2021-2022 Rowan (Cooper)

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Are the chances a lot better on priority WL?
I also got WL with no mention of priority. It means we're on the regular WL. Not necessarily an R since people in past years have gotten in from the regular WL, but the chances aren't amazing.

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Oooooooh if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your source? 🙂 thanks so much!
yaaaas I echo spideydoc🕷and I also know someone who works with the adcom (he’s not on the adcom directly tho) who has said that’s been the pattern since the school’s inception!
Placed on the waitlist yesterday, interviewed on 1/22. LM 67.5 OOS. Pretty bummed as it looks like almost all of the regular waitlist movement happens around the end of April 😢
Thank you for your interest in our program. As you know, the medical school application process is highly competitive, and each medical school receives an extremely large number of applications. At this time, we have completed our interview cycle for the current year. Unfortunately, we are unable to grant you an interview with our Admissions Committee. We understand your disappointment, and we wish to inform you that our decisions are not made on any individual datum; instead, we employ a holistic review of candidates. Each application is screened for many parameters, including indicators of success, readiness, and match to our mission. We do not turn any applicant away lightly, and we value your considerable accomplishments. This decision is not a reflection on your abilities and we wish you success in achieving your goal of becoming a physician.

Please understand that we evaluate thousands of applications each year, and because of this volume, we are unable to provide an in-depth analysis of ways to strengthen your academic record or otherwise enhance your portfolio. Individual requests for additional reviews cannot be granted. Ultimately, our decisions must reflect which of the many qualified candidates best fit CMSRU and the role we play in our community.


Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

Office of Admissions
🙁 haven’t gotten this yet and bracing myself. Did you get a secondary?
I got pulled off the high priority waitlist just now. It's possible to get off before May! Just thought I'd give you guys my data point.
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This is really cool that they are starting to pull from their waitlist this early. Congratulations again! How long did they give you to make a decision and for deposit due date?
???? Prior to 4/30, it's just another A. There wouldn't be anything special with regard to decision timing or deposit.
Got it! Had no idea how it would work in case of acceptance from a waitlist. Unless I am confusing it with acceptance post 4/30.. Makes sense.
No, you're fine! WL movement this early is very unusual, since they are still interviewing, so it's unclear whether they are filling seats that have already been given up, or if they are just getting close to the end of their interview season and realizing they have more spots available than they anticipated, so they are beginning to make calls off the WL.

Either way, all As in February are the same, regardless of whether or not they come from the WL. As we approach 4/30, however, things change because you can only hold one A after 4/30 (5/2 this year since 4/30 falls on a Saturday), so "accepting" an A at that point means giving up all other As, and you usually get a week or so to make a decision. At this point in the cycle, there really is no decision, since you can hold as many As as you want, and the $100 deposit is fully refundable until 4/30, at all MD schools that require it (many don't bother with it).
Is there a specific commit to enroll date for this school? Thanks
Excellent question! Most schools publish it prominently to make it easy for people to comply. Cooper does not have it in MSAR, or on its website. Maybe they don't require it? Or maybe its TBD. Best way to find out is probably to ask them directly.
No, you're fine! WL movement this early is very unusual, since they are still interviewing, so it's unclear whether they are filling seats that have already been given up, or if they are just getting close to the end of their interview season and realizing they have more spots available than they anticipated, so they are beginning to make calls off the WL.

Either way, all As in February are the same, regardless of whether or not they come from the WL. As we approach 4/30, however, things change because you can only hold one A after 4/30 (5/2 this year since 4/30 falls on a Saturday), so "accepting" an A at that point means giving up all other As, and you usually get a week or so to make a decision. At this point in the cycle, there really is no decision, since you can hold as many As as you want, and the $100 deposit is fully refundable until 4/30, at all MD schools that require it (many don't bother with it).
Thank you for your reply. Yes, know all about the timeframe and traffic day, was only confused for a second about waitlisted offers made before 4/30 and somehow was thinking in a wrong way, brain fart, oops 😂
Thank you for your reply. Yes, know all about the timeframe and traffic day, was only confused for a second about waitlisted offers made before 4/30 and somehow was thinking in a wrong way, brain fart, oops 😂
No problem! It's entirely understandable since WL movement this early is almost unheard of. Most schools just hold decisions post-II if they are unsure, rather than rush to place people on a WL and then pull them off while interviews are still ongoing! 🙂
Congrats to you guys above ^! I'm kinda confused on whether we have 3 different waitlists or are there only priority and regular WLs?
Does anyone know how many people are normally put on the WL? I don't have access to MSAR anymore 🙁
Does anyone know how many people are normally put on the WL? I don't have access to MSAR anymore 🙁
From what I understand, everyone who interviews gets put on either a high priority or regular waitlist if they don’t get an immediate acceptance two weeks after their interview. I think they typically interview ~mid 300s for a class of ~112.
From what I understand, everyone who interviews gets put on either a high priority or regular waitlist if they don’t get an immediate acceptance two weeks after their interview. I think they typically interview ~mid 300s for a class of ~112.
I think you are correct about what happens post-II, but they interview closer to 400 people. They ultimately accept around 240, including WL movement, to get that class of 110.
Does anyone have Cooper's 2021 Match list? I only see the rowan DO match list for 2021, not cooper MD. Only match list for cooper I found was 2019