2023-2024 UCLA (Geffen)

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The quiet is making me lose my mind :help:

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apparently some people who just got in from the WL didn’t PTE correctly or in time on AMCAS so their offers were rescinded and the school told them they already gave their spots away…
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apparently some people who just got in from the WL didn’t PTE correctly or in time on AMCAS so their offers were rescinded and the school told them they already gave their spots away…
Where did you get this information?
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I withdrew from UCLA HPWL a while ago, but it hasn't been reflected on CYMS. Anyone else has the same thing?
I'm so close to withdrawing my place on WL smh this waiting since AUGUST is annoying me LOL
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I really thought we would hear something this week
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Current student here. Wishing the best for y'all this cycle! Feel free to drop questions below or message me, esp as secondaries come out next month.
Hello! I have some questions about the work and activities section of the application if you don't mind.
1. How important is it to include a hobby on the W&A? I heard it's good to include because it adds a human quality to your application, but I've done a lot of meaningful activities and I'm running out of space to mention a hobby.
2. Do you have any sort of advice/recommendation about how many slots each category should get? For example, is it okay to give leadership 1 slot, or should it be 2 or 3? Do you know if UCLA likes seeing a certain split of categories or if they have a preferences for some categories over others?
3. How important is it to touch on social justice and advocacy? I have a great experience I could touch on for this, but again, I'm running out of space and wondering if I should cut this.
Hello! I have some questions about the work and activities section of the application if you don't mind.
1. How important is it to include a hobby on the W&A? I heard it's good to include because it adds a human quality to your application, but I've done a lot of meaningful activities and I'm running out of space to mention a hobby.
2. Do you have any sort of advice/recommendation about how many slots each category should get? For example, is it okay to give leadership 1 slot, or should it be 2 or 3? Do you know if UCLA likes seeing a certain split of categories or if they have a preferences for some categories over others?
3. How important is it to touch on social justice and advocacy? I have a great experience I could touch on for this, but again, I'm running out of space and wondering if I should cut this.
Look at the schools mission and secondary. Do not bank on getting a ucla II. You have a 98% chance of not getting in. Bank on making your app as appealing to as many school by being authentic. The secondary you will be able to show specifically why you are good for ucla
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Hello! I have some questions about the work and activities section of the application if you don't mind.
1. How important is it to include a hobby on the W&A? I heard it's good to include because it adds a human quality to your application, but I've done a lot of meaningful activities and I'm running out of space to mention a hobby.
2. Do you have any sort of advice/recommendation about how many slots each category should get? For example, is it okay to give leadership 1 slot, or should it be 2 or 3? Do you know if UCLA likes seeing a certain split of categories or if they have a preferences for some categories over others?
3. How important is it to touch on social justice and advocacy? I have a great experience I could touch on for this, but again, I'm running out of space and wondering if I should cut this.
You should post in the WAMC thread or general pre-med forums where you’ll get better feedback for questions related to your application in general.
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Let’s goooo!!! A off the waitlist this afternoon yall know how much I’ve been waiting for almost 8 months I can’t believe it!!!!! I’m coming home baby!!!!
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Does anyone know when students who got off the waitlist get financial aid packages? Regardless I’m committing but just want to know 😅
Hello! I have some questions about the work and activities section of the application if you don't mind.
1. How important is it to include a hobby on the W&A? I heard it's good to include because it adds a human quality to your application, but I've done a lot of meaningful activities and I'm running out of space to mention a hobby.
2. Do you have any sort of advice/recommendation about how many slots each category should get? For example, is it okay to give leadership 1 slot, or should it be 2 or 3? Do you know if UCLA likes seeing a certain split of categories or if they have a preferences for some categories over others?
3. How important is it to touch on social justice and advocacy? I have a great experience I could touch on for this, but again, I'm running out of space and wondering if I should cut this.
I got into UCLA without putting a hobby. I had maybe 3 leadership slots. I had 1-2 activities centered around advocacy and social justice. Hope this helps!
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Does anyone know when students who got off the waitlist get financial aid packages? Regardless I’m committing but just want to know 😅
You'll get a follow-up email shortly with a list of documents to complete and send in. Once you finish their tasks they are really good about getting you an estimated aid package soon after, took them about a day for me!
Hello! I have some questions about the work and activities section of the application if you don't mind.
1. How important is it to include a hobby on the W&A? I heard it's good to include because it adds a human quality to your application, but I've done a lot of meaningful activities and I'm running out of space to mention a hobby.
Preface by saying that I don't work in admissions, so I have no insight into that process. I had a hobby on my application because it's been quite meaningful for me since childhood, and I literally filtered through schools where I could pursue said hobby relatively easily. Would not say it's necessary.
2. Do you have any sort of advice/recommendation about how many slots each category should get? For example, is it okay to give leadership 1 slot, or should it be 2 or 3? Do you know if UCLA likes seeing a certain split of categories or if they have a preferences for some categories over others?
I don't think there's a rule for how many experiences should be listed under each category. My goal was to be well-rounded, but also show folks what I care about most in my career/life. No idea if UCLA likes a certain split, but I will say that many of my classmates chose where they spent their time purposefully and meaningfully. Some folks had zero research and spent all their time in community service. Other folks had little community service, but spent 24/7 in a research lab. My advice is to just put yourself on paper and show UCLA what interests you bring to the table.
3. How important is it to touch on social justice and advocacy? I have a great experience I could touch on for this, but again, I'm running out of space and wondering if I should cut this.
I would say UCLA looks at social justice and advocacy favorably. Social justice and advocacy exists in many ways, shapes, and sizes, but you'll find that most UCLA students have some experience in it (knowingly or unknowingly).
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Let’s goooo!!! A off the waitlist this afternoon yall know how much I’ve been waiting for almost 8 months I can’t believe it!!!!! I’m coming home baby!!!!
This gives me hope 😩 Maybe we'll get more nees this week?????
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For those who recently got off the waitlist, did you guys submit any updates?
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Does anybody know of people that received merit-based scholarships besides one person that mentioned it in the group me or know how many scholarships they awarded this year?
Hi guys! Not sure where to post the question so I’m asking here since this is my top choice school. Within what timeframe are you considered an “early” applicant versus a “late” applicant? Also, does anybody know when the new forum will be made for this school? Thanks!
I withdrew my waitlist position and committed to another school!! Wishing yall the best of luck :DD
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do we think were will be a large wave of waitlist movement after UCLA’s CTE date? Or a smaller number of people
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Stay strong WL gang! ~192 members in groupme but I'm not sure how many MS1s. I think there will be one last good wave 6/3!
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Somebody probably already asked this, but does ucla provide waitlist rank? I emailed admissions and their response was pretty generic and apologetic that the process was taking so long….
Losing hope… need to CTE to my current PTE mid June but the UCLA waitlist might run longer :(
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Why is the insurance so expensive? Does anyone know if I can’t have any insurance and I keep the money?
Why is the insurance so expensive? Does anyone know if I can’t have any insurance and I keep the money?
It’s legally required to have health insurance in CA, or else you’ll be fined. You can apply for medi-cal which is cheaper than UCSHIP usually.
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