2023-2024 Michigan

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What does your portal say?
At this time, we are unable to offer you admission to this year's entering class. You are being placed on our waitlist. We appreciate your patience. You are welcome to update your application using this portal at any time.

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Deferred in October, received an acceptance last night! Just wanted to leave this here for future deferred applicants-- there is hope :) So excited!!
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Does anyone know how receptive Michigan is to increasing/matching scholarship offers? Received an offer today but I have a full tuition offer elsewhere. I really love Michigan but that OOS tuition is insane.

Edit: Sent an email. Worse they can say is no 🤷🏾‍♀️
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Anyone know how receptive Michigan is to increasing/matching scholarship offers? Received an offer today but have a full tuition offer elsewhere. I really love Michigan but that OOS tuition is insane
Had an offer from another school, notified UMich, but I still wasn't offered anything. I believe this has to do with UMich basing it off of parental income, whereas other schools base it off of your own income if you are an independent.
Received full tuition scholarship last week! :) Super excited
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anyone else on the waitlist hear anything yet?
Apparently they changed there minds on that. Check your portal, I bet it no longer mentions the relative position after 3/15 thing.
yeah no mention of it in my portal, just in my initial waitlist email. that's such a racket im trying to plan the next four years of my life rn any insight on my position would be helpful lmao
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Got my financial aid estimate today and I am honestly crushed- it is a dream school for me but the aid they offered is pretty bad :( Does anyone have any advice for negotiating?
Aw man, really sorry to hear that :( Are you going to visit campus at all? You might be able to talk with their financial aid office in person and discuss the other financial aid offers you've been given. I know they seemed pretty stern in their emails about negotiating, but things can always change! If your offers are drastically different, it might be something that they'll reconsider. It's always worth a try!
Just received my cost of attendance estimate. It is a complete disaster. No aid at all and if I will accept it I will end up with half a million in loans for the four years. This is my dream school and I really don’t know what to do.
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Does anyone know if this is just a Michigan issue or if it has something to do with the new FAFSA calculation?
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Does anyone know if this is just a Michigan issue or if it has something to do with the new FAFSA calculation?
Also wondering this. Maybe they are underestimating aid packages to err on the safe side before FAFSA is sent out?
Also wondering this. Maybe they are underestimating aid packages to err on the safe side before FAFSA is sent out?
I figured that the people who received packages already filed FAFSA and maybe Michigan is just on top of it more than other schools. Maybe I’m wrong though.
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I figured that the people who received packages already filed FAFSA and maybe Michigan is just on top of it more than other schools. Maybe I’m wrong though.
Yes, I already filed the FAFSA but they still didn’t offer me any financial aid although my parents are teachers who don’t make much.
The question now, can doctors really pay off half a million dollars loans and how long does it take to pay it off?
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The question now, can doctors really pay off half a million dollars loans and how long does it take to pay it off?
This is so relatable. I know it may be different when I have that income, but seeing the number for loans is unimaginable.
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For those who filled out the Google form for other aid packages, are you all getting the emails about updates being released tomorrow? Have some been slowly trickling out or are all going to be released at once (hopefully) tomorrow
For those who filled out the Google form for other aid packages, are you all getting the emails about updates being released tomorrow? Have some been slowly trickling out or are all going to be released at once (hopefully) tomorrow
Yes, I have been receiving the update emails as well. Have not received anything else yet
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I withdrew from U Michigan! I hope one of u awesome people get it soon :giggle:
Withdrew my A! I was offered a 35K merit scholarship so I hope that goes back to one of you. Good luck everyone!
Has anyone gotten any waitlist updates or heard of any movement?
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Trying to not be neurotic and be patient, but assuming still no news? Waiting on WL since October without the update in March 🙃

I did see that they accepted more than last year, so maybe a bit less WL movement? Complete conjecture though
Trying to not be neurotic and be patient, but assuming still no news? Waiting on WL since October without the update in March 🙃

I did see that they accepted more than last year, so maybe a bit less WL movement? Complete conjecture though
I emailed the admissions office today. Will report back soon :)
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I called this afternoon! I was told they had not extended their PTE deadline (but who knows about other schools/how this affects them). When I asked when we could expect to hear something, she mentioned mid-June or July (presumably around the CTE deadline). When I asked about hearing anything in May, she just said she hadn’t heard anything from the director or dean about movement in May (not sure if this means up to this point in May or for the rest of May - though no movement within the month of May seems kind of crazy)
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I called this afternoon! I was told they had not extended their PTE deadline (but who knows about other schools/how this affects them). When I asked when we could expect to hear something, she mentioned mid-June or July (presumably around the CTE deadline). When I asked about hearing anything in May, she just said she hadn’t heard anything from the director or dean about movement in May (not sure if this means up to this point in May or for the rest of May - though no movement within the month of May seems kind of crazy)
CTE is 6/9?

This is from the UMMS website I wonder if its still accurate:
WAITLIST OFFERS: You will have five business days to respond to an acceptance offer from UMMS afterApril 26. This will be reduced to two business days between May 15 - June 9. UMMS will not offer seats to anyof our waitlist candidates if they have begun a pre-matriculation program, attended orientation, or enrolled inclasses at another medical school OR have selected “COMMIT TO ENROLL” at another medical school.
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Carol just sent an email out to all waitlisted candidates — looks like there is limited movement off the waitlist this year and that any movement would be between now and June 9
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Got that email too. Feels like it’s not going to be as much WL movement as prior years. I’ll still be hopelessly optimistic though!
Still no waitlist movement? I wonder if they were able to fill the entire class without moving to the waitlist
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Still no waitlist movement? I wonder if they were able to fill the entire class without moving to the waitlist
Im guessing little to none this year? The combination of: no ranked WL, the email from admissions, and no word on movement yet has me thinking that
Assuming still no news? Seems like all of my WLs have had no movement
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Is there an accepted students Facebook group/group me for roommate finding
Is there an accepted students Facebook group/group me for roommate finding
You will get added to the Slack by the admissions team a few days after your acceptance. There is a group for housing and an excel sheet to find roommates.
Also wondering about this section. How are others interpreting the instructions on what to write in each box? If I have an applicable experience, do I explain it/say what it was at all? Or do I only write the number of years I was dedicated to each broad category?
I'm not sure either! For Working with Underserved Populations, I wrote: "Medical Assistant at Clinic/ 1". I'm assuming they can refer back to my AMCAS for a description of the clinic?