2021-2022 Ponce-STL

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Here is the thread for the St. Louis campus of Ponce Health Sciences University. Previous conversation regarding interviews for PHSU-STL, as well as discussion regarding the application cycle for PHSU-Puerto Rico can be found at the link below:

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Here are some PHSU-STL related questions that have been answered from the nonspecific Ponce thread. As of 3/10/2022, no one on the forum has heard from PHSU-STL re: acceptances or rejections, and interview invites were sent out beginning ~2/11/2022.

Did they say how long it would take for a decision?
they were a bit vague when someone asked that question. basically, they said they will gather their notes and send them to the admissions team in PR for them to decide but that they meet "regularly."
Did the say anything about residency? Do you have to stay in St Louis?
They did not say anything about residency. I figure you can apply anywhere since it is an LCME accredited MD program that participates in the MATCH program like all other schools. But the last 2 years of clinical rotations are for sure in STL since they're only doing it with the local Mercy Hospital.
They did not say anything about residency. I figure you can apply anywhere since it is an LCME accredited MD program that participates in the MATCH program like all other schools. But the last 2 years of clinical rotations are for sure in STL since they're only doing it with the local Mercy Hospital.
Agree. LCME accredited, clerkships will be with Mercy affiliated hospitals in the St. Louis area for the St. Louis campus, and residency match will be the same as any other accredited schools. Ponce-PR campus has a ~86% match rate from what I’ve seen, which is very slightly lower than the national average.
would you be willing to speak to the structure of the STL interview? it sounds like everyone’s on the zoom call together at least at the beginning, but are you asked to answer questions in front if other students, or do they split you out individually? how long would you say the whole thing went from start to finish?
@nanoreeflover can add, but we started out at a group of ~12 for the 10 minute presentation, then broke out into groups of 3 interviewees, where we chatted for another 10 minutes or so. After that, 2 interviewees joined us and asked questions for about 2.5 hours. They would ask a question, then call on individual interviewees to answer. They took turns picking one of the three of us to go first. At the end, we had the opportunity to add anything that we wanted them to know and ask any questions we had.
@nanoreeflover can add, but we started out at a group of ~12 for the 10 minute presentation, then broke out into groups of 3 interviewees, where we chatted for another 10 minutes or so. After that, 2 interviewees joined us and asked questions for about 2.5 hours. They would ask a question, then call on individual interviewees to answer. They took turns picking one of the three of us to go first. At the end, we had the opportunity to add anything that we wanted them to know and ask any questions we had.
Yup! So keep in mind everyone hears your answers and sometimes you go first, other times you don't. It is closed file. They did ask a lot about our applications and typical scenario questions. Someone PMd me asking if there was one-on-one time with interviewers and I just want to let everyone else know that may be curious that there isn't any one-on-one time, sadly. @Ellesandra319
thank you guys so much for he feedback. did you use the Ponce PR SDN Interview Page to prepare/did you feel it was helpful? any major/odd ball questions you'd want to share?
I looked at the interview page to prepare for questions that may come up, though I don’t remember any from the interview that were actually asked. If you prep for all of your basic questions you should be able to adapt those answers pretty well to their questions, I think.
I looked at the interview page to prepare for questions that may come up, though I don’t remember any from the interview that were actually asked. If you prep for all of your basic questions you should be able to adapt those answers pretty well to their questions, I think.
Good point! There were definitely no odd ball questions. I think preparing for standard interview questions will prepare you well for what they ask & most importantly be yourself 🙂
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I wonder if there are any current MS students that can speak to the curriculum and anything they’ve heard about the new MD program in general?
I wonder if there are any current MS students that can speak to the curriculum and anything they’ve heard about the new MD program in general?
i'm also curious what/if the linkage is with the MS program... there was supposedly supposed to be linkage to the STL MD program and AT Still COM, but there aren't any specifics as to that agreement/offering on the website.
I wonder if there are any current MS students that can speak to the curriculum and anything they’ve heard about the new MD program in general?
On the initial thread (2021-2022 Ponce) on page 2, two MS2 students go back north about what they like and don’t like about the program but it seems mainly because of it’s location in Ponce.
i'm also curious what/if the linkage is with the MS program... there was supposedly supposed to be linkage to the STL MD program and AT Still COM, but there aren't any specifics as to that agreement/offering on the website.
I believe the linkage with SLU previously was that the top 50% of MS students were guaranteed an interview at SLU, but I don't know if that has changed since PSHU may have their own linkage to their program now.

I am curious whether they are offering linkage to their MS students this cycle, and if so, how many of the 30 seats will be left for students applying outside of the MS program.
Mine was 2/18, but no I have not.
Did they give you a timeline on what you might expect to hear back? Also, did they say anything about how many interview rounds they would be doing? How many applicants total were in the zoom?
Did they give you a timeline on what you might expect to hear back? Also, did they say anything about how many interview rounds they would be doing? How many applicants total were in the zoom?
They did not give a timeline. Another student who interviewed on 2/11 said that when they asked they were told “The admissions committee meets on a regular basis.”

They didn’t mention how many rounds they were doing, but from what I can tell, interviews have occurred every Friday since at least 2/11, and there are 10-12 applicants in each zoom. I’m not sure if they’re doing multiple rounds every Friday or just the one session from ~2-5pm.

