2023-2024 A.T. Still University (Kirksville, Missouri) ATSU-KCOM

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For those that interviewed, was it difficult to find uber to and from the airport? Just not sure what sort of transportation I could arrange ahead of time.

They only have one guy who does Uber haha I had to organize other ways to get around. I used Kirk-trans, they’re pretty reliable! They run 6 am to 6 pm on the weekdays. Did you get an email from them for the different ride options?

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They only have one guy who does Uber haha I had to organize other ways to get around. I used Kirk-trans, they’re pretty reliable! They run 6 am to 6 pm on the weekdays. Did you get an email from them for the different ride options?
Oh geeze haha, even with the Kirk-trans I will stop need to arrange transport from the airport since I’m arriving on a weekend.

And no, I didn’t receive any email specifically detailing transportation options in Kirksville, it was only a paragraph telling us to arrange our own.
I got there on the weekend too! There’s only one taxi service available called good guys shuttle service. If you want their number I can message you it
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wondering if there are any current students who I could pm and ask questions about housing?? Kinda interested in learning about experiences with student housing. Thanks!
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I love that ATSU rejected me in august and just sent me an email that basically said "we bet you didn't get in. want help?" :rofl: they clearly think very lowly of me
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I just got an II here, I am wondering if it’s worth taking because it’s so late I am probably interviewing for a waitlist right? Does anyone know if the seats are all filled here?
I just got an II here, I am wondering if it’s worth taking because it’s so late I am probably interviewing for a waitlist right? Does anyone know if the seats are all filled here?
I mean, if you want to go here, it's worth interviewing. If not, I'd give it up. Even when technically more unlikely, you have more of a chance getting in if you interview than if you don't lol
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I am gonna withdraw my A, hopefully it goes to one of you hard working people!
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Withdrew my A! Hope it goes to one of you
Nice. You just got into Kansas City which is great. I want to be you! I live in KC and have been accepted to AT Still and interviewed at KC on Tuesday....
to anyone who's gotten accepted and is considering going, when do yall think is a good time to start looking at housing/roommates?
Anyone have any insight to the student apartments? Leaning towards those vs finding outside campus housing but would love to get some insight from someone who's lived/lives there!
Interviewed on 2/5, have not heard back from KCOM yet. Anyone have any idea on the turnaround time from adcom?
Nice! I am accepted here as well and am seriously thinking of attending. If so, that will be fun to be classmates!
Literally just now got the call for an A!!
you interviewed at KCU with me a few weeks ago, I believe. I still have not heard back from them... I am getting so stressed about it. Are you going to let them know you are going to AT Still, or will you see if you come off the wait list at KCU? We both might be in the same boat....
is there a accepted student group me that i can join? thx
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here’s a link to the accepted groupme:

You're invited to my new group 'ATSU KCOM 2024 Accepted' on GroupMe. Click here to join: GroupMe
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Anyone know what the dining options are like? I can’t remember if I saw a cafeteria at the school during the interview, but are there meal plans students can buy or is it more of a you’re on your own type of deal?
Interviewed on 2/5, have not heard back from KCOM yet. Anyone have any idea on the turnaround time from adcom?
I interviewed just before the new year and got my a approx 7 days after. I think it’s pretty variable.
Anyone know what the dining options are like? I can’t remember if I saw a cafeteria at the school during the interview, but are there meal plans students can buy or is it more of a you’re on your own type of deal?
I don’t believe atsu has any dining facilities. I saw nothing of the sort when I interviewed there. It’s only graduate students, so I think they run things a little differently. Might be some options at Truman university next door.
I just interviewed today (3/4), do I still have a chance at an acceptance or was it a lost cause
The "we regret to inform you that we are not able to offer you an interview for the KCOM Class of 2028" email is a rejection email right? I just want to confirm as I have a new MCAT (500 - 509) and was hoping to send an update letter with it if I have not yet been rejected.
The "we regret to inform you that we are not able to offer you an interview for the KCOM Class of 2028" email is a rejection email right? I just want to confirm as I have a new MCAT (500 - 509) and was hoping to send an update letter with it if I have not yet been rejected.

Sorry, but I would say that is a rejection email.
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Hey, guys! I was wondering if there are any current kcom students I can reach out to? Thanks!
i interviewed 2/16 and got conditional acceptance pending an open seat this morning (basically a waitlist). The email says in recent years that everyone gets pulled off this list but it looks like anyone interviewing soon will be interviewing for a waitlist spot
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Turned down my A. Incredible school, program and faculty. Anyone who gets an II or A, you’ll be very well off! Only turned down the A because I’m from the south and want to be close to family
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Interviewed 2/23 and got an A with pending seat. I heard everyone last cycle got off the list for the current year and I hope it's the same for this cycle
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Interviewed 2/23 and got an A with pending seat. I heard everyone last cycle got off the list for the current year and I hope it's the same for this cycle
I just had an interview there on 3/11, and they also said that if you do not get off of the "A pending seat" for the coming cycle then they offered a guaranteed admission for the next cycle (2024-2025) with no need to re-apply/interview
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