2022-2023 Colorado

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Has anyone heard back from the Rural Program? Or anyone who applied to the Rural Program and heard back from regular admissions?
I applied to the rural program and was just placed on the alternate list post-interview

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Has anyone recently got a secondary or notified they were not offered a secondary? Or is it safe to assume by now if you have not received a secondary, you are rejected?
I also haven't gotten a secondary! I submitted my primary in August, it's been radio silence since then. It's really frustrating. I almost want to reach out, but I feel like it's basically a rejection. I don't know what to think.
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I also haven't gotten a secondary! I submitted my primary in August, it's been radio silence since then. It's really frustrating. I almost want to reach out, but I feel like it's basically a rejection. I don't know what to think.
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I applied to the rural program and was just placed on the alternate list post-interview
Also wishing you luck on the list! Were you contacted/interviewed by the rural program too or have you just interacted with regular admissions?
After I received my regular admission invitation to interview, I was contacted by the Rural Program and invited to chat with the program director
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Interviewed 9/30 with LM 74 and alternate list post-interview yesterday. Hoping for the best in the spring!
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II today. Complete early September because I forgot I had to manually "send" my casper scores 🙃
So excited!
Congrats on your II! I'm curious about this manually sending of CASPER? On the portal it says they've received my casper but I never manually sent anything and like a true pre-med I'm freaking out...
Congrats on your II! I'm curious about this manually sending of CASPER? On the portal it says they've received my casper but I never manually sent anything and like a true pre-med I'm freaking out...
Me too. I never manually sent anything. Are we supposed to for Colorado?
Congrats on your II! I'm curious about this manually sending of CASPER? On the portal it says they've received my casper but I never manually sent anything and like a true pre-med I'm freaking out...
You do not manually send it, it's sent automatically as long as you have the school listed on the distribution list. The school distribution list is made when you booked the exam.
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Any recent II's? IS and this is my top school. I'm getting worried about it being so late in the cycle, but I saw some posts from the 2021-2022 forum that they get to in-state applicants later. Hopefully, that is true?
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Any recent II's? IS and this is my top school. I'm getting worried about it being so late in the cycle, but I saw some posts from the 2021-2022 forum that they get to in-state applicants later. Hopefully, that is true?
Also IS and my top school. I was complete 8/18, LM 75, Q3 CASPR. I hope what you say is true since I am starting to get pretty concerned about not having an II at this point.
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Also IS and my top school. I was complete 8/18, LM 75, Q3 CASPR. I hope what you say is true since I am starting to get pretty concerned about not having an II at this point.
Same, complete in august, LM: 77, no II yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Any recent II's? IS and this is my top school. I'm getting worried about it being so late in the cycle, but I saw some posts from the 2021-2022 forum that they get to in-state applicants later. Hopefully, that is true?
I'm IS too and I was getting a little worried but I got an II in mid-October. I think they're just moving slowly through everyone - they said at the interview day that it would take 4-6 weeks to hear results (and I know that some of the first round folks didn't even hear the day they were supposed to!) so I think it's just taking a while to get through everyone. GOOD LUCK and hope to see all of my fellow Coloradans next year :)
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OOS II last night! Submitted my secondary 08/31, for anyone curious the interview spots were available for next week.
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Any other accepted students/current students know when we might expect more details on the preview day? I filled out the RSVP form for 12/16 but wasn’t sure if I should make travel arrangements yet as I don’t know if there are limited spots or if I secured a spot.
Anyone have guesses on when people who interviewed the week of 10/12 will hear back
Time for us to start making daily memes like bloppyfish?
lol we may need to!

I'm IS also and praying for an II. Applied last year and got one of the pre-II Rs that were sent out to all remaining applicants at the end of February. LM 70, complete 7/28 this cycle. I'm a non-trad and would prefer to stay in Colorado!
I submitted my secondary late September… has anyone who submitted that late received feedback yet? It sounds like they might be a little behind, is that a fair assessment?
I submitted my secondary late September… has anyone who submitted that late received feedback yet? It sounds like they might be a little behind, is that a fair assessment?
I submitted mine right away in July and I just heard back at the end of October if that helps at all.
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Anyone interviewed October heard back yet? Oct/26 here Haven't heard anything. Wonder if they will start release more A next week or after thanksgiving...
Anyone interviewed October heard back yet? Oct/26 here Haven't heard anything. Wonder if they will start release more A next week or after thanksgiving...
I interviewed October 12th and have not heard back yet
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Got the A today!!! Interviewed October 12th. So freaking pumped and excited
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Has anyone received an MSTP interview invitation recently? If so, is their interview season similar to last year (Nov - Jan) based on the available dates? It looks like they haven't updated their website for this year. Thanks!!


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Just got the A!!!!! Definitely something to be thankful for this year
IS, interviewed 10/26 :)
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