From what I can tell from local news articles, at least one student was accepted in fall of 2021, but I don’t think interviews were being sent out at that time, so they may have been recruited, but that’s just speculation (the student gave a quote to the news station for an article about PHSU-STL).

If they do things like the PR campus, letters will be sent via email.
They did not give a timeline. Another student who interviewed on 2/11 said that when they asked they were told “The admissions committee meets on a regular basis.”

They didn’t mention how many rounds they were doing, but from what I can tell, interviews have occurred every Friday since at least 2/11, and there are 10-12 applicants in each zoom. I’m not sure if they’re doing multiple rounds every Friday or just the one session from ~2-5pm.

From what I can tell from local news articles, at least one student was accepted in fall of 2021, but I don’t think interviews were being sent out at that time, so they may have been recruited, but that’s just speculation (the student gave a quote to the news station for an article about PHSU-STL).

If they do things like the PR campus, letters will be sent via email.
just wanted to add all of the above was echoed on our session yesterday 2-5. no new info to add about when decisions will go out. i will say there were less than 10 candidates on the pre-breakout call, so that was interesting. everything everyone else said about the interview was 100% spot on and SUPER helpful! i will say it seems like they interviewed folks 2/18 and 2/25, but i don’t think i have seen anyone post that they interviewed 3/4? did anyone interview that day? also would be curious to know if anyone got a II today either. it just seems like they’re not doing massive amounts of interviews for stl which is definitely interesting.
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just wanted to add all of the above was echoed on our session yesterday 2-5. no new info to add about when decisions will go out. i will say there were less than 10 candidates on the pre-breakout call, so that was interesting. everything everyone else said about the interview was 100% spot on and SUPER helpful! i will say it seems like they interviewed folks 2/18 and 2/25, but i don’t think i have seen anyone post that they interviewed 3/4? did anyone interview that day? also would be curious to know if anyone got a II today either. it just seems like they’re not doing massive amounts of interviews for stl which is definitely interesting.
Good to know, thank you for the update and congrats on a good interview!! It’s encouraging to hear that they’re possibly not giving out tons of interviews, keeping my fingers crossed for everyone. 🤞🏻
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Just wanted to let you all know I am aware of someone who interviewed on 2/4 and was admitted March 1st at Ponce STL. So they have started issuing admissions.
Just wanted to let you all know I am aware of someone who interviewed on 2/4 and was admitted March 1st at Ponce STL. So they have started issuing admissions.
thank you for sharing this!
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I wonder if the class is full at this point or at least all the interviews are done, they made it sound like in my email when I tried to reschedule my interview that they were doing interviews until the end of March
I wonder if the class is full at this point or at least all the interviews are done, they made it sound like in my email when I tried to reschedule my interview that they were doing interviews until the end of March
Did you get to reschedule your interview?
I wonder if the class is full at this point or at least all the interviews are done, they made it sound like in my email when I tried to reschedule my interview that they were doing interviews until the end of March
I wonder if they are saving spots for their MS students. Maybe a bunch got in?
Also, does anyone know the location of the new temporary building they said they were gonna use before their new campus in north STL is built? I know they said they're moving from the Globe building, and I remember they mentioned it during the interview presentation, but I forgot to write it down.
Also, does anyone know the location of the new temporary building they said they were gonna use before their new campus in north STL is built? I know they said they're moving from the Globe building, and I remember they mentioned it during the interview presentation, but I forgot to write it down.

I found this article talking about the new temporary facilities. It looks like a nice facility. Move in date for Ponce is scheduled for July 1st, so about a month before classes are supposed to begin.

I found this article talking about the new temporary facilities. It looks like a nice facility. Move in date for Ponce is scheduled for July 1st, so about a month before classes are supposed to begin.
Correct. In downtown STL. They said that we will be the first class to use the Biochem anatomy lab.
Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well! I was wondering, have any of you guys been able to tour the campus? Or is the school hosting tours? I've been trying to get in contact with the school about tours but I haven't heard anything from them.
Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well! I was wondering, have any of you guys been able to tour the campus? Or is the school hosting tours? I've been trying to get in contact with the school about tours but I haven't heard anything from them.
I’ve seen the campus, but haven’t been inside of the new building and I’m not sure about tours. If you’re having trouble getting in touch via email, I would recommend calling Maria (she has sent several emails from the school). I’ve also had trouble with email communications but she’s very responsive to phone calls during the week.
Anyone heard back from the 11th or 18th interview dates?
I haven't heard anything back after the interview. Did anyone else interview over a month ago not hear? Anyone get a rejection who interviewed?
Pretty quiet.
I haven't heard anything back after the interview. Did anyone else interview over a month ago not hear? Anyone get a rejection who interviewed?
Pretty quiet.

I got waitlisted four weeks after my interview at PHSU-STL. I’m not sure if they’re using the waitlist as a soft rejection or if they’re actually rejecting people after interviews. At main campus in PR a lot of WL students do get in towards mid to end of April and even later on but I’m not sure if for STL the WL will be assessed at the same time. Since there’s no history idek if getting WL is potentially good or just a soft rejection for this campus since it’s such limited spots.