2021-2022 UC Davis

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Jan 21, 2016
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Interviewed April 8th , not waitlisted, not accepted ..just waiting in limbo..anyone out there in my situation
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Prompts? I'm still waiting on verification, so I'm trying to pre-write :/
Appears to be same as last year.

Discuss any elements of your application that you feel might be concerning to the Admissions Committee.

Do you have a connection to Northern or Central California? Please Explain.

A section to enter course prereqs.

A section to enter three activities. "Please list the activities you would like to be considered in your application to UC Davis. You may use your activities listed in your initial AMCAS application or select/add others that may be relevant to UC Davis. Please only list three." 500 character count for those descriptions.

Selecting any of the scholarly pathways and a 500 character space to talk about why you want to do that.
A section to enter three activities. "Please list the activities you would like to be considered in your application to UC Davis. You may use your activities listed in your initial AMCAS application or select/add others that may be relevant to UC Davis. Please only list three." 500 character count for those descriptions.
Does Davis literally only consider three activities in your application? Or do they look at the rest of W/A?
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What classes beyond minimum prereqs would it be advantageous to list? Genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, analytical chemistry come to mind.
secondary received. IS SoCal resident with strong ties to NorCal
Current medical student here at UCDSOM. LMK if you have any q's you would like to ask about literally anything. Good luck this cycle!
Current medical student here at UCDSOM. LMK if you have any q's you would like to ask about literally anything. Good luck this cycle!

I know Davis takes almost all in-state applicants. Do you know anything about what characteristics of OoS applicants interest Davis adcoms?
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Current medical student here at UCDSOM. LMK if you have any q's you would like to ask about literally anything. Good luck this cycle!
How would you describe the attitude/atmosphere of the student body?
What are the best and worst things about living in Sacramento?

Thanks in advance 🙂
Still waiting for a secondary and I was verified the second week of June, does verification time matter? Also, I am a SoCal resident with no ties to NorCal on my app, could this be why I have not received one yet? Thank you in advance!
I know Davis takes almost all in-state applicants. Do you know anything about what characteristics of OoS applicants interest Davis adcoms?
I’m an incoming MS1 from OOS. I’ve never lived in California, but do have some family in the area. I’m from a rural community and have a lot of experience with disadvantaged communities.
Still waiting for a secondary and I was verified the second week of June, does verification time matter? Also, I am a SoCal resident with no ties to NorCal on my app, could this be why I have not received one yet? Thank you in advance!
I am in the same boat as you and have the same question!
Still waiting for a secondary and I was verified the second week of June, does verification time matter? Also, I am a SoCal resident with no ties to NorCal on my app, could this be why I have not received one yet? Thank you in advance!
I was verified around the same time; I am also a socal resident but have strong ties to norcal. I received a secondary last Thursday. Not sure if this helps answer your question.
I’m an incoming MS1 from OOS. I’ve never lived in California, but do have some family in the area. I’m from a rural community and have a lot of experience with disadvantaged communities.

Thanks for the reply! May I PM you?
I would guess those OOS students were from NorCal and moved out of state before applying. Possibly they went to UCD as an undergraduate. Maybe there have been one or two with no ties to the area but who fit the mission perfectly, but I doubt it reading the UCD mission statement.
UCD also has an MSTP program, which will almost certainly all be OOS.
Anyone know if I should apply to Davis still as I missed my SJT exam? I thought the test was schedule for 6pm PDT rather than 6am PDT. On the email there was no identification if it was on a 12 hour clock or a 24 hour clock therefore missing it as I assumed it was PM. I just emailed admissions and AAMC for a reschedule.

Is there hope or should I just not submit to my alma mater? Such a dumb mistake.

Submitted on the 6th and received secondary on the 7th.
Anyone know if I should apply to Davis still as I missed my SJT exam? I thought the test was schedule for 6pm PDT rather than 6am PDT. On the email there was no identification if it was on a 12 hour clock or a 24 hour clock therefore missing it as I assumed it was PM. I just emailed admissions and AAMC for a reschedule.

Is there hope or should I just not submit to my alma mater? Such a dumb mistake.

