2021-2022 Tennessee

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also got the alternate email. i was never put on hold so i guess thats why it took so long to hear anything. interviewed 04/07
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Also got the alternate list after being on hold since april 15th
truly happy to see everyone getting waitlisted but I was hoping there would be at least some differentiation😂
Have there been any acceptances in the past couple weeks? I was also put on the alternate list after being on hold.
Does anyone know if they will give us our rank on the alternate list? Or when they start pulling off.
Is it worth it to send letters of intent? Will that affect the waitlist rank? this is the only waitlist I’ve gotten, everything else are rejections :/
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Hopefully this weekend, lots of folks with A's from UTHSC decided that they are going elsewhere. Good luck to all of the alternates!
best of luck to us! I really hope there is some huge movement. apparently waitlisting has been a much more common option ever since med schools can no longer see where else you have gotten into.

meaning, hopefully, a lot more people will choose to go elsewhere. I know my dream school is wherever accepts me, so hopefully that is UTHSC!
best of luck to us! I really hope there is some huge movement. apparently waitlisting has been a much more common option ever since med schools can no longer see where else you have gotten into.

meaning, hopefully, a lot more people will choose to go elsewhere. I know my dream school is wherever accepts me, so hopefully that is UTHSC!
Do you think that they will be able to see that we have been accepted somewhere else but they can't see which school it is?
I think that is right. I know that if you have been alternate waitlisted somewhere, they can see if you have PTE somewhere else, but I am not sure if they know the exact school.
I wonder if it will hurt my chances to get in here if I have an acceptance somewhere else. I've been considering writing a letter of intent just to show that if they do accept me then I'll take them over the other school. I like the other school a lot it's just SO much more expensive
I wonder if it will hurt my chances to get in here if I have an acceptance somewhere else. I've been considering writing a letter of intent just to show that if they do accept me then I'll take them over the other school. I like the other school a lot it's just SO much more expensive
dont think u have anything to lose in sending one
Does anyone know when they will start taking people off of the alternate list?
Poster above says last year movement started about two weeks after PTE deadline. I think the WL is unranked so the adcom has to reconvene to fill the slots that open up
Poster above says last year movement started about two weeks after PTE deadline. I think the WL is unranked so the adcom has to reconvene to fill the slots that open up
I think it is ranked, they just don't disclose the ranks.
Poster above says last year movement started about two weeks after PTE deadline. I think the WL is unranked so the adcom has to reconvene to fill the slots that open up
What poster?
Does it look bad to schedule a reapplication advising appointment with the ADCOM as an alternate? I have no clue where I rank, and what to get some prospective advice if I were to not get in this cycle
Does it look bad to schedule a reapplication advising appointment with the ADCOM as an alternate? I have no clue where I rank, and what to get some prospective advice if I were to not get in this cycle
I don’t think so at all! I think it would show continued interest. Also during the meeting you could talk about how you are a continuing candidate but want to be ready to go just in case for next cycle- it shows determination.

I was an applicant this cycle, so not an expert but just my two cents!
Has anyone talked to the admissions office recently and found out any information on when alternates would start hearing back this cycle?
My portal still says my app is under review? I'm kind of assuming it's a rejection at this point but is anyone else in this boat/what do you guys think
🙋🏻‍♀️ It’s okay. Already accepted a spot, but this is the only school we heard ZERO from. Pretty unprofessional if you ask me. Portal still says app under review, yet got an email last week that said they do advising for future / reapplications.
ahh!! So exciting!!! Congrats🙂 Do you guys mind sharing stats?
When you receive your NetID, is there anything else you have to do to accept?