2021-2022 UCLA (Geffen)

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are they only sending out MSTP secondaries at the moment? MD only high stats IS no IA's but still have yet to receive secondary. have been sent the "primary has been received" email but nothing further

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low GPA (although good postbacc) high MCAT IS MD-only no secondary yet. My low GPA might’ve gotten me moved to a different pile, although I’ve gotten a few other UCs automatically
low GPA (although good postbacc) high MCAT IS MD-only no secondary yet. My low GPA might’ve gotten me moved to a different pile, although I’ve gotten a few other UCs automatically

I’m also low GPA, high MCAT, no secondary. But I’m OOS.
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I’m also low GPA, high MCAT, no secondary. But I’m OOS.

revenge of the sith episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
Follow up question, has everyone assigned their LOR's and had them all submitted before getting a secondary? I'm still waiting on one and haven't assigned any yet to UCLA
Follow up question, has everyone assigned their LOR's and had them all submitted before getting a secondary? I'm still waiting on one and haven't assigned any yet to UCLA
I did assign and have mine submitted, but I don't think this is important. In their email they write "We advise that you do not wait for your letters of recommendation to submit as this may cause you to miss your deadline." I'm sure you will get one relatively soon!
I did assign and have mine submitted, but I don't think this is important. In their email they write "We advise that you do not wait for your letters of recommendation to submit as this may cause you to miss your deadline." I'm sure you will get one relatively soon!
Awesome thanks!
Awesome thanks!
It is important. I emailed UCLA and they said they review LORs before giving out secondaries. So most likely, your app hasn't been reviewed yet (unless they review if it's there but don't review the LORs if it isn't)
It is important. I emailed UCLA and they said they review LORs before giving out secondaries. So most likely, your app hasn't been reviewed yet (unless they review if it's there but don't review the LORs if it isn't)
Oh... interesting. Okay I just assigned all my letters, still waiting on one though. I'll update everyone if this results in a secondary.
It is important. I emailed UCLA and they said they review LORs before giving out secondaries. So most likely, your app hasn't been reviewed yet (unless they review if it's there but don't review the LORs if it isn't)
My LORs/committee letter hasn't been uploaded yet so that makes sense then that I haven't gotten a secondary
Idk if this helps, but I'm an OOS MSTP high stats, no IAs, all letters in, with no secondary, only primary received email
Update: High stats, OOS, reapplicant, MSTP, have an IA, got secondary this time just now, did not get secondary last time I applied MD only
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Oh... interesting. Okay I just assigned all my letters, still waiting on one though. I'll update everyone if this results in a secondary.
FYI I got my secondary just now, assigned all my letters about 2 hours ago. Still missing one letter though, from my current employer and research advisor. Could be a coincidence, or they could be waiting on assigned LOR's or at least 3. Who knows.
FYI I got my secondary just now, assigned all my letters about 2 hours ago. Still missing one letter though, from my current employer and research advisor. Could be a coincidence, or they could be waiting on assigned LOR's or at least 3. Who knows.
Congrats. Guess my app isn't good...
What counts as basic or clinical science? Would computer science or mathematics research that has nothing to do with healthcare or the human body count?
High stats, no IA's, OOS, just received secondary this morning.
hello friends - avg stats, no IA OOS secondary yesterday. verified early-ish and had all my letters in for a few weeks
OOS, no IA, LM 70: secondary received this morning!
Verified on 07/09, IS secondary received today. Surprised by the quick turnaround, average stats
International applicant - secondary received this morning. Im assuming prompts have not changed from last year?
IS, high stats, verified 5/30, secondary received at an absurd time this morning! looks like they’re coming out extremely slowly but steadily
Mine was sent at 3am PST, which seems weird for a school with a manual screen. Maybe they approved ours with the first batch a couple days ago but just wanted to stagger it?
+3 the time caught my eye….and on a weekend too, not sure what’s happening @ UCLA lol
Was surprised to get a secondary this morning ! OOS and just submitted my primary to UCLA yesterday
Could anyone post their updated stats and total applicants from MSAR plz?
Could anyone post their updated stats and total applicants from MSAR plz?
Total applicants: 11,778 (5571 IS, 5614 OOS)

Accepted applicants MCAT: 516 (50th percentile), 509 (10th percentile)
Accepted applicants cGPA: 3.84 (50th percentile), 3.51 (10th percentile)
Accepted applicants sGPA: 3.81 (50th percentile), 3.40 (10th percentile)
Describe your most unique leadership, entrepreneurial, or creative activity. (800 characters)

How are people responding to this? Does "Creative activity" specifically mean something in the arts or could I answer this with a unique hobby ?
Describe your most unique leadership, entrepreneurial, or creative activity. (800 characters)

How are people responding to this? Does "Creative activity" specifically mean something in the arts or could I answer this with a unique hobby ?
I would say anything as long as you can tie it to your missions in the "outstanding physician, and...". However, hobbies may be a lot weaker if you only do them in your house, for example, and have never contributed to society with it.