2023-2024 Miami (Miller)

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Yeah honestly idk if I want to come just for the mixer. Any idea how many people are coming?
I’m not sure how many people are going. If you’re undecided or definitely going to Miami, it might be worth it, but I’m committing to another institution so it’s just not worth it for me! Just wish they communicated the plans more clearly so I didn’t book flights and hotels I can’t get fully refunded for

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I just received a phone call from the program manager of the MD/MPH program saying I was accepted off the waitlist (interviewed 3/26), but have not heard from the admissions office with an offer. Has this happened to anyone else?
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I just received a phone call from the program manager of the MD/MPH program saying I was accepted off the waitlist (interviewed 3/26), but have not heard from the admissions office with an offer. Has this happened to anyone else?
Me too, I got the call on Saturday and I’m waiting for the official letter
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Does anyone know how I can contact the admissions office to Schedule a tour? They don't answer the phone number on their site it seems.
Does anyone know how I can contact the admissions office to Schedule a tour? They don't answer the phone number on their site it seems.
They sent an email post interview with a list of tour dates and that they'd email more out after the second look day

also when did u guys interview ?
They sent an email post interview with a list of tour dates and that they'd email more out after the second look day

also when did u guys interview ?

Interviewed on Friday 4/5, sent a LOI (intent) on 4/16 and got the IS A on 4/24.
Do you have that list? I didn’t get it.

Those campus tour dates were scheduled for March and April. The last one offered was held on April 12th. I heard they would offer campus tours on Second Look date, which is this Saturday, April 27th but I have not gotten any confirmation about Second Look day events.
The only event that I know for sure is happening this Saturday is the mixer at 6 pm.
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Those campus tour dates were scheduled for March and April. The last one offered was held on April 12th. I heard they would offer campus tours on Second Look date, which is this Saturday, April 27th but I have not gotten any confirmation about Second Look day events.
The only event that I know for sure is happening this Saturday is the mixer at 6 pm.

Yeah I got an email about RSVP for the 10am or noon tour on Saturday and about rsvp for the mixer.
I noticed that I don't have all the prerequisite courses (I didn't do physics 2, didn't do Orgo lab). I have a master's in Biology. Did they just overlook this? Will the rescind my acceptance? Should I mention it?

It said in the acceptance conditions:
  • Satisfactory completion of all coursework that you are taking or will take between now and the start of medical school, including all Miller SOM prerequisite coursework.
I noticed that I don't have all the prerequisite courses (I didn't do physics 2, didn't do Orgo lab). I have a master's in Biology. Did they just overlook this? Will the rescind my acceptance? Should I mention it?

It said in the acceptance conditions:
  • Satisfactory completion of all coursework that you are taking or will take between now and the start of medical school, including all Miller SOM prerequisite coursework.

No, I don't think they would rescind your A over this. Bring it to their attention, the worst thing that could happen is you having to take those pre reqs over the summer. Keep in mind some other classes you may have might substitute/compensate for the classes you are missing. I know for sure that some history classes can work as an English writing pre req in some schools.
I noticed that I don't have all the prerequisite courses (I didn't do physics 2, didn't do Orgo lab). I have a master's in Biology. Did they just overlook this? Will the rescind my acceptance? Should I mention it?

It said in the acceptance conditions:
  • Satisfactory completion of all coursework that you are taking or will take between now and the start of medical school, including all Miller SOM prerequisite coursework.
Schools accept even without pre-reqs being completed and it's up to you to either get them done or get the requirement waived. Do not assume that getting an A means that they "overlooked" the courses or are ok with you not having them.
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Are they done interviewing? I assume so but just wanted to see if anyone knew
Yeah they r done
Hell no. Not until I get my pre-II R will I believe it

Season 4 Michael GIF by The Office
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Has anyone heard from the MD/MPH program after receiving a phone call acceptance? It's been over a week and I am getting concerned I haven't received an official letter of acceptance yet
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Has anyone heard from the MD/MPH program after receiving a phone call acceptance? It's been over a week and I am getting concerned I haven't received an official letter of acceptance yet
Nope I’ve been waiting too :(
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Does anyone know if MD/MPH acceptances are only for joint program or if there is the option to only opt into the MD without the MPH?
Does anyone know if MD/MPH acceptances are only for joint program or if there is the option to only opt into the MD without the MPH?

Try asking the person in charge of joint degree porgrams:

· Ms. Arnose Byfield ([email protected]) - applicant/prospective applicants, new accepted students, joint degree programs
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For those who received a phone call from MD/MPH program saying they had been accepted, it may have been a mistake (unless you got the official A letter from admissions). I reached back out to the person who called me and she clarified that they send a list of students still interested to the admissions office for consideration, and admissions still have to make the decision. This is after she emailed me saying “I have sent your information to our admissions office to proceed with sending you an acceptance letter to the program and with instructions for you to formally commit to the program.” 🙄
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soooooooooooo for those of us who havent heard anything, is this a silent rejection or will we actually be rejected soon lol.
For those who received a phone call from MD/MPH program saying they had been accepted, it may have been a mistake (unless you got the official A letter from admissions). I reached back out to the person who called me and she clarified that they send a list of students still interested to the admissions office for consideration, and admissions still have to make the decision. This is after she emailed me saying “I have sent your information to our admissions office to proceed with sending you an acceptance letter to the program and with instructions for you to formally commit to the program.” 🙄
That is insane. What if this caused someone to reset their plan to enroll decision on CYMS tool and withdraw their app from their other As, in line with AMCAS protocols?
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Has anyone heard any WL movement ? I need to stop neurotically checking my email but the compulsion is irresistable
The only time Miami will use their phone is to tell you that you got an A. It's honestly more of an achievement to get them on the phone than to get the A

But regardless, I'm a stud
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IS A off waitlist today! Wishing you all the best of luck!
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For those accepted off the WL, do we only have 5 business days to accept the offer and withdraw from our other PTE school?
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Should we just send emails and withdraw if we haven’t heard back
I'm just gonna do that. Their interview season is obviously over, and there's absolutely no reason to drag this out until August as UMiami has been known to do. No sense in waiting three more months for a letter I've basically already read 41 times over the past year and a half...
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I still haven't heard anything post-interview, which is wild. Interviewed like 8 months ago lol.
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Are they just not gonna reject me? Haven’t gotten anything since secondary
This secondary was 10 pages long btw easily most annoying thing of all time
Legit. I spent forever on that thing. All the Florida schools had insanely long secondaries, and didn’t get a single II from any of them so waste of energy😩
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