2021-2022 Ohio State

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Hello, anyone else going to the second look tomorrow? What is the dress code for that, is it formal, or business casual? Any advice is much appreciated!!!
The email said Friday the April 1st! Is OSU punking me or something?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ But I think it's just different dates!
Oh I didnā€™t know that! In the email it said April 8th so I assumed it was the same for everyone.
Oh I didnā€™t know that! In the email it said April 8th so I assumed it was the same for everyone.
This is how you guys can cause needless worry for yourselves because everyone does not get the same email message!
Read the one you do get to the end šŸ™‚
Oh I didnā€™t know that! In the email it said April 8th so I assumed it was the same for everyone.
No worries man! But I will probably wear business casual tomorrow as it's website pics show that was what ppl were wearing in the bc(before COVID) times...
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I found out 2 days ago that I got deferred- is that basically the same thing as a waitlist? Does anyone know if this means I'll still find out a decision before April 30 or should I just assume I'll find out when there's waitlist movement in May?
I found out 2 days ago that I got deferred- is that basically the same thing as a waitlist? Does anyone know if this means I'll still find out a decision before April 30 or should I just assume I'll find out when there's waitlist movement in May?
To my knowledge, prior to April 30, the adcoms meet every two weeks to decide on who to accept between the applicants who most recently completed interviews and those in the deferred pool. Essentially, acceptances off of the deferred list come every two weeks. We will probably see two more A-waves before May (the weeks of April 13 and 27). Come May when it becomes a WL, people are accepted on almost a daily basis the first two weeks before it becomes more infrequent later into the month and going into the summer. So, sorta the same thing except for how people are pulled off of it. I don't know if being pulled off of the deferred list counts as part of the MSAR defines for WL movement, so that's a good question to ask. You could be accepted before May, but it sounds like the bulk of acceptances off that deferred/WL pool comes first two weeks of May they told me during a tour.
hopping on the pre-II R train, ggs everyone! My cycle is dunzo!
To my knowledge, prior to April 30, the adcoms meet every two weeks to decide on who to accept between the applicants who most recently completed interviews and those in the deferred pool. Essentially, acceptances off of the deferred list come every two weeks. We will probably see two more A-waves before May (the weeks of April 13 and 27). Come May when it becomes a WL, people are accepted on almost a daily basis the first two weeks before it becomes more infrequent later into the month and going into the summer. So, sorta the same thing except for how people are pulled off of it. I don't know if being pulled off of the deferred list counts as part of the MSAR defines for WL movement, so that's a good question to ask. You could be accepted before May, but it sounds like the bulk of acceptances off that deferred/WL pool comes first two weeks of May they told me during a tour.
This is very helpful thank you!!
Congrats all!! Did anyone who got accepted today interview recently, or were you initially deferred?
Congrats everyone!!! Does anyone know when the next decision day will be? 2 weeks from tomorrow?
Congrats all!! Did anyone who got accepted today interview recently, or were you initially deferred?
I interviewed 2/23! They didnā€™t tell us on the interview day when weā€™d hear back, but in my goodie bag i got via mail, it had a card in there that said to check the portal on April 8. They also told our interview group explicitly that we were interviewing for open seats and not waitlist!
Got a call from Dr. Rankin about 45 mins ago telling me I was accepted! First A for this future buckeye šŸ™‚))))
Congratulations to you on that well deserved A. Bruh I missed my call because I was in lab and phone was on mute!!!!!!!! Can I get a do over please??šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚
Congratulations to you on that well deserved A. Bruh I missed my call because I was in lab and phone was on mute!!!!!!!! Can I get a do over please??šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚
What happens when you miss the call? Do they call again? Or leave a voicemail? Congrats on the A btw!
I was at the gym when she called but I didn't answer because it said "no caller ID" and I facepalmed so hard when I got the voicemailšŸ¤£
At least you saw it, I missed it completely!!! Congrats on that A!!!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­
Hello, did any of the recently accepted students get the email from graduate admissions yet for paying the reserve fee? and for those who got this before what was the process that you had to do?
Does anyone know when the next round of decisions goes out? This is my dream school and I've been deferred since early March. TYIA, congrats to those who have the A, and good luck to everyone else the rest of the cycle!!! šŸ™‚
Does anyone know when the next round of decisions goes out? This is my dream school and I've been deferred since early March. TYIA, congrats to those who have the A, and good luck to everyone else the rest of the cycle!!! šŸ™‚
thanks man!! The next decisions would probably be out around in a week maybe, based on them releasing the decisions about every 9 days for the past couple dates, otherwise they would be dropping on the 22 April too...but I'm not really sure!
Anyone else get the waitlist email this morning? I was wondering if anyone knew how big the waitlist pool has historically been and what movement has been like in the past.
I did. MSAR says 100 pulled off it last year, and I believe it was something like 75-90 the year before. The pool is 250-300, so like a 33% WL acceptance rate (and that doesn't take into consideration those on the WL who withdraw before being granted an acceptance). There is one or two more set of decisions for post-interviews and deferments between now and April 30; I don't believe that is part of the WL calculation mentioned on MSAR. Idk how WL movement will change this year- will it go up or down?
I did. MSAR says 100 pulled off it last year, and I believe it was something like 75-90 the year before. The pool is 250-300, so like a 33% WL acceptance rate (and that doesn't take into consideration those on the WL who withdraw before being granted an acceptance). There is one or two more set of decisions for post-interviews and deferments between now and April 30; I don't believe that is part of the WL calculation mentioned on MSAR. Idk how WL movement will change this year- will it go up or down?
Gotcha, thank you for your insight! On MSAR, when they state that there are 250-300 waitlist positions, do they mean filled positions or positions available that may or may not be filled?
Gotcha, thank you for your insight! On MSAR, when they state that there are 250-300 waitlist positions, do they mean filled positions or positions available that may or may not be filled?
250-300 people who are on the waitlist
Who should we address update letters to? Ms. Julie Brim or someone else? Thanks in advance!
Who should we address update letters to? Ms. Julie Brim or someone else? Thanks in advance
When I was gonna submit the LOI, I was gonna address it to Dr. Rankin directly, I feel that update letters may be similar? I tried to find from the other websites who to address it to, and they always had the admissions directors name...
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