Submitted on the 6th and received secondary on the 7th.
The SJT is highly recommended but not required to apply to Davis. You should still apply especially since it's your alma mater! 🙂
I believe it is required this cycle 2022
**edited for link**
Welp, when I submitted my primary application it still said “if you don’t take SJT you won’t be evaluated negatively” and the website still says “strongly encourage.”

but on that note, I no showed SJT because it was stupid and I didn’t want to do it.
UCD also has an MSTP program, which will almost certainly all be OOS.
I may be remembering incorrectly, but I don't think UCD is an MSTP. I think they are listed on the NIH website for their Veterinary Scientist Training Program (VSTP)
I may be remembering incorrectly, but I don't think UCD is an MSTP. I think they are listed on the NIH website for their Veterinary Scientist Training Program (VSTP)

Lol you are correct and I am an idiot.
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I know Davis takes almost all in-state applicants. Do you know anything about what characteristics of OoS applicants interest Davis adcoms?
The main source of OOS students at Davis are from Oregon as they have a partnership:

California Oregon Medical Partnership to Address Disparities in Rural Education and Health​

FYI a friend of mine was in a webinar they put on this morning, and SJT is still optional. They said it would not harm your application to not have it or to do poorly on it, the only way it will affect your application is it may give you a slight bump if its good.

Also, they gave some broad stats but ~3500/9000 applicants will get a secondary.
Does anyone know how the screening for UC's work? I have a 3.83 gpa but a 508 MCAT that I retook and will be getting the score on July 20th. Should I just wait for the score before I submit my primary to the UCs in fear of getting screened out? Or should I just submit now to be able to submit the secondary when it comes as soon as possible.
Does anyone know how the screening for UC's work? I have a 3.83 gpa but a 508 MCAT that I retook and will be getting the score on July 20th. Should I just wait for the score before I submit my primary to the UCs in fear of getting screened out? Or should I just submit now to be able to submit the secondary when it comes as soon as possible.
Hi I have the same stats with you and I got their secondary!
Does anyone know how the screening for UC's work? I have a 3.83 gpa but a 508 MCAT that I retook and will be getting the score on July 20th. Should I just wait for the score before I submit my primary to the UCs in fear of getting screened out? Or should I just submit now to be able to submit the secondary when it comes as soon as possible.
There is an automatic screen process. If you do not pass it, then your primary application is reviewed by a human. They then decide whether or not to send you a secondary.
I was verified around the same time; I am also a socal resident but have strong ties to norcal. I received a secondary last Thursday. Not sure if this helps answer your question.
my app was processed june 29 im IS and still havent heard, is this a bad sign?
my app was processed june 29 im IS and still havent heard, is this a bad sign?

Not a bad sign necessarily. Your chances of getting a secondary are definitely a lot lower because you didn't pass the automated screen, but you can still get one.
Does anyone know if we should be submitting the secondary before all LORs have been receieved? I am still waiting on my commitee packet from my undergrad (they said by late August...) and am a bit confused on if I should submit their secondary since in the invitation email it says:
"Note: Your application is considered complete with the minimum of 3 letters of recommendation. Please make sure all letters you want reviewed by the committee are uploaded in AMCAS prior to secondary submission."

I know usually it should be fine but this specific wording threw me off, do they mean they just want the letters assigned to them in AMCAS before I submit? :\ I really would like to submit as soon as I can and not wait until late August lmao
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Does anyone know if we should be submitting the secondary before all LORs have been receieved? I am still waiting on my commitee packet from my undergrad (they said by late August...) and am a bit confused on if I should submit their secondary since in the invitation email it says:
"Note: Your application is considered complete with the minimum of 3 letters of recommendation. Please make sure all letters you want reviewed by the committee are uploaded in AMCAS prior to secondary submission."

I know usually it should be fine but this specific wording threw me off, do they mean they just want the letters assigned to them in AMCAS before I submit? :\ I really would like to submit as soon as I can and not wait until late August lmao
i have the same question; any luck finding an answer?
Hi all. My primary application was verified on 5/28, and I have good stats., unfortunately, I haven't received the secondaries yet. My Casper test result is 4th category; however, I haven't sent it to this school. Should I do it now? What might be a problem?. ! Davis is definitely my top choice since I'm interested in primary care. Thank you so much for replying! I hope to get to this school since I have a solid tie for N. Cal.
I'm IS also pending secondary w/ 3.9x GPA 517 MCAT. Anyone else waiting on a secondary? Should I be worried?
i have the same question; any luck finding an answer?
Emailed their admissions office and they said it should be fine to submit before the commitee letter is in! I don't know why they worded it that way in the invitiation email lmao I was so confused
my MD app just got verified and I got a secondary 30 mins later. low gpa, average mcat IS