you share the admission statistics for last years entering class? I'm interested in seeing median GPA, MCAT, in-state/out-of-state, etc.
I’m not admissions but I am a current student lol. They informed us during orientation that the average mcat was 504 and the average cgpa:3.4 sgpa:3.3
I’m not sure on the instate/ out of state statistics but it does seem like a good number of students either are from Utah or went to undergrad here. I personally did not have any ties to Utah.
I’m so excited to eventually meet the incoming students! I know y’all will get to love the faculty as much as all of us do.
I am OOS. Good luck!
One further question if you don't mind. While you are OOS, are you in the region? Many apologies, just trying to determine if they have regional preference. I am an out of region campus, but this school looks amazing from all the videos they post to social media and seem to thoroughly care about their success. Hopefully, being out of region isn't negatively impacting me. I have family who live in Colorado so this school would be a plus so that I could be closer to them.
This is just my thought and I don't know if it is true. I think they probably want students who will stay in the Utah region like most medical schools prefer students who will remain in that region. I think if students have ties to that region either bc they are residents, or have family, or any other reason, then they are most likely to stay there after graduation and practice medicine there. Obviously I think the class will be from all over the nation but maybe with a preference to those with a Utah background.
This is just my thought and I don't know if it is true. I think they probably want students who will stay in the Utah region like most medical schools prefer students who will remain in that region. I think if students have ties to that region either bc they are residents, or have family, or any other reason, then they are most likely to stay there after graduation and practice medicine there. Obviously I think the class will be from all over the nation but maybe with a preference to those with a Utah background.
Hello! Since our our first class of students will be starting this Fall, we do not have the data available yet. Once our inaugural class has matriculated, we will make that data available.
is the covid vaccine required for students
@Noorda-COM Admissions , if applicants submit Secondaries by the end of July,
can they expect to receive Interview Invites in August or would they have to wait
until September ?
Great question! Our small but mighty team is reviewing applications as quickly as we can! The plan is to get interview invites out in August and to begin interviewing in September, just after Labor Day.

Kristen Anderson
Director of Admissions
Should I be concerned if I still haven't received a secondary? I had issues with my MCAT originally but I think I got that solved. I think it's my anxiety talking a little bit that I still haven't received a secondary.
Hang tight. We are reviewing applications as quickly as we can, and are sending secondary application invites out in batches. 🙂

Kristen Anderson
Director of Admissions
is the covid vaccine required for students
At this time, the COVID-19 vaccine is not required for students. Of course, that is subject to change if our clinical partners start to require vaccines to work in the hospitals and clinics.

Kristen Anderson
Director of Admissions
Also got a secondary this morning! Lol I watched the sample secondary videos though and I'm like "crap he is on a bike and shes up in the mountains" lol... hmm I was just gonna talk in front of my computer screen but now I don't know because that probably won't stand out haha
Quick Q for y'all: How are you all approaching the "what is something unique that you will bring to Noorda" part of the seconday? I am unsure if I should make it more lighthearted (like if someone said they were a collegiate athlete, lol I for sure was not) or focus more so on something I can bring to diversify the campus community like a unique background etc.
Also wondering how to approach the secondary, like should I make it unique and stuff? How do I record it? I'm not very tech savvy lol.